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PT DI is currently busy to produce 9 NC 212i planes for Indonesian Armed Force. Order from Philippine for 6 planes are awaiting their parliament approval and with this current situation I predict the order can only be approved next year or even in 2022.

NC 212 i photo posted recently by PT DI twitter account, look like this aircraft is undergoing test flight before being delivered to Armed Force.
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Indonesia aerospace current program and future program for civilian market.

I can say there is good possibility for Indonesian Aerospace to become world class aerospace company at 2030 if all of this projects can reach market. N 245 project is currently awaiting government funding for making the prototype and I predict will get the funding in 2023. And for R80/N270 that looks like will be a joint project between PT RAI and PTDI is only possible to get funding in the next administration.

PT Dirgantara ongoing military program

KFX/IFX Program (2011-on going)-Together with KAI Korea

MALE UAV Drone Black Eagle (2016-on going) Together with other consortium members
It is a quite new experience for PT Dirgantara Indonesia to design a jet fighter and MALE drone but I believe this expertise is quite useful for the company future. I see more ambitious Indonesia if this country is able to reach 3 trillion dollar GDP in 2034 as projected by many western and international institutions.

I expect demand from Indonesia air force alone for IFX block 1 is 50 (production: 2027-2032) but for block 2 (production: 2032-2038) I believe we need around 100 and block 3 (production: 2038-2045) is about the same amount so in total Indonesia will have 250 IFX in 2045, just similar amount of F 16 Block 52 that is currently owned by Turkey.

The projection is analyzed by only see the GDP growth and the number can be even bigger if potential threat is growing in the future that may be due to more aggressive China action in SCS and North Natuna Sea. China can become more aggressive after 2034 due to its much bigger economy and ambitious plan in SCS.

Potential customer
The potential buyer of IFX in South East Asia after 2030 is Philippine and Thailand. Even Malaysia I see as another potential buyer as well. With the fast growing economy of those ASEAN members so far and the projection of their economy after the year 2030 I can see potential acquisition of 200 KFX/IFX for this three countries alone. The appeal is bigger if the program can continue into second block phase with full STEALTH capability that will compete directly with F35/J20/J31.

In South Asia I see Bangladesh as potential customer in 2030. As we know Bangladesh economy is expected to reach 700 billion dollar in 2030 and 1 trillion dollar in 2034. With current defense budget of 5 billion dollar and current GDP of 300 billion dollar, we could see Bangladesh defense budget doubling 10 years from now. And the timing is also quite perfect since Bangladesh will start replacing all of their F7 fighters in 2030 and plan to buy 48 new fighters to replace them completely in 2034.

Other potential buyer is Saudi Arabia and if they cannot get F35 they may have interest on KFX/IFX and if we can convince them to buy the planes so it means a very big business. KFX/IFX block 2 will get more appeal with this nation as they try to seek full STEALTH fighter jet instead of 4.5 generation fighter.

And if Turkey TFX program get further delayed, at least we can see them as potential buyer of KFX/IFX as replacement for their 48 F 4 Phantom that need to be replaced in 2030-2034. As we know, USA doesnt want to give its F35 to them and Russia is also Turkish potential threat so they will not buy fighters from Russia either.

This projection is with the assumption that KFX/IFX program is successful and can reach mass production phase in 2026 and also Indonesia is still inside the program.

As we see drone is starting to dominate the battle field in Syria and Libya and replace the role of conventional fighter as ground attack aircraft, so I can see Indonesian Airforce is also going to adapt their tactic and use drone for ground attack role.

Substantial amount of ground attack drone I believe will be bought by our Air Force and we also have potential customer for our Black Eagle MALE UCAV from Philippine.

After Black Eagle drone development phase is completed in 2024-2025 inshaAllah, I hope government also start to finance another drone program that is bigger, so more payload can be carry, and has STEALTH capabilities in the future. As we know that combat drone is going to be the wing man of 5 generation jet fighter where KFX/IFX is also design to have such capabilities, this type of drone with jet engine can be our another drone program.
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Selesai Melebihi 2024, 2 Proyek Pesawat Terbang Berpotensi Keluar dari PSN

24 April 2020

Program pengembangan pesawat transpor Lapan (image : Lapan)

10 Proyek Berpotensi Keluar dari PSN, Termasuk Pesawat Habibie

Jakarta - Menteri Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan dan Menko Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto baru saja melakukan rapat membahas soal proyek strategis nasional (PSN). Dalam rapat tersebut pemerintah sepakat untuk menyeleksi beberapa proyek untuk keluar dari PSN.

