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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind

So ur now suggesting tht a few low level ISI officiers r involved? but even if i agree with u....than how can u blame the "establishment"? do a few guys represent the whole "establishment".

You should be specific and clear before accusing anybdy......And no not u....But ur country which has been using proxies against almost all of its neighbours!

You are right. A few guys dont make the whole establishment. But consider this, the entire reason for its existence is its anti-India stance. That mindset is wreaking havoc in your country.
You are right. A few guys dont make the whole establishment. But consider this, the entire reason for its existence is its anti-India stance. That mindset is wreaking havoc in your country.

We just have 1 problem with india........ Kashmir........ its upto pak-ind to solve it.
I couldn't care less what the GoI's conditions are/were. :lol:

They fled Tibet after a failed violent uprising against the government, which already makes them separatists. Who were welcomed with open arms, by a backstabbing India in 1959.

The Dalai Lama himself then admited to the New York Times, that while being hosted by India, he trained anti-Chinese militants and guerrilla fighters against us.

Again: India likes to support terrorists, and separatists, in their neighboring countries.

Again spouting routine commie malarkey. Couldnt expect better. You fail to comprehend simple diplomatic equations, so keep at it kiddo.

Again, India is nothing compared to China in sponsoring militants, terrorists and best of all - openly supporting nuclear hungry, irresponsible pariah rogue regimes!!

Getting a little too touchy about simple words? That "touch-me-not-I-am-oh-so-sensitive" attitude is highly contagious among bots. I never considered you to be among them. Alas.......

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:03 PM ----------

We just have 1 problem with india........ Kashmir........ its upto pak-ind to solve it.

Like Meengla earlier suggested, let bygones be bygones, and taking Mush-MMS ideas/understanding as starting point, lets hammer out these differences.
India "helping" the "persecuted" Tamils?

"I was shocked, saddened and angered when I read the news item on 17 March 2004 in Sri Lanka Media, that a memorial is to be erected in Colombo for the Indian Peace Keeping Force - IPKF soldiers who died in Sri Lanka between 1987 and 2000. The simple fact of the matter is that a foreign country, with designs of becoming a regional superpower, maneuvered to send its army here as Peace Keepers but massacred thousands of innocent Tamil civilians, raped the women and plundered valuables.If memorials are to be erected, then it should be for innocent civilians massacred by the IPKF. Let me provide a FEW samples from my personal knowledge. These represent but the tip of an iceberg. I write as an authentic son of Jaffna, born and bred there, educated at Jaffna Hindu College and the only house my wife and I own is in Jaffna."

Memorial for IPKF - Innocent People Killing Force
India "helping" the "persecuted" Tamils?

"I was shocked, saddened and angered when I read the news item on 17 March 2004 in Sri Lanka Media, that a memorial is to be erected in Colombo for the Indian Peace Keeping Force - IPKF soldiers who died in Sri Lanka between 1987 and 2000. The simple fact of the matter is that a foreign country, with designs of becoming a regional superpower, maneuvered to send its army here as Peace Keepers but massacred thousands of innocent Tamil civilians, raped the women and plundered valuables.If memorials are to be erected, then it should be for innocent civilians massacred by the IPKF. Let me provide a FEW samples from my personal knowledge. These represent but the tip of an iceberg. I write as an authentic son of Jaffna, born and bred there, educated at Jaffna Hindu College and the only house my wife and I own is in Jaffna."

Memorial for IPKF - Innocent People Killing Force

You have something more to find from that blog? Great, tomorrow I will own a Blog and Write Wrong about your country and Provide it as a Source here to fill and satisfy just my egos...

As a Sri Lankan You must also Know that, It was the very same lady whom your People Back stabbed by supporting our Enemies... We gave you a Part of Our Land which you shamelessly accepted on a condition you will allow our fishermen , You will not kill Tamils and Be friendly... You did everything but the things you had promised....

I do not support The LTTE, But I do Support the fallen Friends of Mine who Risked there lives to rectify a Mistake which happened from our side, And n Numbers of Operations conducted in your islands to Free you from the monster created by us....

But you cannot escape saying it was a Mistake of Ours, as We did our best to be friendly until you back stabbed us, and We were no saints to stay calms and Be portrayed a Fool...

And We have a War Memorial of IPKF and Its there to stay... Your soldiers were flooded in Our training establishments.
Did India "help" the Tamil people by funding, arming and training the Tamil Tigers?

