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Indo-Russian 5th Generation PAK-FA/FGFA is dead

Bookmarked this thread, I will be waiting here in PDF pls tag me when you will be able to mass produce J-20.

Now I gave you the Timeline its >2030 Remember

5th Generation does not means just a triangular shape airframe, with RAM and internal weapon Bay, but it consisted of Smart weapons, High speed communication, Sensors, and a strong powerful battlefield management and system. First develop decent Engine , Decent AESA FCR MMR, Decent Sensors, Decent metallurgy.

We've already built almost 10 J-20 prototypes which are operational and flying in the air. And have been for several years.

Compared to ACMA which is just a drawing on a piece of paper. :lol:
The current state of the J-20 is very similar to the F-22 back in 2005, pretty close to the deployment.

BTW, I won't believe that India would withdraw from the PAK FA project at the expense of damaging its tie with Russia.
PAKFA will fly in Indian colours, give or take on the schedule. There is no doubt in my mind.
If any body here followed the saga of INS Vikramaditya deal, won't have any doubt about this project like I do. It's how these deals go through, too many aspects to cover.
You will never make a meaningful or useful contribution to this forum. All good members start out bright eyed and full of enthusiasm and one-by-one become either semi-trolls like @Armstrong - who also left the forum:cray: - and @Chinese-Dragon (I still love both of you:azn:) or leave the forum like @SvenSvensonov and @Joe Shearer - other quality members like @Oscar or @Nihonjin1051 tone down their contributions. @AUSTERLITZ has too, though he still contributes from time to time. I haven't noticed anything new from Jhungary either.

Oh, and these people can be found here:

Notable Members

They were some of, if not the, best members here.

You simply can't argue with people here, the ignorance is too think. No contribution you make will matter when someone doesn't want to believe or see it. And there's a lot of those people on this forum.

Sorry for being so cynical, but I've lived through this too:



Now I don't even bother contributing my knowledge or depth on defense matters, which I'm rather good with being both ex-military and a current defense employee, I simply got burned out by the stupidity that fosters here.

So I play around with @Nihonjin1051 instead.

Sorry for being a downer:partay:. Escape while you can:


Soon, like this panda cub, you'll never be free.
I am missing them all :cry:
We've already built almost 10 J-20 prototypes which are operational and flying in the air. And have been for several years.

Compared to ACMA which is just a drawing on a piece of paper. :lol:
India didn't took advantage of the CAR nations to buy the off the shelf IPRs, blueprints, smuggled cruise missile, pumbed billions of money on that, so its obvious we are lagging behind China in that field. BTW Indian requirements and approach are different than chinese and we are not facing Sanction like China and could buy our weapons from both WEST and Russia and also from Israel, Brazil, almost from anywhere except China but for you the options are Russia, and for some form electronics from Israel. And where does AMCA comes in between, I never stated AMCA in our discussion, if you are still interested, than its in Design Phase and only the Idea of ADA, and govt. haven't issued 2 Billion they are asking for the development. See the difference, India have invested 1.2 Billion for the Kaveri Engine Development, and China have invested 100 Billion. For China setting up a plant is just like issuing an order, and for India acquisition of land can take decades.
Question of essence!

Will the (rapacious) Russia refund India's 300 million USD seed money to it?
Now the best option for India is to settle the disputes with China and Pakistan ASAP by ceding Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir. Hopefully this would prevent a war and disintegration of India.

Seriously ??? after all the wars we fought.. after all blood we spelt.. we hand over kashmir to Pak just like that.. and AP to china to prevent disintegration of India??? are you mad?? or smoking something??
why do i smell a false flagger here Or a Communist c*nt?
If you care to read my post carefully you would realize the fallacy of your argument. I am not stopping you to argue or comment against the incumbent government ,infact I encourage you to do that by posting a separate relevant thread for that. My disagreement is with your claim which you made in your previous post that Russia has declined to offer S-400 which is factually incorrect and nothing to do with the incumbent Govt. At the same time most of your post has no relevance to the topic of this thread and merely commenting against the incumbent govt. only proves your political bias. Your another hysterical comment that it better to cede Kashmir and Arunachal is another example of your senseless innuendos. By comments like these you appear more like an charlatan, impostor who original intention is different from what he is trying to portray.
Either you are a dumb charlatan as you are not able to hide your political bias or you are genuinely low on intelligence who is unable to relate to the subject and post accordingly.
Easy brother @dadeechi is a good poster but little bit hurt I guess so, when he found that the deal was not signed, which was hyped very much by the media.

