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Uji statis dan dinamis prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B (Kemhan)

Puslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan melaksanakan uji statis dan dinamis prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B TA. 2018 di Bandung, Jawa Barat.

Dilansir dari laman Kemhan (19/ 12), Uji statis dan dinamis prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han ini disaksikan oleh Ses Balitbang Kemhan Laksma TNI Ir. A. Budiharja Raden, Kapuslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Abdullah Sani, Kabid Matra Darat Puslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Kolonel Inf Setya Hari, S.H., Kabagdatin Set Balitbang Kemhan Kolonel Inf Fatih El Amin, S.IP, M.Si., para pejabat di lingkungan Balitbang Kemhan, serta tim uji statis dan dinamis prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B dari PT. Prafir Jaya Abadi dan personel yang terkait.

Pelaksanaan kegiatan uji statis dan dinamis prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B diawali sambutan dari PT. Prafir Jaya Abadi Bapak Untung dan sambutan dari Ses Balitbang Kemhan Laksma TNI Ir. A. Budiharja Raden, kemudian penjelasan singkat kegiatan uji statis dan dinamis oleh ketua tim teknis dan pembacaan doa, selanjutnya pelaksanaan uji statis dan dinamis prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B.

Perlu diketahui bahwa pengembangan prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B TA. 2018 adalah program lanjutan dari litbang sebelumnya yang bertujuan untuk memahami konsep perancangan produk yang bersangkutan yaitu prinsip kerja suatu produk, cara kerjanya, konstruksinya dan konsep perancangannya.

Dalam pelaksanaan pengembangan prototipe kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B TA. 2018, Balitbang Kemhan bekerjasama dengan PT. Prafir Jaya Abadi melaksanakan uji statis dan dinamis prototipe untuk mengetahui dan mendapatkan data nilai yang ditinjau dari aspek sistem automatisasi kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B.

Tujuan pelaksanaan uji statis dan dinamis antara lain adalah menguji kinerja sistem automatisasi dari kendaraan peluncur roket R-Han 122B, mengetahui pengaruh perubahan sistem manual terhadap sistem automatisasi, menguji kekuatan slewing drive akibat beban tekanan crodle dan tube.
Hybrid GENAIRCON succeeds in Autonomous Warrior exercise
IDE INTRACOM Defense Electronics - Defence Industry Press Releases
17 December 2018
Koropi, Athens, Greece, December 17th, 2018: IDE successfully participated to the last phase (Level C) of the Army Warfighting Experiment 2018 (AWE18) - Autonomous Warrior (Land) exercise - the largest of its kind ever conducted, between 12th November and 12th December, on Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA), UK. The AWE18 has been an innovative process, with the aim of evaluating disruptive technologies in Robotics & Autonomous Systems (RAS) to achieve operational advantages in the battlefield. Leading industrial partners were invited by the British Army to put their equipment in the hands of soldiers to be tested in the toughest of simulated combat environments. The culmination of a rigorous one year-long evaluation process, the Autonomous Warrior exercise, deployed the most promising and technically mature products in a variety of operational scenarios through joint British and US forces. IDE worked closely with the British Army Armoured Trials & Development Unit (ATDU) to integrate its Hybrid GENAIRCON, an intelligent Vehicle Hybrid Power Management System, on a Warrior FV510 TES Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). During AWE18, the tactical advantages of the Hybrid GENAIRCON in field operations were clearly identified. The system operated successfully as an autonomous vehicle power supply and management system, providing over 20 hours of continuous silent watch with full operational capability in an automated manner. Moreover, GENAIRCON attracted significant interest due to its contribution in mission sustainability and survivability, featuring its capability to enhance defensive readiness under silence and to operate under the same conditions as a field "Energy Hub", exporting power to other vehicles and to various portable equipment during operations. The completion of the Autonomous Warrior exercise was followed by Media and VIP Days (10th - 12th December), providing the opportunity to army, MoD officials and NATO member delegations to view the systems evaluated in the field. During the VIP days, GENAIRCON was demonstrated as a readily available vehicle capability enhancing system that can be integrated in various platforms.

