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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

she was the ugliest woman i ever saw... if she wouldve been pretty then her attitude wouldve been totally different. she wouldve won hearts through her beauty and solved problems with handshakes not with a gun. her tomboyish attitude led her to show all the men in this world that she is the biggest biatche out there who should be taken seriously. She trained terrorist like mukhti bahni and got killed by the so called terrorist too.. pay back is a biatche and she got what she deserved by imposing wars and causing loss to thousands of people. i hope and pray that she rots in hell for ever....

Sarah Palin anyone?

Looking at the state of Pakistan and its achievements since Independence, it would suit you much better to select some "Ugly old witches and Wizards" that can take your country to greatness rather than a beauty queen with brains the size of peanuts....

But alas you and your countrymen chose this handsome fella and arent we all jealous:D

Firstly, all Pakistani members who are calling "Indira Gandhi" a witch should be ashamed of themselves :mad:. What happened to having a debate in a constructive and respectful manner, she was the leader of the State of India and deserves respect. We know her policies were severely Anti Pakistan but that does not mean we should indulge in name calling. If you want to criticize her than criticize her policies, stop it with the name calling. Its absolutely unacceptable to degrade a person who has served as the leader of India, reminds me when people were name calling Indian Army Chief and Pranab Mukherjee which was absolutely despicable. .

Getting back to the topic, its obvious that she harboured a huge grudge against the State of Pakistan and wanted to teach us a lesson which she did talking advantage of the East Pakistan uprising. We ourselves have a huge hand in what happened in East Pakistan, if we would have given them their rights than the separation of East Pakistan would have never happened. What exactly do you expect those people to do when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto acts like a sore looser and refuses to accept Mujibur Rehman as the rightful PM or Ayub Khan calls them "Ganda Kala Bango". Well no point in dwelling on the past, i believe the separation of East Pakistan was good for both Bangladesh and Pakistan.

If members think that India could have taken West Pakistan by force than thats just day dreaming. Contrary to East Pakistan which was lightly defended compared to West Pakistan and our soldiers facing conventional/unconventional threat in East, the cream assets of Pakistan Armed Forces were deployed in West Pakistan and had dug themselves in quite favourable positions. So its just wishful thinking that India could have overpowered Pakistan on the West and mind you that many of Indian assets were deployed on the East. Pakistan Army would not face any logistical problems that it was facing on the East, the supply lines were still intact and they could have easily taken the fight to Indian territory. If i remember reading correctly that General Tikka Khan was ready to take the fight into the Indian Territory when his divisions were reinforced but the ceasefire was signed.
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Sarah Palin anyone?

Looking at the state of Pakistan and its achievements since Independence, it would suit you much better to select some "Ugly old witches and Wizards" that can take your country to greatness rather than a beauty queen with brains the size of peanuts....

Benazir Bhutto was educated in Oxford and Harvard. She was a very intelligent woman and she was beautiful.

She had good intentions but she married a very corrupt and uneducated man, which wasn't her fault, she wanted to honor her mother's wishes. Because of her mother's choice, we are suffering today. Zardari is President only because he was the husband of Benazir Bhutto.

Benazir Bhutto was educated in Oxford and Harvard. She was a very intelligent woman and she was beautiful.

She had good intentions but she married a very corrupt and uneducated man, which wasn't her fault because she wanted to honor her mother's wishes.


And Pakistanis claim us Indians are affected by Family dramas....:rofl:

Indira Gandhi was also an Oxford educated woman....who married an educated, respectable LSE graduate, Feroze Gandhi (who did not ride his wife's coattails).....
Indira Gandhi embodies the spirit of India, marrying a man outside her religion in true spirit of secularism.....unlike Ms. Bhutto who couldnt even make an informed decision of finding the right spouse even though being a highly educated woman...speaks volumes for the miniscule impact she made on Pakistan coupled with some terrible decisions.....whether its for her family or otherwise is debatable and irrelevant....

