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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind

If today India decides to resuscitate the LTTE and dismember Sri Lanka, it won't take long.
India has no interest whatsoever in LTTE. We have had enough of those scum how killed our ex-PM. They wreaked havoc in Madras during their day. We dont need that anymore.

LTTLE had contacts with Columbian drug cartels, AQ and what not. It is definitely NOT in India's interest to support them.

Just like Pakistani Hindu's are Pakistan's responsibility, SL Tamils are SL's responsibility. Let them deal with it.

And why would India need LTTE. If a push comes to shove, its only a matter of time to overrun the entire island.
India has no interest whatsoever in LTTE. We have had enough of those scum how killed our ex-PM. They wreaked havoc in Madras during their day. We dont need that anymore.

LTTLE had contacts with Columbian drug cartels, AQ and what not. It is definitely NOT in India's interest to support them.

Just like Pakistani Hindu's are Pakistan's responsibility, SL Tamils are SL's responsibility. Let them deal with it.

And why would India need LTTE. If a push comes to shove, its only a matter of time to overrun the entire island.

I'm not saying that we should do this. I'm saying we can do this and Sri Lanka would do well to not underestimate India also to not live in high hopes that a country thousands of kilometres away will come to save it if and when India ever decided to take matters in its own hands.
I'm not saying that we should do this. I'm saying we can do this and Sri Lanka would do well to not underestimate India also to not live in high hopes that a country thousands of kilometres away will come to save it if and when India ever decided to take matters in its own hands.

Not even worth considering. India can squeeze both economically and diplomatically without firing a single shot. Why create trouble when it can be done peacefully? Pakistan is facing the brunt these days, aint it?
Let me pose the question straight.

was it right to deny Tsunami relief to muslims in Srilanka?

I hope I am not talking to a 12 yr old.

1) What your are describing may be an instance of an isolated act.

2) This may be an act of water management. ( Part of the Mississippi damn was blown deliberately to divert water to save Baton Rouge from flood very recently).

3) It can also be described as a turf war between political entities.

4) It can also be all of the above.

Once again far from ethnic cleansing by the LTTE.
Not even worth considering. India can squeeze both economically and diplomatically without firing a single shot. Why create trouble when it can be done peacefully? Pakistan is facing the brunt these days, aint it?

You are very right but what I'm saying is that all options are always on the table. The priority order needs to be fixed, of course.
I hope I am not talking to a 12 yr old.

1) What your are describing may be an instance of an isolated act.

2) This may be an act of water management. ( Part of the Mississippi damn was blown deliberately to divert water to save Baton Rouge from flood very recently).

3) It can also be described as a turf war between political entities.

4) It can also be all of the above.

Once again far from ethnic cleansing by the LTTE.

Iam not talking to a genius either.

was it right to deny Tsunami relief to muslims in Srilanka?

Options are Yes or no

Seeking selective justice for muslims in some part of the world and deny the same in other parts.
Iam not talking to a genius either.

was it right to deny Tsunami relief to muslims in Srilanka?

Options are Yes or no

Seeking selective justice for muslims in some part of the world and deny the same in other parts.

You are taking a single event and painting everything with it. :disagree:

Let me help you in framing your argument. Has there been a clear and systemic practice of denying aid to the Muslims ?

The answer is no.
Do you have comprehension problems?

Again where does it say that India allowed the Tibetan govt in exile to function as such? Or even allowed them to train and launch attacks in side of China? Bullcrapping is a well shared trait among bots I see. '62 was had absolutely nothing to do with Dalai Lama. Go read up kid.

Yes, Indian. If you host our separatist groups on your soil, after their failed violent revolution, you are responsible for what they do.

And I'm being generous when I call them "separatists". The Chinese government calls them terrorists.

China accuses Dalai Lama of being a terrorist - Times Online

Like I said, India likes to support separatist groups and terrorist groups from their neighbouring countries.

I guess 1962 was not a good enough lesson, after India hosted our largest separatist group in 1959. Cause and effect.
Yes, Indian. If you host our separatist groups on your soil, after their failed violent revolution, you are responsible for what they do.

And I'm being generous when I call them "separatists". The Chinese government calls them terrorists.

China accuses Dalai Lama of being a terrorist - Times Online

Like I said, India likes to support separatist groups and terrorist groups from their neighbouring countries.

I guess 1962 was not a good enough lesson, after India hosted our largest separatist group in 1959. Cause and effect.

Are you really that thick or you just doing that for argument's sake? Do you even know the conditions GoI has imposed on Dalai Lama? And why should anyone believe what government controlled Chinese media says? Times Now just regurgitated what Chinese media put out. C'mon, you guys even called the meditation group Falon Gong a terrorist group!!

Again, quit being so think. '62 war had nothing to do with Dalai Lama.
Same establishment fighting them? talk some sense.And stop supporting bla.

No a different establishment fighting them. There is blood, both Pakistani and foreign on the hands of many low level and intermediate level officers of ISI.

I for one, dont support BLA. So stop accusing me. Neither do I know anyone supporting them, unless someone provides solid proof/evidence from neutral highly respected sources.
Do you even know the conditions GoI has imposed on Dalai Lama?

I couldn't care less what the GoI's conditions are/were. :lol:

They fled Tibet after a failed violent uprising against the government, which already makes them separatists. Who were welcomed with open arms, by a backstabbing India in 1959.

The Dalai Lama himself then admited to the New York Times, that while being hosted by India, he trained anti-Chinese militants and guerrilla fighters against us.

Again: India likes to support terrorists, and separatists, in their neighboring countries.
Do you have comprehension problems?

Again where does it say that India allowed the Tibetan govt in exile to function as such? Or even allowed them to train and launch attacks in side of China? Bullcrapping is a well shared trait among bots I see. '62 was had absolutely nothing to do with Dalai Lama. Go read up kid.

Are you really that thick or you just doing that for argument's sake?

Again, quit being so thick.

Wow, that is a lot of personal attacks in just two posts. :rofl:

A sure sign of desperation.
No a different establishment fighting them. There is blood, both Pakistani and foreign on the hands of many low level and intermediate level officers of ISI.

I for one, dont support BLA. So stop accusing me. Neither do I know anyone supporting them, unless someone provides solid proof/evidence from neutral highly respected sources.

So ur now suggesting tht a few low level ISI officiers r involved? but even if i agree with u....than how can u blame the "establishment"? do a few guys represent the whole "establishment".

You should be specific and clear before accusing anybdy......And no not u....But ur country which has been using proxies against almost all of its neighbours!
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