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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

well in India tell me how much Sikhs and Muslims love her? she was no less than any dictator and was far more ruthless than any military leader. if she was a Pakistani leader, all minorties or enthic groups who would have fell foul of her rage would have hated her.

Actually both Hindu and Muslims hard liners hate her because he iron-handed them both. Banned RSS and I guess Jamat as well, she was the only one capable of pushing reform to Indian Muslim society which no other tries to do keeping in mind the vote bank and mullahs. I don't think she had anything against Sikhs in general, even kept Sikhs bodyguard after Golden Temple fiasco, just she was someone who never liked to hear no.

Yes, that's our lady with iron balls, just her balls grew too large to the country itself!
Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira

Ex-US President Richard Nixon called Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi an "old witch",according to recently released documents from the 1970s.


Kissinger and Nixon opposed an independent Bangladesh

MAY 26 1971
Kissinger: They are the most aggressive goddamn people around there
Nixon: The Indians?
Kissinger: Yeah
Nixon: Sure

His national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, said "the Indians are bastards anyway" in the run-up to the India-Pakistan war of 1971.

At the time, the US saw India as too close to the then Soviet Union.

The US state department has declassified many documents this month on US foreign policy of the time.

One key conversation transcript comes from the meeting between President Nixon and Mr Kissinger in the White House on 5 November 1971, shortly after a meeting with the visiting Indira Gandhi.

"We really slobbered over the old witch," says President Nixon.

"The Indians are bastards anyway," says Mr Kissinger. "They are starting a war there."

He adds: "While she was a *****, we got what we wanted too. She will not be able to go home and say that the United States didn't give her a warm reception and therefore in despair she's got to go to war."

'Special relationship'

The Indo-Pakistan war took place between November and December 1971.

It had its roots in demands in 1970 by East Pakistan, later Bangladesh, for independence.

In March 1971, Pakistan's military acted to put down the secessionists there. Millions fled to India's West Bengal state.

India supported an independent Bangladesh and ties with the US plummeted in August 1971 when Delhi signed a treaty with the Soviet Union that included mutual military assistance in case of war.

President Nixon, on the other hand, had developed a "special relationship" with Pakistan's then military dictator, General Yahya Khan.

In a White House conversation with Mr Kissinger on 4 June 1971, President Nixon berates his ambassador to India, Kenneth Keating, for wanting to, as Mr Kissinger puts it, "help India push the Pakistanis out".

President Nixon says: "I don't want him to come in with that kind of jackass thing with me... Keating, like every ambassador who goes over there, goes over there and gets sucked in."

Mr Kissinger then says: "Those sons-of-bitches, who never have lifted a finger for us, why should we get involved in the morass of East Pakistan?

"If East Pakistan becomes independent, it is going to become a cesspool. It's going to be 100 million people, they have the lowest standard of living in Asia."

President Nixon replies: "Yeah."

Mr Kissinger: "They're going to become a ripe field for communist infiltration."

President Nixon then openly courted China to try to turn the tide of the war Pakistan's way.

With the Indian army and armed Bengali separatists winning, the US on 10 December 1971 urged Beijing to mobilise troops towards India, saying the US would back it if the Soviet Union became involved.

China declined and on 16 December the war ended with the Indian army and Bengali separatists taking Dhaka.

Exiled leaders had declared Bangladesh independent on 26 March 1971 and, in 1972, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to become the country's first prime minister.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira
India was the aggressor anyhow. Good Bengali have what they want now even though they live in the dark shadow of the Indian wanabe imperialism.
Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira

Ex-US President Richard Nixon called Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi an "old witch",according to recently released documents from the 1970s.


Kissinger and Nixon opposed an independent Bangladesh

MAY 26 1971
Kissinger: They are the most aggressive goddamn people around there
Nixon: The Indians?
Kissinger: Yeah
Nixon: Sure

His national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, said "the Indians are bastards anyway" in the run-up to the India-Pakistan war of 1971.

At the time, the US saw India as too close to the then Soviet Union.

The US state department has declassified many documents this month on US foreign policy of the time.

One key conversation transcript comes from the meeting between President Nixon and Mr Kissinger in the White House on 5 November 1971, shortly after a meeting with the visiting Indira Gandhi.

"We really slobbered over the old witch," says President Nixon.