Besides...as far as personal achievements are concerned....Indira Gandhi and her progeny outshine anyone that the Bhutto clan has produced....whether it be male or female.....

So Im more than happy to concede beauty points to Ms. Bhutto........
But as far as Politics....achievements and contribution to the nation are concerned.....Ms. Bhutto is pale in comparison to Ms.Gandhi....

Besides its highly immature to be comparing "beauty" of a politician....

Whats next? Nehru vs Jinnah?

PS: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....so if you fancy Ms. Bhutto....good for you....Im not sure how many would agree with your "evaluation"...to each his own :cheers:
And Pakistanis claim us Indians are affected by Family dramas....:rofl:

Indira Gandhi was also an Oxford educated woman....who married an educated, respectable LSE graduate, Feroze Gandhi (who did not ride his wife's coattails).....
Indira Gandhi embodies the spirit of India, marrying a man outside her religion in true spirit of secularism.....unlike Ms. Bhutto who couldnt even make an informed decision of finding the right spouse even though being a highly educated woman...speaks volumes for the miniscule impact she made on Pakistan coupled with some terrible decisions.....whether its for her family or otherwise is debatable and irrelevant....

Besides...as far as personal achievements are concerned....Indira Gandhi and her progeny outshine anyone that the Bhutto clan has produced....whether it be male or female.....

So Im more than happy to concede beauty points to Ms. Bhutto........
But as far as Politics....achievements and contribution to the nation are concerned.....Ms. Bhutto is pale in comparison to Ms.Gandhi....

Besides its highly immature to be comparing "beauty" of a politician....

Whats next? Nehru vs Jinnah?

PS: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....so if you fancy Ms. Bhutto....good for you....Im not sure how many would agree with your "evaluation"...to each his own :cheers:

Even some highly educated men and women have a tough time finding the right spouse.

Its part of our Pakistani culture that many men and women then leave the decision to their parents.

I personally believe that Benazir Bhutto was not interested in getting married but was interested in becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan, but the society expected her to marry before becoming Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Anyways, I would chose Benazir Bhutto any day over Indira Gandhi. Benazir Bhutto looks like a princess in front of that old witch indira.

Benazir Bhutto
Indira Gandhi

And how many people, other than indians, still remember or give tribute to indira gandhi.

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Even some highly educated men and women have a tough time finding the right spouse.

Its part of our Pakistani culture that many men and women then leave the decision to their parents.

I personally believe that Benazir Bhutto was not interested in getting married but was interested in becoming the Prime Minister of Pakistan, but the society expected her to marry before becoming Prime Minister of Pakistan.

And this doesnt exist in India?

I would say that being an educated woman, especially coming from an influential family, she should have used her position to empower herself and her country....which she did NOT!

Anyways, I would chose Benazir Bhutto any day over Indira Gandhi. Benazir Bhutto looks like a princess in front of that old witch indira.

Good for you...besides, such childish comments are expected from you....

Benazir Bhutto
Indira Gandhi

And how many people, other than indians, still remember or give tribute to indira gandhi.

Hmm...lets see....the Bangladeshis...for one.....

Besides....this thread itself is an attestation to the popularity of Indira Gandhi in Pakistan......How deeply she has affected Pakistanis is quite evident from comments here....
That itself is enough....

I dont recall seeing a thread about Ms. Bhutto in Bharat Rakshak...LOL!
Anyways, I would chose Benazir Bhutto any day over Indira Gandhi. Benazir Bhutto looks like a princess in front of that old witch indira.
As the saying goes, 'people get the leaders they deserve'; you have finally explained why Pakistan has crappy leaders. You choose leaders not for his/her ability to lead but on how photogenic s/he is, a sign of a basketcase democracy.
That is correct ; Her place in hell will be alongside Benazir Bhutto who with her beauty and grace charmed her assassins in blowing her up. Now for some dose of reality.

