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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind


they are like sikhs who stayed back in pakistan.Dont the punjabis in india have sympathy for those people there.

Same with the tamils of india and srilanka.

Thats different. Sikhs have a recent history of partition related nostalgia. But in case of Tamils there was no such thing. In any case, it was wrong to interfere in the affairs of a foreign country.
India "helping" the "persecuted" Tamils?

"I was shocked, saddened and angered when I read the news item on 17 March 2004 in Sri Lanka Media, that a memorial is to be erected in Colombo for the Indian Peace Keeping Force - IPKF soldiers who died in Sri Lanka between 1987 and 2000. The simple fact of the matter is that a foreign country, with designs of becoming a regional superpower, maneuvered to send its army here as Peace Keepers but massacred thousands of innocent Tamil civilians, raped the women and plundered valuables.If memorials are to be erected, then it should be for innocent civilians massacred by the IPKF. Let me provide a FEW samples from my personal knowledge. These represent but the tip of an iceberg. I write as an authentic son of Jaffna, born and bred there, educated at Jaffna Hindu College and the only house my wife and I own is in Jaffna."

Memorial for IPKF - Innocent People Killing Force

Piece of bloody propaganda.
I think you are a kid man.You cannot compare what happened in 1984 with today.

The whole world is different from then to now.

And there are so many tamil entreprenuers in Srilanka,Malaysia and Singapore.

There is so much business being done even without official indian government action.

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 PM ----------

but 25% of your people were fighting against your government,India cant do it all by itself.

25%? :woot:, you haven't idea about Sri Lanka right?
25%? :woot:, you haven't idea about Sri Lanka right?

Whats the Tamil population of Sri Lanka?

Btw, read this:

Tamil police 'excluded' from Sri Lanka parade
A Tamil policeman from northern Sri Lanka says he feels hurt that he and 25 Tamil colleagues were excluded from a recent parade of security forces.

He said they were pulled out at the very last moment. He believes it was because of their ethnicity.

from the same source:

In a separate development, a senior UN official has said he believes controversial video footage, circulated on the internet and broadcast by the UK-based Channel 4 News, is authentic.

The video appears to show Sri Lankan soldiers killing captured and unarmed Tamil Tiger rebels at close range.

The UN's special rapporteur on summary executions, Christof Heyns, said the video had been tehnically and forensically reviewed. He described it as evidence of what he called "definitive war crimes".
More evidence as to why 'India is a threat to SAARC and peace in Asia'...

LOL. Did you even read that article?

some excerpts:

Even as the army fought the LTTE, some Indians maintained contact with them. All that changed when Rajiv Gandhi died and then, so did the narrative. Subsequently so did the relationship between India and Sri Lanka.

Afghanistan did nothing to irritate Pakistan. Yet that did not prevent Pakistan from supporting militants across the border. But wait a moment, this is not 1979 and Ziaul Haq, but before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The transnational trio of terror had tapped Hekmatyar and Masood long before Comrade Brezhnev crossed the Oxus.

India had its moment of reckoning in 1991 and, despite losing and winning to Sri Lanka since then, has cleaned up its act. The focus is on Pakistan now and the anticipation whether it recognises the outing of Osama bin Laden as a catastrophe. It doesn’t take rocket science to realise that finding Osama in a cantonment, or close to one, is very bad news. No explanation washes clean, not within Pakistan, and not with the world. It makes eminent sense to cut the losses and clean the slate. In matters of state policy, where lives are at stake, there is no such thing as prestige or ego. Those that believe in such material fancies, live disconnected from the sidewalks of society.

Now again what were you saying, Mr. Ignoramus?
Why did Sri Lanka wanted the Tamils to behave themselves ? Because the Tamils (Indians) wanted to split Sri lanka into two pieces and declare the Northern part as Tamil Homeland.

Well said!!!
Piece of bloody propaganda.

This is not a propaganda, Indian forces committed crimes against Humanity. First of all India should have not sent Peace Keeper on its own with out UN's request. Bloody mess happened when Madarasi Regiment officers were replaced with North Indian officers from Sikh and Rajput Rifles battalion. The women Suba who became a suicide bomber to kill Rajiv Gandhi was raped 23 times in three days by the Indian forces thats the reason that she became a suicide bomber. If it had not been Rajiv Gandhis idiotic idea to send peace keepers in the first place we would have still been suporting the LTTE and by now they would have got their freedom not death for the entire Tamil Population in Sri Lanka
17% of the population demanding 50% of the power. :disagree:

People in Indian NE have more legit demand then the SL Tamils.

Actually it's around 11%, Some Indians haven't idea about Sri Lanka at all. Tamils aren't the only ethnic group here, there are Muslims of 7-8%. Also some people think Tamils live only in North ect, They live around the country, Muslims are the same. In the eastern province it's only 35%, each ethnic group has similar percentage in that province. In the north province Sinhalese and Muslims percentage is lower coz of decade of Tamil Tiger activities, Tigers did ethnic cleansing due to that a lots of people lost their lands. If you take Western province, Governor is a Muslim, If you take Capital Colombo former-mayor was a Muslim. Even in the Tamil Tiger terrorist issue few years ago, Our Inspector General of Police was a Tamil. Not only Tamils and Muslims, there are burghers, Malays and more ethnic groups here.
Only answer I can give, Come and visit Sri Lanka and experience it,
All those religions are here too, Temples, next to it church, Kovils are few meters away then again mosques...ect. I just wondering how many Indian friends have visited Sri Lanka in this forum, I'd love if they share their experience here.

Terrorists problem is over, North elections are in July, There were elections in some areas already, things are getting normal. Sri Lanka will be the first "higher middle income" country in our region. Who's next? India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal?
(Everest mountain is enough to become higher middle income country for Nepalese, Come on guyz!!!!!!!!!)
Actually it's around 11%, Some Indians haven't idea about Sri Lanka at all. Tamils aren't the only ethnic group here, there are Muslims of 7-8%. Also some people think Tamils live only in North ect, They live around the country, Muslims are the same. In the eastern province it's only 35%, each ethnic group has similar percentage in that province. In the north province Sinhalese and Muslims percentage is lower coz of decade of Tamil Tiger activities, Tigers did ethnic cleansing due to that a lots of people lost their lands. If you take Western province, Governor is a Muslim, If you take Capital Colombo former-mayor was a Muslim. Even in the Tamil Tiger terrorist issue few years ago, Our Inspector General of Police was a Tamil. Not only Tamils and Muslims, there are burghers, Malays and more ethnic groups here.
Only answer I can give, Come and visit Sri Lanka and experience it,
All those religions are here too, Temples, next to it church, Kovils are few meters away then again mosques...ect. I just wondering how many Indian friends have visited Sri Lanka in this forum, I'd love if they share their experience here.

Terrorists problem is over, North elections are in July, There were elections in some areas already, things are getting normal. Sri Lanka will be the first "higher middle income" country in our region. Who's next? India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Nepal?
(Everest mountain is enough to become higher middle income country for Nepalese, Come on guyz!!!!!!!!!)

Thanks buddy. I had a feelin it was less than 12% , but wasnt sure about it. Sri Lanka should have been the first middle income country more that 20 yrs ago. I wish Sri Lanka again to attain that successfully.
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