Airlangga memaparkan setidaknya akan ada 10 program dalam daftar PSN yang berpotensi akan dikeluarkan. Kebanyakan proyek ini penyelesaiannya melebihi tahun 2024.

"Berdasarkan evaluasi pelaksanaan PSN, terdapat 9 PSN dan 1 Program yang penyelesaiannya melebihi 2024 sehingga dikeluarkan dari daftar PSN," papar Airlangga seperti dikutip dari keterangan tertulis yang diterbitkan pihak Luhut, Kamis (16/4/2020).

Juru Bicara Menko Kemaritiman dan Investasi menjelaskan proyek-proyek yang dikeluarkan dari PSN, mulai dari pengembangan tol Palembang-Tanjung Api-api hingga pengembangan industri pesawat.

"Jadi semua proyek ini nantinya berpotensi akan dikeluarkan dari PSN, tapi belum diputuskan. Masalahnya, proyek-proyek ini kemungkinan akan selesai melebihi tahun 2024," jelas Jodi kepada detikcom.

Beberapa proyek tersebut adalah, pembangunan Jalan Tol Palembang-Tanjung Api-api, Tol Batu Ampar-Muka Kuning-Hang Nadim, Pelabuhan Sorong-Seget, juga Penyediaan Air Minum di wilayah (Mamminasata Makassar, Maros, Sungguminasa, dan Takalar).

Kemudian ada juga Bendungan Kolhua NTT, Bendungan Rokan Kiri Riau, Bendungan Jenelata Sulsel, Bendungan Matenggeng di Jateng dan dua program pengembangan industri pesawat yaitu N245 dan R80.

Jodi menjelaskan bahwa peninjauan ulang untuk proyek PSN bukan didasarkan kepada pembiayaan APBN. Tetapi kepada evaluasi atas kemungkinan proyek-proyek tersebut bisa diselesaikan sebelum 2024 atau tidak.

"Selain itu, ada juga PSN yang disponsori oleh sektor swasta yang diusulkan untuk dikeluarkan karena kesulitan pendanaan yang dialami oleh pihak sponsor. Jadi tidak ada revisi pembiayaan PSN," jelas Jodi. (Detik)

RI Rancang Pesawat Baling-baling Komersial Terbesar di Dunia
28 November 2014

Bogor - Pengembangan pesawat terbang di Indonesia kembali bergairah pasca tertidur lama. Industri pesawat terbang nasional sempat mati suri pasca dihentikannya program pesawat baling-baling N250 dan pesawat mesin jet N2130 saat krisis ekonomi 1998.

Kemudian pada tahun 2000-an muncul ide mengembangkan pesawat perintis bermesin turboprop N219. Pengembangan pesawat ternyata tidak berhenti di N219.

Kali ini, Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) mengusulkan pengembangan pesawat komersial atau penumpang baling-baling (propeller) terbesar di dunia. Pesawat yang bernama N2140 ini, nantinya mampu membawa 144 penumpang.

"Kita dapat ide dari pesawat A400 M yang memiliki baling-baling besar. Ini nggak masuk ke pasar jet. Kita kembangkan pesawat yang cocok dengan kondisi Indonesia," kata Kepala Program Pesawat Terbang LAPAN Agus Aribowo kepada detikFinance di Pusat Teknologi Penerbangan LAPAN, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (28/11/2014).

A400 M merupakan pesawat angkut militer atau cargo berbadan lebar yang diciptakan oleh Airbus Military. Pengembangan N2140 nantinya akan memakai mesin EuroProp. Ini merupakan mesin terbaru, setelah turboprop, untuk kelas propeller.

Meski bukan mesin jet, EuroProp memiliki kemampuan layaknya mesin pesawat jet. Daya jangkau pesawat ini menyerupai daya jelajah pesawat sekelas Boeing 737 hingga Airbus A320.

"EuroProp bisa masuk transonic. Kalau Boeing (Boeing 737) kecepatan 0,78 mach (kecepatan suara), kalau EuroProp 0,7 mach. Ini nggak beda jauh," jelasnya.

Keunggulan pesawat N2140 daripada pesawat bermesin jet sekelas Airbus 320 dan Boeing 737 ialah konsumsi bahan bakar. Pesawat baling-baling ini hemat dalam pemakaian BBM sekitar 20-25% daripada pesawat jet.