Chronicle of murders


THE assassination of Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) vice-president and parliamentarian Neelan Tiruchelvam testifies to the observation that moderate politicians are vulnerable to death threats from the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

The LTTE has a horrible record of cold-blooded murder of individuals, mostly unarmed, who sought a peaceful resolution of the Sri Lankan ethnic strife. It has also indulged in an intense fratricidal war, killing members of other Tamil militant organisations. The devices used by the LTTE have been varied - members of its Black Tiger suicide squad who wore belt bombs or rode motorcycles or bicycles after strapping explosives to their bodies; assault rifles; pistols; landmines; grenades and so forth. It ha s also resorted to the hanging of "traitors" from lamp-posts.

The LTTE's "diary of murders" had its first entry on July 27, 1975 with the killing of Jaffna Mayor Alfred Duraiappa of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

In May 1986, it hunted down and shot dead Sri Sabarathnam, the charismatic leader of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Organisation (TELO), as the organisation's proximity to India posed a threat to the Tigers' hegemony. Sri Sabarathnam was killed in a betel plantation in the Jaffna peninsula. The Tigers then executed several hundred TELO militants.

Chronicle of murders
Mate do you want me to start posting propaganda pictures from the Tamil side too?

If India didn't arm, train and fund a tiny rebel group there would have been no 20 year war and no thousands of deaths and atrocities.

Would you be happy if China armed, trained and funded the Maoists and provided them with weapons and bases in China? Would you be happy if they provided anti-aircraft missiles, and political cover to the Maoists?

What I find laughable is how some people think that Sri Lanka should be "grateful" to India.

Yes, thanks for the all the violence, bombs, deaths and bloodshed.
If India didn't arm, train and fund a tiny rebel group there would have been no 20 year war and no thousands of deaths and atrocities.

Would you be happy if China armed, trained and funded the Maoists and provided them with weapons and bases in China? Would you be happy if they provided anti-aircraft missiles, and political cover to the Maoists?

What I find laughable is how some people think that Sri Lanka should be "grateful" to India.

Yes, thanks for the all the violence, bombs, deaths and bloodshed.

even if you repeate this a thousand times the facts are not going to change..it was your discrimination towards the Tamil which forced them to flight back and yes India supported many such organisations which includes LTTE also.
even if you repeate this a thousand times the facts are not going to change..it was your discrimination towards the Tamil which forced them to flight back and yes India supported many such organisations which includes LTTE also.

And similarly it was and is your discrimination against the Muslims which caused them to revolt in Kashmir and it is right that other countries support them. If rebels are being armed and trained in neighbouring countries, it is completely justifiable. India is completely to blame here.

Similarly it is your discrimination against the tribals which has caused them to revolt against Indian rule. The maoists need to be supported, trained and armed by other countries. Their attacks on Indian policement, bomb attacks in public places need to be celebrated as the acts of freedom fighters taking on Indian oppression.

Similarly it is your discrimination against the Nagas and Assamese that has caused them to revolt against Indian rule and seek Independence. They need to be armed, trained and funded by neighbouring countries. China should do this, because the people of the North Eastern states are ethnically closer to Chinese than they are to other Indians. China should provide them with modern weapons and training to defeat the Indian government.

Similarly, it was your discrimination against the Sikhs that led them to fight for Khalistan. They should have been supported by neighbouring countries. They should have been provided with arms, training and ammunition to fight the Indian government. Khalistan should be an independent country and the wholescale massacre of Sikhs in India justifies it.
The Chulbul Pandey-Chedi Singh pantomime exited its sterile celluloid world to enter domestic space through excitable newsrooms reeling under a breaking news dysfunction. Who was the likeable, yet tenderly corrupt, cop and who the dislikable goon, is not the point here. India and Pakistan resumed their Chulbul-Chedi dialogues even before Osama bin Laden’s digital databank reached Langley, Virginia. Except this time there was a role reversal, with Indian faujis taunting and a Pakistani civilian threatening. So much for stereotypes. Which, then, behooves a new narrative for a tale that has offered more tragedy and denial than it has enthralled. So here goes.
Sri Lanka did nothing to irritate India, other than win some games of boring cricket. But that did not stop India’s intelligence agencies from funding, training and arming the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). There was a period when traffic violators in Chennai would escape the police by claiming LTTE connections. In other words, they ran their own show and cared a sod for law or propriety. They did worse things in Sri Lanka. Their pioneering suicide bombers would blow themselves into smithereens without a thought for heaven and all its perks. But when the wheel turned, as is wont to, India found itself fighting them. The irony was not lost on an Indian Army officer saved only by the intervention of a Sri Lankan Army unit. He remarked, “What a twist of fate, fighting the guys we trained, injured by the bullets we gave them and saved by the Sri Lankans, officials and pedestrians using ammo supplied by Pakistan.” Even as the army fought the LTTE, some Indians maintained contact with them. All that changed when Rajiv Gandhi died and then, so did the narrative. Subsequently so did the relationship between India and Sri Lanka. Now consider this.
Afghanistan did nothing to irritate Pakistan. Yet that did not prevent Pakistan from supporting militants across the border. But wait a moment, this is not 1979 and Ziaul Haq, but before the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. The transnational trio of terror had tapped Hekmatyar and Masood long before Comrade Brezhnev crossed the Oxus. Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski let loose the secret in an interview to a French magazine. He justified the policy “so as to provoke the Russians into invading Afghanistan, and then trap them there”, to paraphrase his words. After the Laal Salam happened in Kabul, the scale became bigger, more monies flowed in, and the armies of the faithful increased, from Maghreb to Mashriq. The rest, as they say, is known to any Karachi kid. Even A Case of Exploding Mangoes didn’t change the narrative. So what causes a state to change its policies, for instance with regard to lending support to groups that may be seen by the rest of the world as terrorists?
It takes a catastrophe. An action, an incident, so outrageous that it sucks breath out of the soul. India had its moment of reckoning in 1991 and, despite losing and winning to Sri Lanka since then, has cleaned up its act. The focus is on Pakistan now and the anticipation whether it recognises the outing of Osama bin Laden as a catastrophe. It doesn’t take rocket science to realise that finding Osama in a cantonment, or close to one, is very bad news. No explanation washes clean, not within Pakistan, and not with the world. It makes eminent sense to cut the losses and clean the slate. In matters of state policy, where lives are at stake, there is no such thing as prestige or ego. Those that believe in such material fancies, live disconnected from the sidewalks of society.
When the US decides to take out another terrorist target, it will —Pakistani threats notwithstanding. There is nothing Pakistan will do about it, for that is the reality. India, on the other hand, hasn’t the political will nor the societal resilience to enliven the dreams of those who seek to ape the US. The sooner those that talk such things realise that, the better for all of us, (united by geography, if nothing else), Dabangg, India is not. And neither is Pakistan. That is the monopoly of Salman Khan.