About IDE

IDE, Greece's leading Defense Electronics and Communications systems industry, is active in the defense and homeland security sectors. IDE is a subsidiary of Intracom Holdings, one of the largest multinational technology groups of Greece. IDE possesses significant know-how in design, development and manufacture of products and systems that incorporate leading own-developed technologies in tactical military communications, information security, command and control systems (C³I), surveillance, reconnaissance and security systems, hybrid electric power systems, missile electronics, and military software applications. IDE participates in international development and production programs, as well as in international cooperations for the production and export of defense equipment and is a registered NATO supplier. The company's customer and product end-user portfolio includes Czechia, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Lithuania, Luxemburg (NATO/NSPA), Spain, Sweden, UK and the USA.

For more information please visit: www.intracomdefense.com

This Press Release originates from a third party not associated with IHS Janes. Any comments, opinions and discussions by any third parties are not the views of IHS Janes and as such IHS Janes cannot accept responsibility or liability for the content of this Press Release. IHS Janes grants no rights to reproduce or use this content in any manner whatsoever. For more information on how your company can become part of this service please e-mail PressReleasesServices@ihsmarkit.com.
Looks like kostrad not a marine
Actually those are the Marines.

Teluk Palabuhanratu 17 Kali Dihujani Meriam Marinir Kaliber 35mm

Editor Ari Wahyuni 19 Desember 2018

Kabupaten Sukabumi
– Batalyon Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) Satu Korp Marinir gelar uji fungsi meriam Twin Gun kaliber 35 mm di teluk Palabuhanratu, tepatnya di pantai Rawakalong Cipatuguran, Kecamatan Palabuhanratu, Kabupaten Sukabumi dengan sasaran tembak ke tengah perairan.

Untuk mengoptimalkan pengamanan di sekitar zona uji fungsi aparat gabungan dari TNI AL dan Polres Sukabumi dikerahkan untuk pengamanan sebelum dan selama pelaksanaan digelar.

“Hari ini Korp Marinir TNI AL diminta untuk menjadi pelaksana dalam kegiatan uji fungsi menembak amunisi kaliber 35 mm Arhanud dari produk Norinco,” ujar Komandan Resimen Artileri Satu Marinir Jakarta, Kolonel (Mar) Wahyudi Saputra.

Dikatakannya, selama pelaksanaan uji fungsi salah satu alat utama sistem persenjataan (Alutsista) ini 20 amunisi yang di ujikan, diantara 17 butir amunisi yang ditembakan ke sasaran yang telah ditentukan dan tiga amunisi yang diuji di laboratorium senjata milik TNI AL. “Ditembakan 17 dan tiga butir diuji di laboratorium senjata yang dimiliki angkatan laut,” jelasnya.

Lebih jauh dia mericinci, dalam pelaksanaan uji coba penembakan ini menguji dengan dua sesi, yang pertama secara fisik yang diukur oleh dimensi tiap amunisi yang akan dicoba, kemudian uji mekanis dengan melaksanakan penembakan dengan menembak pada jarak minimal 100 meter, menguji kecepatan awal, menguji preasure, dan juga menguji daya ledak diudara.

“Dalam uji fungsi tersebut menggunakan material utama yaitu, Meriam berkaliber 35 mm Twin Gun Norinco, Power Supply Unit (PSU), Radar AF 952 Fire Control System dan 2 dua pucuk Meriam AA 35 Twin Gun Norinco,” bebernya.

Kegiatan tersebut juga didukung Pos TNI AL Palabuhanratu dan Satpolair Polres Sukabumi untuk melakukan pengamanan di sekitar lokasi merian hingga titik target uji fungsi.

“Pengamanan dilakukan secara Speed Patroli keamanan Laut (Patkamla) melibatkan personil dari Pos Pengamatan TNI AL Palabuhanratu dan Speed Patroli Satpolair Polres Sukabumi. Alhamdulillah kegiatan berjalan lancar dan aman,” tandasnya. (M Rizal Jalaludin)