Keunggulan sangat bermanfaat bagi maskapai komersial karena selama ini menerima hantaman tingginya biaya avtur. Harga avtur sendiri menyumbang komposisi sekitar 60% dari biaya di industri penerbangan.

Baling-baling pesawat A400M (photo : scalemodelnews)

Selain hemat BBM, pesawat N2140 bisa mendarat atau terbang di landasan lebih pendek daripada pesawat jet dengan ukuran serupa. Selain itu, LAPAN merancang kondisi suara atau tingkat kebisingan di dalam kabin pesawat yang sangat rendah meskipun pesawat tidak memakai mesin jet.

"Ini pakai noise active control. Jadi suara engine dikombinasikan dengan suara di dalam cabin agar bisa menghilangkan resonansi sehingga tingkat kebisingan menjadi lemah,” papar Agus.

Pengembangan N2140 merupakan bagian dari loncatan program N219. Konsep awal setelah N219, LAPAN dan PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) akan mengembangkan pesawat N245 dan N270.

Khusus program N270, pengembangannya diubah karena ada program pengembangan pesawat R80 atau pesawat berpenumpang 80 orang yang memiliki pasar sejenis. Ahasil LAPAN mencari jalan keluar sehingga lahirnya konsep pesawat propeller angkutan penumpang berbadan lebar terbesar pertama di dunia.

Pesaing pesawat tipe propeller, ATR, sama sekali belum memiliki rencana untuk mengembangkan pesawat baling-baling penerbangan sipil di atas 100 penumpang.

"Kita nggak masuk di kelas jet. Kita main propeller yang terbaru dan belum ada yang masuk. Kalau ATR nggak main ke sana,' ujarnya.

Program N2140 nantinya akan diusulkan kepada pemerintah untuk memperoleh dukungan pendanaan. Pesawat N2140 akan masuk program 15 tahun atau jangka panjang dari LAPAN. Setidaknya untuk membiayai program pengembangan hingga proses sertifikasi N2140, diperlukan dukungan pendanaan di atas Rp 1 triliun.

"Kita planning 15 tahun sehingga bisa diproduksi rencananya tahun 2030 atau pemerintah ingin 10 tahun. Ini juga bisa karena sudah dibuktikan oleh PT DI yang sanggup 10 tahun waktu pengembangan N250," kata Agus. (Detik)
If government doesnt fund N 245 until Jokowi administration period is over it means R80/N270 will be delayed further and most probably will get government funding after 2030. While N 245 will likely to get funding for prototyping, test flight, and certification after we have a new leader in November 2024 inshaAllah.

The delay for N245 and R80 is probably quite good in term of business perspective to wait further growing in our airline industry and wait until Garuda and Lion Air aircraft leasing for ATR42 and ATR 72 planes get expired. Despite so competitor from China should be under calculation as well.

For the mean time PTDI can focus more on N 219, Black Eagle UAV, and KFX/IFX development. Government can also use the money intended for N 245 development to build a new factory for N 219 so that PTDI doesnt need to get the funding from private enterprise, bank, or foreign companies.

If N 219 program turn out to be quite successful, I believe it will not be too difficult for PTDI to get funding for N245 program development inshaAllah.

As for N 2140, I believe it is just a long planning and will not be started until R80/N270 enter the market. For the mean time we need to consider it as just the idea that can be possibly changed in the future, but having a long term planning is not a bad thing either, it just show that PTDI still want to focus on turboprop plane for the next 20 years for civilian market.

Something that need further attention is our CN 235 division. It seems there will be no order taken this year and it means the production line could be stopped. I hope government order some CN 235 MPA or CN 235 ASW to get production line going and any way we still need many MPA planes to patrol our vast water and also ASW platform to protect us from submarine in case any maritime conflict happen.
CN 295

PT Dirgantara Indonesia also produces parts of C 295 for Airbus Defense. And for any C 295 ordered by Indonesian government, PTDI will also do the assembling and integration work. The name will be changed into CN 295 if the assembling and integration is conducted in PTDI facility. So far PTDI has produced 11 CN 295 for Airforce and Police.

The latest delivery for Air Force is CN 295 Special Mission that was delivered in 27 June 2019.


Inside the plane



The plane is equipped with MMS (Mission Management System), Search Radar, Automatic Identification Sytem (AIS), SATCOM, and IFF
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PTDI produces a ventilator and the ventilator itself has gotten the certification from Indonesia Health Ministry. The design is made by Bandung Institute of Technology and Padjajaran University.

West Java Governor inspected the ventilator prototype.