Indira Gandhi was a born leader who put even Pakistani men to shame ; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was quite afraid of meeting her in the Shimla Conference fearing that she would force him to accept terms unconditionally and he would lose face in Pakistan. And while Zulfikar Bhutto cringed and whined to the gallows when he was about to be hanged, Indira knew that she would sign her own Death Warrant when she initiated Operation Blue Star, but to restore faith in Democracy she proceeded nonetheless in the face of sure Death.

I would take an "Ugly" Indira over the Bhutto "biatche" anyday.

i hate the bhuttos! but this is nonsense! SHIMLA india held all the cards but guess what zulfikar ali bhutto out witted the old woman and secured terms that were acceptable to pakistan & pakistanis!

as for indira throughout her career she just tarnished "democracy" to uphold her grip on power! :coffee:

so no the "biatche" has to be indira!

& why we comparing benazir bhutto and indira gandhi bought did nothing for the country!!! its a blessing both are gone!!!
Benazir Bhutto was educated in Oxford and Harvard. She was a very intelligent woman and she was beautiful.

She had good intentions but she married a very corrupt and uneducated man, which wasn't her fault, she wanted to honor her mother's wishes. Because of her mother's choice, we are suffering today. Zardari is President only because he was the husband of Benazir Bhutto.


lolz....the very mention of Indira Gandhi has many ppl sweating here.

Yes, even after whatever she did inside India, I still want Sonia or Priyanka to become the next Indira !

If you think anyone in Pak is scared of that witch for anything other then her looks...then seriously wake up. If we can handle Taliban and Afghanistan and USSR and US..then Indra is just 5% of it. She called Pak leaders after Soviet war and asked Pak to dictate India's role in Afghanistan. Gr8 leader hahahaaa.

1971 was a civil war. Anyone would have taken advantage of it. I don't see her brilliance. She was just a stupid woman who killed sikhs and got killed by one.

She is the only stupid leader on earth who got killed by her own guards.
If you think anyone in Pak is scared of that witch for anything other then her looks...then seriously wake up. If we can handle Taliban and Afghanistan and USSR and US..then Indra is just 5% of it. She called Pak leaders after Soviet war and asked Pak to dictate India's role in Afghanistan. Gr8 leader hahahaaa.

1971 was a civil war. Anyone would have taken advantage of it. I don't see her brilliance. She was just a stupid woman who killed sikhs and got killed by one.

She is the only stupid leader on earth who got killed by her own guards.

The things in bold convince me that you have no idea of what you are writing (maybe you are a case of "parapraxis"), so I dont think you deserve anything more on this.

Perhaps, interaction with your elders on the subject matter will give u some insights.
If you think anyone in Pak is scared of that witch for anything other then her looks...then seriously wake up. If we can handle Taliban and Afghanistan and USSR and US..then Indra is just 5% of it. She called Pak leaders after Soviet war and asked Pak to dictate India's role in Afghanistan. Gr8 leader hahahaaa.

1971 was a civil war. Anyone would have taken advantage of it. I don't see her brilliance. She was just a stupid woman who killed sikhs and got killed by one.

She is the only stupid leader on earth who got killed by her own guards.

I love how new versions of events keep popping up in Pakistani history....

Cmon guys, at least try to maintian consistency in the propoganda you people imbibe....
Seriously....Pakistani economic problems will be solved if Pakistan is made into a publishing house....especially considering the "creative" minds of many on this forum and their exceptional skills at concocting fictional stories....LOL!
JK Rowling will be out of businees soon....
Anyways, I would chose Benazir Bhutto any day over Indira Gandhi. Benazir Bhutto looks like a princess in front of that old witch indira.

Didn't benazir would become old if she was alive??? Is there a beauty contest going on???? lol :lol: pick means what???

Indira with Benazir not acceptable.Indira brought many success for her country including defeating Pakistan in 1971. While Benazir even spent most of her political life abroad. Indira was not a witch but a magician. Iron women.


great leader.... :cool:
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