Did the defence deal of the decade happened or not?
Jor ka Jhatka Dheere Se Lagega Par tumhe Mehsus Jaroor Ho Jayega -- Inshah Allah -- Ameen
buddy I am not here to degrade china or chinese accomplishments rather I like china to advance more,
the chinese engines also had inputs from americans in the beginning few decades back then chinese tried to get ex soviets expertise in this field later russians are milking chinese to max but only early generation AL 31 engines inputs are given to chinese the result is WS series which is basically a mock up of western core with russian metallurgy this makes your WS series with teething problems, low reliability and may be 50% lesser life than even AL 31 series, these engines cant power a true 5th generation fighter the amount of thrust and energy needed for a sensor fused stealth plan is huge, only to reach a basic operational mission chinese wont be able to place a reliable engine in their J-20 in 15 years atleast.
Actually the WS-10 is much better now(14 ton thrust) and even implemented with FADEC, and the WS-15 will take its first flight in early 2016, maybe we can see it very soon. I think it is a reasonable guess that WS-15 will be integrated onto J-20 in early 2020s which is after 5-7 years flight test to mature, after all China invested tremendous amount of resources in jet engine recent years and overtook countless obstacles, I wont be surprised if WS-15 evolves faster than people predicted.
Nevertherless, it should not be an issue in India's 5 gen fighter project. The priority of J-20 is to against US's (or maybe Japanese too) F-22/F-35 in West Pacific/South China Sea and the relationship between India and China is much much more stable that the risk of war is practically zero. So IAF may use China as an excuse or gimmick to win over extra funds and the best option they can get, but I dont think IAF really worries about China that much. If the Pak-fa project goes wrecked in IAF‘s view then they will surely go for F-35 even if it means to wait for a bit longer.
you better manipulate your dying yuan and economy in recession ,understand ? you might be blindfolded by propaganda of xinhua news agency ,but we are not .
Maybe I should explain a little on why I said that. F35 is very expensive. Even much richer countries have to cut back their planned order. It simply surprised me when some folks here anticipate an order of hundreds F35 for India. By the way, I don't think China could afford such an order if hypothetically they were allowed to buy. In another word, if someone suggested the same for China, I would say it is a good way to bankrupt China.
The gap between China and India is widening, we could be very safe along the border in the next 10 years cause J20 will render PLAAF air supremacy against India and deter any possibility of provocation from India side . India wont have stealthy fighter in the next 10 years, that's good news for China and Pakistan. Next year J20 will enter production period, I'm looking forward to it.

Bookmarked this thread, I will be waiting here in PDF pls tag me when you will be able to mass produce J-20.

Now I gave you the Timeline its >2030 Remember

5th Generation does not means just a triangular shape airframe, with RAM and internal weapon Bay, but it consisted of Smart weapons, High speed communication, Sensors, and a strong powerful battlefield management and system. First develop decent Engine , Decent AESA FCR MMR, Decent Sensors, Decent metallurgy.

And thanks for the Negative Rating I didn't like a zero rating in that field.
An Indian try to give timeline for Chinese, you must be fcking kidding me out there sir.
Pak-Russia talks on Su-35 pressure tactics to get Pak-fa deal from India?

This is what I said back in Sep 20158-) My source is bang on target

Well am repeating once again as I did more than a year ago.India is not going to buy any more Russian equipments(PAK-FA,MTA etc etc) in its inventory bar helicopters and some armoured vehicles.

PS-Don't ask me from where I got this Info.All I can say is its fairly reliable.

Source: Pak-Russia talks on Su-35 pressure tactics to get Pak-fa deal from India?
The gap between China and India is widening, we could be very safe along the border in the next 10 years cause J20 will render PLAAF air supremacy against India and deter any possibility of provocation from India side . India wont have stealthy fighter in the next 10 years, that's good news for China and Pakistan. Next year J20 will enter production period, I'm looking forward to it.

An Indian try to give timeline for Chinese, you must be fcking kidding me out there sir.
If that were true, wouldn't it be wise for you keep quiet about it so your opponent (India) wouldn't know?
India is inside the US cauldron upto the neck. I have always maintained in this Forum that in the end F-35 will be shoved down IAF's throat. Yes, there will be bits of purchases from the Russians and the Frenchies. But the major share must go to USA.
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