N 219 Amphibious Development Program. The development and certification is planned to complete in 2025. Flight test will be first conducted in 2023. Beside PTDI, two government research agencies which are LAPAN and BPPT are involved in the development.

MALE UAV Development. Various local companies and government institutions are involved in the project. The development time line.

N 219 Amphibious Development Program. The development and certification is planned to complete in 2025. Flight test will be first conducted in 2023. Beside PTDI, two government research agencies which are LAPAN and BPPT are involved in the development.

Happy about the way PT DI is finding their niche in the aviation sector, especially this type of small, rugged, propeller plane.

I can really see this plane being a big hit with businesses and government institutions not only in Indonesia, but also oceania.
Happy about the way PT DI is finding their niche in the aviation sector, especially this type of small, rugged, propeller plane.

I can really see this plane being a big hit with businesses and government institutions not only in Indonesia, but also oceania.

Yup, the thing that PTDI needs now is to have a popular plane that can double or even triple its current production line capacity. It doesnt need to be a huge, complicated and FBW plane, as long as the plane can make the production line always busy and make some money from it, then it should be enough.

PTDI cannot rely any more from military market with so few sales every year if it want to grow big. It is some how our second attempt to grab civilian plane market and I hope this N219 program can be really successful and profitable for the company.

More ambitious plan then can be pursuit if the company have already had a solid business. However, we need to see for the next 4 years whether this program can be a gold mining for the company or not.

MALE drone and KFX/IFX program IMO also have good possibility to be a success program. PTDI in my opinion has already been in the right hand now, its new CEO is the one who can transform PELNI into a profitable company.
Balitbanghub dan Unhan kembangkan prototipe Airdrone System Detector

CategoryBeritaPosted onApril 28, 2020AuthorRoni SontaniLeave a comment

AIRSPACE REVIEW (airspace-review.com) – Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan (Balitbanghub) Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia dan Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) melakukan penandatanganan perjanjian kerja sama penelitian dan pengembangan purwarupa Airdrone System Detector (ASD).

Penandatanganan dilaksanakan di Universitas Pertahanan, Sentul, Bogor pada Rabu, 29 April 2020.

Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Transportasi Udara Cpat. Novyanto Widadi, S.AP, MM mengatakan, ASD merupakan prototipe teknologi yang akan digunakan untuk memperoleh data karakteristik sebuah drone berupa koordinat, kecepatan, dan arah.

Diadakannya joint research ini, ujarnya, untuk mengembangkan drone dari aspek riset, pabrikasi, dan aplikasi mengingat penggunaan drone di Indonesia semakin marak dan tentunya menjadi prioritas bagi keselamatan transportasi Udara.

Diharapkan, melalui kerja sama dengan Unhan ini dapat meningkatkan dan memanfaatkan potensi kedua pihak secara optimal. Sehingga, nantinya dapat menjadi Technology Demonstrator untuk uji konsep kebijakan drone di Indonesia.

Selain dengan Unhan, Balitbanghub pada tahun ini juga melakukan kerja sama sama penelitian dan pengembangan dengan tiga perguruan tinggi lainnya.

Kerja sama tersebut adalah Balitbanghub dan ITS untuk Standing Water Detector (SWD) dan Wind Shear Detector (WSD), Balitbanghub dan ITB untuk Smart Airport, serta Balitbanghub dan UI untuk Foreign Object Debris (FOD).

Kerja sama dengan Chiba University di Jepang juga dilaksanakan untuk pengembangan Anti-Bird Strike (ABS). Namun karena adanya wabah virus corona maka saat ini masih dalam tahap pembicaraan jarak jauh.


“Kerja sama ini sebagai perwujudan kolaborasi triple helix, dalam hal ini antara pemerintah dan perguruan tinggi. Diharapkan, hasilnya akan lebih aplikatif dan bermanfaat secara luas,” ujar Capt. Novyanto seperti Airspace Review kutip dari siaran berita Balitbanghub.

Pengembangan purwarupa ASD meliputi Ground Control Station, Airborne System (Fixed and Rotary Wing), Hardware Transmitter System, serta integrasi sistem.

Roni Sontani

CN 235 MPA can fly up until 10-11 hours and now has become the favorite for Indonesia Armed Force to guard North Natuna Sea from foreign fishing vessel. US Coast Guard also operate quite many CN 235 MPA.

The condition has been revealed by one of Indonesia defense journalist.

Latest LAPAN instagram account. RX 450 rocket. Look like there could be another test made in this year despite corona virus outbreak.



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