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Indira Gandhi planned a mass invasion of Pakistan | CIA Records

to be honest, rain, hail or sun-shine --i don't take saffron words very seriously or at heart .....i wouldnt take personal offence.

but anywayyyys........!

Maybe I was not able to explain the "point" in my last post or maybe thats how you are??!!
Von Hölle;1199387 said:
Yes you are right!! we can't!

Not because their methods were different (though consequences were the same and both involved massive blood shed) but because we are better than that!!..Why to trample on someones grave!!

You aren't naive to find the difference between a political struggle for one's own nation's freedom and for exporting and arming terrorists to someone's else territory. Or you are naive enough that you can't find a difference between the both... Make your choice.
You aren't naive to find the difference between a political struggle for one's own nation's freedom and for exporting and arming terrorists to someone's else territory. Or you are naive enough that you can't find a difference between the both... Make your choice.

I am sure the "ppl you are talking about" Bangladeshis call those people as freedom fighters..and they will also tell you that "they" fought for their nation's freedom..so only difference b/w your version and theirs is the perspective..and same can be said about Indian partition.
Von Hölle;1199817 said:
I am sure the "ppl you are talking about" Bangladeshis call those people as freedom fighters..and they will also tell you that "they" fought for their nation's freedom..so only difference b/w your version and theirs is the perspective..and same can be said about Indian partition.

Who is talking about Bengalis right now. I am talking about Quaid's political struggle for the independence of his own nation against the Indra's policy of exporting terror in someone's else territory. Their is a huge difference between the both if you try to comprehend.

Good thing is that she paid for her terror export policy and is now resting in pieces.
Who is talking about Bengalis right now. I am talking about Quaid's political struggle for the independence of his own nation against the Indra's policy of exporting terror in someone's else territory. Their is a huge difference between the both if you try to comprehend.

Good thing is that she paid for her terror export policy and is now resting in pieces.

You were ..when you called Bengali freedom fighters as terrorists..

Irrespective of the methods both achieved their objectives but body count due to former's decision ranging in millions and later's ranging in thousands.

To me it seems Indra Gandhi's way was much less bloodier.

Now thats she is dead and this is a Pakistani forum, you can call her anything ..but thats all that you can do..you could not do $hit, when she was alive.
Von Hölle;1200427 said:
You were ..when you called Bengali freedom fighters as terrorists..

Irrespective of the methods both achieved their objectives but body count due to former's decision ranging in millions and later's ranging in thousands.

To me it seems Indra Gandhi's way was much less bloodier.

Now thats she is dead and this is a Pakistani forum, you can call her anything ..but thats all that you can do..you could not do $hit, when she was alive.

IT was my mistake. I thought you aren't naive and would understand the difference between political struggle for the one's own nation adn interfering in someone's else issues and patronizing in someone's else territory. But you are naive so it seems difficult for you to understand the difference. Well anyways not my problem. :azn:

As mentioned earlier the positive aspect in all this issue is that Indra met the same fate like any other terrorist. It is true whether it is indra
or whether it is bait ullah mehsood. All terrorists have the same end.
IT was my mistake. I thought you aren't naive and would understand the difference between political struggle for the one's own nation adn interfering in someone's else issues and patronizing in someone's else territory. But you are naive so it seems difficult for you to understand the difference. Well anyways not my problem. :azn:

As mentioned earlier the positive aspect in all this issue is that Indra met the same fate like any other terrorist. It is true whether it is indra
or whether it is bait ullah mehsood. All terrorists have the same end

Would it be correct to add Zia & BB to this list ?
Seeing the condition Pak has been over the last decade I would think that just as Jinnah was the man who created Pak, Zia was the man who destroyed Pak and all what it was meant to be.

As rgds IG, it takes courage to take had decisions the lady had guts, sycophants were her undoing. Mush did the same at lal Masjid. Personally I found this ability to take hard decisions the only silver lining in his character.
IT was my mistake. I thought you aren't naive and would understand the difference between political struggle for the one's own nation adn interfering in someone's else issues and patronizing in someone's else territory. But you are naive so it seems difficult for you to understand the difference. Well anyways not my problem. :azn:

As mentioned earlier the positive aspect in all this issue is that Indra met the same fate like any other terrorist. It is true whether it is indra
or whether it is bait ullah mehsood. All terrorists have the same end.

All right dude ..whatever gives you closure and eases your pain!!:)
Well the show is out for the whole world to see what Pakistan did with Indian allies they were blindly riding. Indian ambitions for past 63 years have been total anhillation of Pakistan because they cannot beat down anyone into submission as long Pakistan sticks like a thorn in their policies. Imagine with no Pakistan all the small south asian countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Kashmir will not dare oppose a word against India.

Back then the United States was popular due to its fair play policy and Soviets were the evil repressive forces. Its clear to see that they did not jump to protect Pakistan for its mistakes. Yes East-Pakistan was being repressed and yes they launched a rebellion and this was all internal matter of Pakistan. The Americans did not approve of Pakistani attrocities or took sides no matter how strong the alliance was. However the words in bold are ironic as America is totally doing the opposite right now. Invading Iraq and Afghanistan to install democracy.

United states didn't do that because Bangladesh was far away from the soviet union and India was like Yuogaslavia,a USSR ally but not a country under warsaw pact like Pakistan under CENTO.

I dont know how serious indira gandhi was about this audacious plan but richard nixon and henry kissinger are two of the top corrupt buttered up choots in the world.to take their word as truth is not so easy.
Von Hölle;1199387 said:
Yes you are right!! we can't!

Not because their methods were different (though consequences were the same and both involved massive blood shed) but because we are better than that!!..Why to trample on someones grave!!

Another SAINT from India. The number just keeps growing :rofl:
Von Hölle;1201287 said:

All right dude ..whatever gives you closure and eases your pain!!:)

No pain dear. It was annoying to have some terrorist like to Indra to be compared with the father of a nation. Your post was outrageous so just give you a reality check.
No pain dear. It was annoying to have some terrorist like to Indra to be compared with the father of a nation. Your post was outrageous so just give you a reality check.

As I said this a Pakistani forum ..hence you have the liberty to call her anything and get away with it...but vice versa would not be possible..otherwise I would have explained in detail.
Von Hölle;1203864 said:
As I said this a Pakistani forum ..hence you have the liberty to call her anything and get away with it...but vice versa would not be possible..otherwise I would have explained in detail.

I already know what would be your explanation dear. I have read many of them on different Bharati websites and forums. Doesn't change the facts about Indra.

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