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Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

Tell me how many countries are going to buy Pak fa ?? I dont see china buying them... give it some time.. its not dead, Russians are just bargaining like marwari businessmen.

Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc are potential customers of PAK FA. Russia must have had positive responses from other countries before taking strong stand.
I didn't understand what are you trying to say?
Did you smell any trolling in my post?
I just asked a simple question but you indian are so retard cannot understand what is written in the post.
It look like putin did gave you zoordaar jhatka on your back so you still feeling the pain.

Check the brother @PARIKRAMA post Do you got any Jahtka. Friendly advice, if hurt better cry.

Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc are potential customers of PAK FA. Russia must have had positive responses from other countries before taking strong stand.

IRAN -- Are you Kidding

Malasia -- Don't have money

Indonesia -- Last I heart it was planning to lease some Flanker rather buy, and they have some plans with S. Korea for KFX
IRAN -- Are you Kidding
Malaysia -- Don't have money
Indonesia -- Last I heart it was planning to lease some Flanker rather buy, and they have some plans with S. Korea for KFX

Iran has billions of dollars stuck in banks. Russia just started building two more nuclear plants in Iran. They need to rebuild their airforce and Su-35 and PAK FA are top candidates. Indonesia and Malaysia can afford 10 fighters each. KFX is more like 4++ rather than 5th generation. Besides India is either playing hard or wants to cancel struggling FGFA/PAK FA collaboration to instead buy Rafale instead.
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How about Pakistan?...

Oh Yeah Sure !! The name also suits well with Pakistan -- PAK FA with TOT,
License produced in Kamra with state of the art weapons like AIM-120D, AIM-9x, and substantial Pakistani Inputs
Iran has billions of dollars stuck in banks. Russia just started building two more nuclear plants in Iran. They need to rebuild their airforce and Su-35 and PAK FA are top candidates. Indonesia and Malaysia can afford 10 fighters each. KFX is more like 4++ rather than 5th generation. Besides India is trying to either playing hard or wants to cancel struggling FGFA/PAK FA collaboration to instead buy Rafale instead.

For Iran I doubt Russia would release that, niether Israel, or US or Saudi, and Turkey would want, so politically hell lot of pressure.

Malasia could not effort, PAK FA would be more than 200 million Plus for such a small order.

Indonesia is already committed with S. Korea, and who told you that KFX would be 4++ with LM inputs.

China already have 2 5th gen program running

So in the end what is left is India and Brazil
For Iran I doubt Russia would release that, niether Israel, or US or Saudi, and Turkey would want, so politically hell lot of pressure.

It's win-win for Russia . Since offer to sell PAK FA to Iran will result into heavy concessions from US, Turkey, Saudis and Zionazis.
It's win-win for Russia . Since offer to sell PAK FA to Iran will result into heavy concessions from US, Turkey, Saudis and Zionazis.

Cannot say for Iran at the moment, but after some time when the international restriction faded away for the iran you can see Su-35 or MIG 35 in iran may be or may be french who knows


But for PAK FA I doubted, even N. Korea didn't have such wish list at the moment

The Potential buyer could be India, Brazil, and Austalia (problem with them is NAATO/US alliance and F-35)
No other country in the world who is not alligned to NATO or US effort PAK FA, even India is buying FGFA, not PAK FA.

China May be interested in PAK DA if its J-20 turn out to be air superiority, rather than bomber
@Echo_419 @Aminroop @anant_s @FrenchPilot @Abingdonboy @Water Car Engineer @MilSpec @knight11 @SR-91

An update from my source

PM Modi and Prez Putin has agreed to follow the brahmos JV route for FGFA. The indian partner choices were 3 groups - Tata, Reliance Aerospace (Mukesh Ambani) and Reliance Defense (Anil Ambani). The Russians have showed willingness to move the Sukhoi JV with Tata. The modalities are under process and announcement will be made in an appropriate time.. The JV will also produce the spares and items which are sourced from Russia for Su30 MKI. India has assured a order of minimum 200+ FGFA via that JV. This way the patented technology transfer would be negotiable and like before in Brahmos, the indian company TATA would invest the assembly plant in India and know how would be dealt by Sukhoi....It will be under Make in India and a Russian contingent will come to India to sign the JV and unveil it to the public.

@dadeechi Bro looks like the announcement of india purchasing cant be made as its now a JV route and for that it has to be signed between partners..

Thanks for the info my friend.

That's very encouraging. More so that FGFA would be a JV with TATAs. TATAs are already working with Sukhoi on SU-30MKI spares so it would be easier to build upon that relationship.

Hopefully in another decade we would have Reliance (with Dassault) and TATA (with Sukhoi) evolve as LM & Boeings of the world in Indian context.
iwhere is SvenSvensonov?

Current at a hospital:angel:. As for where he is regarding this forum or AMF (if you know it)... he doesn't internet anymore. Too little gain, too much stress dealing with people who are too dense. He's not very social anyway, so being here just to talk with others isn't that appealing to him either.

you forgot @Armstrong i thought he was you buddy

I didn't forget him:p:. I called him and C-D "semi-trolls/" Always good for fun, but rarely, if ever, on topic. Smart, but fleety.
Thanks for the info my friend.

That's very encouraging. More so that FGFA would be a JV with TATAs. TATAs are already working with Sukhoi on SU-30MKI spares so it would be easier to build upon that relationship.

Hopefully in another decade we would have Reliance (with Dassault) and TATA (with Sukhoi) evolve as LM & Boeings of the world in Indian context.

I think various Pvt company will gets some share to build parts, and HAL would be the prime integrator for FGFA.
Before making conclusions one must also check the amount of money India is spending on Indo - Russian deals.

4 Billion for Talwar class frigates.
1 Billion odd for Ka 226
20 Nuclear reactors.
5 to 6 Billion on s 400 Triumpf
other air defense systems etc..etc..,

India always balances its relations.

India's political establishment, higher bureaucracy, military high command and the capitalists have sold their soul to US-Zionist powers. Even the single nuclear deal with US-Australia binds India's hands and feet.
India's political establishment, higher bureaucracy, military high command and the capitalists have sold their soul to US-Zionist powers. Even the single nuclear deal with US-Australia binds India's hands and feet.

India is doing hundreds of Billions of Dollars of Business with China and Russia .... Wrong conclusion !
Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc are potential customers of PAK FA. Russia must have had positive responses from other countries before taking strong stand.

Nopes. Malaysia and Indonesia wont pump that amount into Pak-Fa project....Iran cant say, but I don't think Russia will dump Indian market for Pak-Fa for Iran.
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