"The Indians are bastards anyway," says Mr Kissinger. "They are starting a war there."

He adds: "While she was a *****, we got what we wanted too. She will not be able to go home and say that the United States didn't give her a warm reception and therefore in despair she's got to go to war."

'Special relationship'

The Indo-Pakistan war took place between November and December 1971.

It had its roots in demands in 1970 by East Pakistan, later Bangladesh, for independence.

In March 1971, Pakistan's military acted to put down the secessionists there. Millions fled to India's West Bengal state.

India supported an independent Bangladesh and ties with the US plummeted in August 1971 when Delhi signed a treaty with the Soviet Union that included mutual military assistance in case of war.

President Nixon, on the other hand, had developed a "special relationship" with Pakistan's then military dictator, General Yahya Khan.

In a White House conversation with Mr Kissinger on 4 June 1971, President Nixon berates his ambassador to India, Kenneth Keating, for wanting to, as Mr Kissinger puts it, "help India push the Pakistanis out".

President Nixon says: "I don't want him to come in with that kind of jackass thing with me... Keating, like every ambassador who goes over there, goes over there and gets sucked in."

Mr Kissinger then says: "Those sons-of-bitches, who never have lifted a finger for us, why should we get involved in the morass of East Pakistan?

"If East Pakistan becomes independent, it is going to become a cesspool. It's going to be 100 million people, they have the lowest standard of living in Asia."

President Nixon replies: "Yeah."

Mr Kissinger: "They're going to become a ripe field for communist infiltration."

President Nixon then openly courted China to try to turn the tide of the war Pakistan's way.

With the Indian army and armed Bengali separatists winning, the US on 10 December 1971 urged Beijing to mobilise troops towards India, saying the US would back it if the Soviet Union became involved.

China declined and on 16 December the war ended with the Indian army and Bengali separatists taking Dhaka.

Exiled leaders had declared Bangladesh independent on 26 March 1971 and, in 1972, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to become the country's first prime minister.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira

Lol some had his *** burning! :lol:
Von Hölle;1199320 said:
Ohh ..does it still hurt so much??!! ..she is long dead !!

Chalo at least Indians are mature enough not express similar views for the person responsible for breaking of our country!!

You can't. You also know the difference between leaders and terror exporters.

doesn't hurt at all (au contraire, to be honest)....but obviously as she had ill-will towards Pakistan, 99.99999% of Pakistanis would have no reservation or disdain for how she was ultimately dealt with (conveniently, it was an 'internal job')

I'm sure the Sikhs (of hindustan) would not feel so bad either.
Why would Indira like to attack west Pakistan when she had already succeeded in breking apart east Pakistan?

doing so would have been a suicide; it was easier to attack a more vulnerable and lightly guarded place. Suffice to say that the Pro-Pakistan elements put up one hell of a fight till the very end, despite HUGE odds against them.

for supporting an ''idea'' and identity, they were massacred by hindustani-sponsored terrorists. Pakistanis are very patient and resilient people -- if we can't forgive for something like that which happened, we can at least move on (don't mistake that for ''forgetting'')

hindustan should have learned lessons from that war when it started unfair subjugation of occupied Kashmiris. World (and Allah SWT) is witness to the indian blunders in Kashmir
doesn't hurt at all (au contraire, to be honest)....but obviously as she had ill-will towards Pakistan, 99.99999% of Pakistanis would have no reservation or disdain for how she was ultimately dealt with (conveniently, it was an 'internal job')

I'm sure the Sikhs (of hindustan) would not feel so bad either.

Well the thing is many leaders were born in the subcontinent(still do) and the fact is not one of them has 100% popularity ..every leader has been "given names" and disdain during their lives ..that includes "everyone" form very best of Pakistani leader to the very best of Indian leaders but as a common courtesy one tries not to speak ill of them ..after they are already dead.

Otherwise we too can express our reservation about the leader who broke my nation..but alas we are better than that.:cheers:
to be honest, rain, hail or sun-shine --i don't take saffron words very seriously or at heart .....i wouldnt take personal offence.

but anywayyyys........!
You can't. You also know the difference between leaders and terror exporters.


Yes you are right!! we can't!

Not because their methods were different (though consequences were the same and both involved massive blood shed) but because we are better than that!!..Why to trample on someones grave!!
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