Hybrid GENAIRCON succeeds in Autonomous Warrior exercise
IDE INTRACOM Defense Electronics - Defence Industry Press Releases
17 December 2018
Koropi, Athens, Greece, December 17th, 2018: IDE successfully participated to the last phase (Level C) of the Army Warfighting Experiment 2018 (AWE18) - Autonomous Warrior (Land) exercise - the largest of its kind ever conducted, between 12th November and 12th December, on Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA), UK. The AWE18 has been an innovative process, with the aim of evaluating disruptive technologies in Robotics & Autonomous Systems (RAS) to achieve operational advantages in the battlefield. Leading industrial partners were invited by the British Army to put their equipment in the hands of soldiers to be tested in the toughest of simulated combat environments. The culmination of a rigorous one year-long evaluation process, the Autonomous Warrior exercise, deployed the most promising and technically mature products in a variety of operational scenarios through joint British and US forces. IDE worked closely with the British Army Armoured Trials & Development Unit (ATDU) to integrate its Hybrid GENAIRCON, an intelligent Vehicle Hybrid Power Management System, on a Warrior FV510 TES Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). During AWE18, the tactical advantages of the Hybrid GENAIRCON in field operations were clearly identified. The system operated successfully as an autonomous vehicle power supply and management system, providing over 20 hours of continuous silent watch with full operational capability in an automated manner. Moreover, GENAIRCON attracted significant interest due to its contribution in mission sustainability and survivability, featuring its capability to enhance defensive readiness under silence and to operate under the same conditions as a field "Energy Hub", exporting power to other vehicles and to various portable equipment during operations. The completion of the Autonomous Warrior exercise was followed by Media and VIP Days (10th - 12th December), providing the opportunity to army, MoD officials and NATO member delegations to view the systems evaluated in the field. During the VIP days, GENAIRCON was demonstrated as a readily available vehicle capability enhancing system that can be integrated in various platforms.

About IDE

IDE, Greece's leading Defense Electronics and Communications systems industry, is active in the defense and homeland security sectors. IDE is a subsidiary of Intracom Holdings, one of the largest multinational technology groups of Greece. IDE possesses significant know-how in design, development and manufacture of products and systems that incorporate leading own-developed technologies in tactical military communications, information security, command and control systems (C³I), surveillance, reconnaissance and security systems, hybrid electric power systems, missile electronics, and military software applications. IDE participates in international development and production programs, as well as in international cooperations for the production and export of defense equipment and is a registered NATO supplier. The company's customer and product end-user portfolio includes Czechia, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Lithuania, Luxemburg (NATO/NSPA), Spain, Sweden, UK and the USA.

For more information please visit: www.intracomdefense.com

This Press Release originates from a third party not associated with IHS Janes. Any comments, opinions and discussions by any third parties are not the views of IHS Janes and as such IHS Janes cannot accept responsibility or liability for the content of this Press Release. IHS Janes grants no rights to reproduce or use this content in any manner whatsoever. For more information on how your company can become part of this service please e-mail PressReleasesServices@ihsmarkit.com.

M109A4-BE SPHs are being delivered to Pindad. Looks like Pindad is doing the GENAIRCON installation.

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Dont know where to put this

NEC completes construction of earthquake detection system in Indonesia
Jumat, 21 Desember 2018 13:27 WIB - 1 Views

Reporter: PR Wire

AsiaNet 76872

JAKARTA & TOKYO, Dec.21, 2018 (Antara/Bernama-AsiaNet) --

-- Contributing to enhanced disaster protection countermeasures --

NEC Corporation today announced that it completed a wide-area disaster prevention system in Indonesia that quickly and effectively detects earthquakes. The system will be operated by the Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia, and was constructed under a grant for disaster prevention and reconstruction sponsored by the Japanese government.

This wide-area disaster prevention system, which has been under construction since March 2017, is already gathering seismic intensity and waveform information obtained from seismometers and accelerometers newly installed at 93 sites across Indonesia. Data is provided in real-time to a server at the headquarters of the BMKG in Jakarta via a satellite-based communication system (VSAT). These operations enable the BMKG to monitor seismic activity constantly and improve the accuracy of epicenter analysis and magnitude estimation.

Going forward, this system is expected to contribute to the advanced understanding of and preparation for earthquakes.

About NEC Corporation

NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world. The NEC Group globally provides "Solutions for Society" that promote the safety, security efficiency and fairness of society. Under the company's corporate message of "Orchestrating a brighter world," NEC aims to help solve a wide range of challenging issues and to create new social value for the changing world of tomorrow. For more information, visit NEC at http://www.nec.com.

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