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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind

Yes India did support Sri Lanka at the UN - but was that because China and Russia were doing the same and India didn't want to be the odd one out?

I mean India could have easily ended the war over the last 20 years but chose not to.

India was quite happy to have war going on in Sri Lanka without spilling over into India.

ie - keep India stable, promote instability in neighbouring countries so they come under Indian influence

India also refused to sell offensive equipment to Sri Lanka - which was why China and Pakistan really came into the picture.

I think India saw the LTTE as a bargaining chip.

That's fucked up.

what a load of BS u r spewing???? Did not we lose 1200 Indian soldiers trying to protect u guys..we even won Jaffna for u in 1987-89 ..and what did u do???started a BS politics and again treated Tamils as second class citizens...

actually u could have prevented the War by treating Tamils as equal citizens ...but u thought u could get away by committing mass murders....We created LTTE..because u tried to black mail us by running to BIG DADDY USA...
We helped u destroy LTTE .because we thought they have become a Frankenstein...but that does not mean we wont do it again if we our strategic interests are threatened again....vis-a-vis China
I know you are desperate to justify arming, training and funding the LTTE.

Now let as assume that it was to "help" the Tamils.

Did that really work? I mean honestly?

IMO, the LTTE did a better job of f**king over Tamils than anyone else.

Basically, the Tamils were destroyed from within.

Kudos to India?

No we are not saying Indian gov created LTTE to help tamils..if we really wanted to help tamils..we would have over run Sri Lanka..

What Iam saying is we created LTTE ..because u threatened us by inviting USA to build a naval base...Now LTTE only succeded for 30 yrs..because u guys actually committed crimes againts Tamils unimaginable to humanity
We helped u destroy LTTE .because we thought they have become a Frankenstein...but that does not mean we wont do it again if we our strategic interests are threatened again....vis-a-vis China

LOL, yet another Indian threat of terrorism against Sri Lanka.

Yes ..we funded and trained LTTE..u know y?..because u were involved in anti-india activities ,allowing USA to base their navy in ur country...
1 foolish, egoistic mistake of urs had resulted in destruction of country for last 20 yrs....

We will repeat the same thing if we find Srilanka is again doing anti-india activities now...so better watch out

Like I said before... Sri Lanka called your bluff, and they won the war.
Really? Is that why there are anti-conversion laws in many states and Muslims get butchered at will?

......................And terror attacks in India are good medicine for India :) And the Kashmiris deserve their freedom from Indian rule....... and funding insurgent groups in India is the right thing to do.

Human rights huh? go and ask the tamils you murdered before the war about human rights.....you only talk about one side of the coin and completely forget about the mass atrocities committed against your tamil people why is that?.

About the bolded part i really wish your leaders too think like that and formulate policies towards india with that in mind.....then see what happens:)
Really? Is that why there are anti-conversion laws in many states and Muslims get butchered at will?

......................And terror attacks in India are good medicine for India :) And the Kashmiris deserve their freedom from Indian rule....... and funding insurgent groups in India is the right thing to do.

anti conversion law is to prevent convention by force,cheat ,money and other methods..

unlawful activities and riots happen in every country.
and about Kashmir we treat Kashmir people as equals just like all other state people of India..they have all civil rights and equality..

the state is not discriminating unlike in srilanka.
LOL, yet another Indian threat of terrorism against Sri Lanka.

Like I said before... Sri Lanka called your bluff, and they won the war.

wat bluff u r talking about?? The then indian gov created LTTE to punish Sri lankans for aliging with USA who were our Strategic adverseries...for 30 yrs Sri Lankans were caught up in a fight they could have easily prevented by treating Tamils as equal citizens.but lets not get into that...

So...in these 3 decades..Srilankans were so caught up that they forgot about their Strategic alliance with USA and actually paid a lot more as USA left the region to us...

What i meant by "india will do the same thing" is if Srilanka does the same thing again i.e., leverage China now against us..it will not take much time for Indians to re-activate cells across Sri lanka...for u know and also accepted by all Srilankan military and gov officials..the main reason Srilanka won the war was not because of weapons but because India unplugged support to LTTE and clamped down on support groups across TN...
LOL, yet another Indian threat of terrorism against Sri Lanka.

Like I said before... Sri Lanka called your bluff, and they won the war.

You Should Concentrate more on Tapaie, Japan, XingJiang, Tibet, Vietnam.

A Country which has problem with 10's of Neighbouring Countries Saying this :P Hats Off to your Courage.
India only "reverted" when Sri Lanka was on a winning streak against the LTTE.

(Although I would say Sonia Gandhi also had some revenge on her mind for the death of her husband).

India was the first nation to ban LTTE in 1992,and Sri Lankan was nowhere close to victory back then
As I said on Day 1 after registering myself after being In Active for 2-3 years.

The View expressed here should be considered as General View of Few Posters of Respective Countries (Wrong or Right Flag). It's might be not real facts and View of Country Top Level official.
No Matter what few Posters says about India ( No Matter who weather Sri Lanka or Other nations). The Day Sri Lankan PM says something about India that is only important :yahoo:
Really? Is that why there are anti-conversion laws in many states and Muslims get butchered at will?

......................And terror attacks in India are good medicine for India :) And the Kashmiris deserve their freedom from Indian rule....... and funding insurgent groups in India is the right thing to do.

Muslims get butchered at will

Discrimination of muslims in India. Do you want me to quote discrimination of muslims in Srilanka by Izeth Hussain, M. I. M. Mohideen

I know you could find it yourselves. For the benefit of other members let me quote a couple.

The plight of Colombo Muslims and national political parties in Sri Lanka

Sabotaging Tsunami relief for muslims.

URGENT ALERT: Sri Lanka sabotages tsunami relief in Muslim and Tamil provinces by unleashing sluice gates

Sri Lanka Guardian: Cricket and Sri Lankan Muslims

I know this attempt to show the perfidy of Srilankans is futile. But let us see the reactions of your pakistani brothers.
Yes India did support Sri Lanka at the UN - but was that because China and Russia were doing the same and India didn't want to be the odd one out?

I mean India could have easily ended the war over the last 20 years but chose not to.

India was quite happy to have war going on in Sri Lanka without spilling over into India.

ie - keep India stable, promote instability in neighbouring countries so they come under Indian influence

India also refused to sell offensive equipment to Sri Lanka - which was why China and Pakistan really came into the picture.

I think India saw the LTTE as a bargaining chip.

That's fucked up.

I am not sure if India could stop the war 20 yrs ago. The LTTE monster they created were involved in drug trade, piracy, kidnapping, and blackmailing non-resident Sri Lankans for money. It was reportedly generating $100s of millions of dollars every year.
wat bluff u r talking about?? The then indian gov created LTTE to punish Sri lankans for aliging with USA who were our Strategic adverseries...for 30 yrs Sri Lankans were caught up in a fight they could have easily prevented by treating Tamils as equal citizens.but lets not get into that...

So...in these 3 decades..Srilankans were so caught up that they forgot about their Strategic alliance with USA and actually paid a lot more as USA left the region to us...

What i meant by "india will do the same thing" is if Srilanka does the same thing again i.e., leverage China now against us..it will not take much time for Indians to re-activate cells across Sri lanka...for u know and also accepted by all Srilankan military and gov officials..the main reason Srilanka won the war was not because of weapons but because India unplugged support to LTTE and clamped down on support groups across TN...

Thats the truth India is scared of china :) except tamil nadu (excluding traitor karunanidhi &co) the central gov. doesnt care about tamils.Only the chinese threat will wake the sleeping giant.... if that happens then all hell will break loose :pop:.
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