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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind

It will not take long for India to reactivate LTTE terrorist cells?

Are you really boasting about this?

Iam not boasting of LTTE..I know LTTE is a monster organisation which was needed to be put down...

But it does not mean india will give away its resources inside Srilanka..when its known Srilankan gov are known to go back on their word....
Discrimination of muslims in India. Do you want me to quote discrimination of muslims in Srilanka by Izeth Hussain, M. I. M. Mohideen

I know you could find it yourselves. For the benefit of other members let me quote a couple.

The plight of Colombo Muslims and national political parties in Sri Lanka

Sabotaging Tsunami relief for muslims.

URGENT ALERT: Sri Lanka sabotages tsunami relief in Muslim and Tamil provinces by unleashing sluice gates

Sri Lanka Guardian: Cricket and Sri Lankan Muslims

I know this attempt to show the perfidy of Srilankans is futile. But let us see the reactions of your pakistani brothers.

Thank you for providing me the opportunity to bring this issue to light.

Expulsion of Muslims from the Northern province by LTTE

The expulsion of the Muslims and other nations from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing[1][2] carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state[3][4] in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 75,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.


The first expulsion was in Chavakacheri, of 1,500 people. After this, Muslims in Kilinochchi and Mannar were forced many to leave their homeland. The turn of Jaffna came on October 30, 1990; when LTTE trucks drove through the streets ordering Muslim families to assemble at Osmania College. There, they were told to exit the city within two hours. The entire Muslim population was expelled from Jaffna. According to a 1981 census (the last official count), the total Muslim population in Jaffna was 14,844. They could take with them only the clothes they were wearing and no more than 50 rupees in cash. Their houses were subsequently looted by the LTTE[citation needed].

Most of the Muslims were resettled in Puttalam district, though the Jaffna Muslim refugees can be found in other parts of Sri Lanka as well.

Expulsion of Muslims from the Northern province by LTTE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It will not take long for India to reactivate LTTE terrorist cells?

Are you really boasting about this?

You have no idea how much pro-LTTE sympathizers exist in Tamil Nadu including leading politicians like Vaiko. Also there are still committed ex-LTTE fighters in SL. All India has to do is arrange a meeting b/n them and keep the Palk Straights open and I assure you within a few months another LTTE will rise.

@ Srilankans. We Indians respect your country and its people. You treat your Tamil brothers as equal and keep Chinese from having strategic foothold in the island everything will be fine b/n India & SL. Instead you want to antagonize India and side with China ...........Fine No Problem....but do remember that China is 10,000 km away while India is just 100 km away. You don't want India as your enemy.
Thank you for providing me the opportunity to bring this issue to light.

Expulsion of Muslims from the Northern province by LTTE

The expulsion of the Muslims and other nations from the Northern province was an act of ethnic cleansing[1][2] carried out by the Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) organization in October 1990. In order to achieve their goal of creating a mono ethnic Tamil state[3][4] in the North Sri Lanka, the LTTE forcibly expelled the 75,000 strong Muslim population from the Northern Province.


The first expulsion was in Chavakacheri, of 1,500 people. After this, Muslims in Kilinochchi and Mannar were forced many to leave their homeland. The turn of Jaffna came on October 30, 1990; when LTTE trucks drove through the streets ordering Muslim families to assemble at Osmania College. There, they were told to exit the city within two hours. The entire Muslim population was expelled from Jaffna. According to a 1981 census (the last official count), the total Muslim population in Jaffna was 14,844. They could take with them only the clothes they were wearing and no more than 50 rupees in cash. Their houses were subsequently looted by the LTTE[citation needed].

Most of the Muslims were resettled in Puttalam district, though the Jaffna Muslim refugees can be found in other parts of Sri Lanka as well.

Expulsion of Muslims from the Northern province by LTTE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bad, isn't it? Now what about the discrimination of muslims by the government by denying them Tsunami relief.

This (hypocrisy) is what i wanted to bring out in open. Thanks mate, your help is appreciated.
Sri Lankans are going about the right way. They get too close to Indians, the LTTE or other nefarious entities will rise again. Chinese will provide the cushions SL needs.
Bad, isn't it? Now what about the discrimination of muslims by the government by denying them Tsunami relief.

This (hypocrisy) is what i wanted to bring out in open. Thanks mate, your help is appreciated.

There is a difference between policy differences and ethnic cleansing, one is lawful while the other is not.
Sri Lankans are going the about the right way. They get too close to Indians, the LTTE or other nefarious entities will rise again. Chinese will provide the cushions SL needs.

Please refrain from making comments on subjects that you have absolutely no idea about.Thank You!!!
Please refrain from making comments on subjects that you have absolutely no idea about.Thank You!!!

The sad part is LTTE blew Rajiv's head off, maybe you didn't know that little fact. In other words you started a game you didn't know how to play. LTTE kicked the mighty Indians out, while the Sri Lankans took care of Indira's pet snake with help from China.
You label all the Chinese people here as bots anyway. :lol:

No one disputes the fact that India hosted the Tibetan government in exile in 1959, after they tried and failed to violently overthrow the Chinese government. That action (hosting our largest separatist group), led to the 1962 Sino-Indian war.

After that, well here it is from the New York Times.

Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - NYTimes.com
Do you have comprehension problems?

Again where does it say that India allowed the Tibetan govt in exile to function as such? Or even allowed them to train and launch attacks in side of China? Bullcrapping is a well shared trait among bots I see. '62 was had absolutely nothing to do with Dalai Lama. Go read up kid.

India loves to support separatist groups and terrorist groups against their neighboring countries.

Again, nothing compared to what China does in her surrounding countries. Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Mongolia, Russia come to mind.
If India hadn't armed, trained and funded a terrorist group in Sri Lanka and given it refuge in one if its southern states, thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankan lives would have been saved.

When there is a terror attack in India, do take the time to reflect on that.

Lol. It was your folly which launched the 25 year war in your country. Yup blame all and sundry for your incompetence and impotency. It was only after Indian military started helping SL army were you able to finally finish LTTE. There was someone form Indian military who was in SL - training your servicemen during the final phases of the war!! So cut the crap.
Lol. It was your folly which launched the 25 year war in your country. Yup blame all and sundry for your incompetence and impotency. It was only after Indian military started helping SL army were you able to finally finish LTTE. There was someone form Indian military who was in SL - training your servicemen during the final phases of the war!! So cut the crap.

If today India decides to resuscitate the LTTE and dismember Sri Lanka, it won't take long.
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