Cut the losses – The Express Tribune
Times are different, India is too stubborn for hegemony in South Asia. so that the United States a dominant influence in Southeast Asia, what China did in the past 20 years? In addition to increased trade and economic ties, but did not do anything. the United States ruled the Southeast Asia? No problem, just focus on developing its economy, and then, through continuous leap in the development of trade and economic ties, China has its own influence in Southeast Asia, in the economic field, even more than the United States. This is a different era, India is best to accept the reality South Asian countries have their own right, of course, if India can give more, it would not be a problem, if not, you only can see, concerned about own economic development, not to use some coercive means, it is only able to destroy more in the India's long-term interests.
And similarly it was and is your discrimination against the Muslims which caused them to revolt in Kashmir and it is right that other countries support them. If rebels are being armed and trained in neighbouring countries, it is completely justifiable. India is completely to blame here.

Similarly it is your discrimination against the tribals which has caused them to revolt against Indian rule. The maoists need to be supported, trained and armed by other countries. Their attacks on Indian policement, bomb attacks in public places need to be celebrated as the acts of freedom fighters taking on Indian oppression.

Similarly it is your discrimination against the Nagas and Assamese that has caused them to revolt against Indian rule and seek Independence. They need to be armed, trained and funded by neighbouring countries. China should do this, because the people of the North Eastern states are ethnically closer to Chinese than they are to other Indians. China should provide them with modern weapons and training to defeat the Indian government.

Similarly, it was your discrimination against the Sikhs that led them to fight for Khalistan. They should have been supported by neighbouring countries. They should have been provided with arms, training and ammunition to fight the Indian government. Khalistan should be an independent country and the wholescale massacre of Sikhs in India justifies it.

in Kashmir against Muslims there is no discrimination at all and if there is any discrimination from govt of India is a positive discrimination only..so is the case of every citizen of India regardless of his faith and ethnicity..so there is no valid reason to ask for separation..as i said mob violence happens in every part of the world and like any govt we always tried to prevent and curb it.,if any faults happened from govt part then there is a judiciary to approach for justice..taking up arms is justified only when the whole govt and system target you and discriminate you knowingly and willfully..then also it is your responsibility to come come back to peace process..in my view violence is just a way to get the attention of govt to your problem not a solution of your problem..and in India there is hardly any need of such methods because there are many option available..violence is the last resort that to let people know that..hey we got a problem which needs to be taken care of and once a positive reply comes that should be the end of violence.
the maoists got some genuine grievance because of govts failure to support the poor in that region it was a negligence not a targeted will ful act like you people did with Tamil or west pak did with east pak.we treat maoists with minimum force we even refused to use heavy weapons against them even refused after repeated attacks..their case is genuine and by taking up arms they got some govts attention and now what they should do is to co operate with peace proposals to solve the problems that would be the wise thing to do which the LTTE failed to do because of greed of power and various other reasons..that was the greatest mistake from their part..
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