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Indira Gandhi helped train Tamil rebels, and reaped whirlwind

Why can't China do what it is doing (supposing its true) if India got away with arming, training and funding terrorism in South Asia?

It is India that has alienated her neighbours - not anyone else.

South Asia? Besides LTTE, I don't recall India having supported any other terrorist groups ,and how did India get away with supporting LTTE,we lost of 1000 troops and a prime minister.
Why can't China do what it is doing (supposing its true) if India got away with arming, training and funding terrorism in South Asia?

It is India that has alienated her neighbours - not anyone else.

What a LIE??

We supported Sri Lanka in UN on UN report on War Crimes....have a little decency and speak truth...ask ur gov and strategic analysis..They agree without India's support it would have been impossible to withstand pressure from the West...
If u had treated Tamils with respect and cared a little about India's security concerns..u would'nt have had a war for 20 yrs..

If India hadn't armed, trained and funded a terrorist group in Sri Lanka and given it refuge in one if its southern states, thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankan lives would have been saved.

When there is a terror attack in India, do take the time to reflect on that.
India turned a tiny rebel group into a terrorist entity with weapons, training and funds - as well as political cover.

---------- Post added at 10:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------

All true.

Another penchant is screaming at Pakistan about "sponsoring cross border terrorism"

If only the mirror could be turned inwards.

India turned a tiny rebel group into a terrorist entity with weapons, training and funds - as well as political cover.

War with east and west pakistan, actively supported by the west. The least we expected was a neutral southern neighbor.

When cornered by all sides, don't you think it is reasonable to release pressure from a side.

Another penchant is screaming at Pakistan about "sponsoring cross border terrorism"

If only the mirror could be turned inwards

would you not scream if india again actively support LTTE.
Nope, there wouldn't have been a war without India arming, training and funding the LTTE.

There is no war in Gujarat - that is because no one is funding, arming and training the Muslims there to wage a war.

lol war in Gujarat..for what..we have a constitution and legal system and democracy which treats and gives equal rights to all citizens..though all is not well it is working pretty good.

India armed and funded many Tamil org which fought for the rights of Tamil and it was a right thing to do...Bangladesh was created for the same reasons..
This is typical tactics of the Indian government.

Instead of using their economy and entrepreneurs and cultural ethos to integrate neighbouring countries and consolidate their influence they prefer to do underhand things; interfere politically, fund terror groups, pit one group against another. This is most unfortunate.

China, on the other hand does the opposite - using the economy and prosperity to build bridges.

Hillarious..is that what u r being taught,,,Go and ask Africans what they think of China's so-called Integrating.....check this thread out...

What Africans really think of China !!!!

..and also see Some Srilankans too share the same concerns as Africans about the Chinese
What a LIE??

We supported Sri Lanka in UN on UN report on War Crimes....have a little decency and speak truth...ask ur gov and strategic analysis..They agree without India's support it would have been impossible to withstand pressure from the West...

Yes India did support Sri Lanka at the UN - but was that because China and Russia were doing the same and India didn't want to be the odd one out?

I mean India could have easily ended the war over the last 20 years but chose not to.

India was quite happy to have war going on in Sri Lanka without spilling over into India.

ie - keep India stable, promote instability in neighbouring countries so they come under Indian influence

India also refused to sell offensive equipment to Sri Lanka - which was why China and Pakistan really came into the picture.

I think India saw the LTTE as a bargaining chip.

That's fucked up.
^^ Why that terrorist organization formed in the first place?
If India hadn't armed, trained and funded a terrorist group in Sri Lanka and given it refuge in one if its southern states, thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankan lives would have been saved.

When there is a terror attack in India, do take the time to reflect on that.

Yes! it was strategic blunder on our part also, but India hadn't reverted Sri Lanka would still been fighting the civil war.
lol war in Gujarat..for what..we have a constitution and legal system and democracy which treats and gives equal rights to all citizens..though all is not well it is working pretty good.

Really? Is that why there are anti-conversion laws in many states and Muslims get butchered at will?

India armed and funded many Tamil org which fought for the rights of Tamil and it was a right thing to do...Bangladesh was created for the same reasons..

......................And terror attacks in India are good medicine for India :) And the Kashmiris deserve their freedom from Indian rule....... and funding insurgent groups in India is the right thing to do.
Yes! it was strategic blunder on our part also, but India hadn't reverted Sri Lanka would still been fighting the civil war.

India only "reverted" when Sri Lanka was on a winning streak against the LTTE.

(Although I would say Sonia Gandhi also had some revenge on her mind for the death of her husband).
If India hadn't armed, trained and funded a terrorist group in Sri Lanka and given it refuge in one if its southern states, thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankan lives would have been saved.

When there is a terror attack in India, do take the time to reflect on that.

What an idioitic statement..??? do u even know ur own history???

Go and read ur history books before commenting kid...go and ask y LTTE was formed in Srilanka ..u guys treated Tamils worse than Animals...u forced the Only Sinhala policy on tamils and when they didnot accept commited mass attrocities on them...and when we asked u to resolve this issue peacefully and ask u to stop these atrocities.u ran to big daddy- USA thinking u could leverage them against us...and we responded by creating LTTE...
If India hadn't armed, trained and funded a terrorist group in Sri Lanka and given it refuge in one if its southern states, thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankan lives would have been saved.

When there is a terror attack in India, do take the time to reflect on that.

India is not the reason of civil war in srilanka and you very well our know that..you denied the rights of Tamil people tried to sideline them , you treated them as second class citizen which is what the reason is.
What an idioitic statement..??? do u even know ur own history???

Go and read ur history books before commenting kid...go and ask y LTTE was formed in Srilanka ..u guys treated Tamils worse than Animals...u forced the Only Sinhala policy on tamils and when they didnot accept commited mass attrocities on them...and when we asked u to resolve this issue peacefully and ask u to stop these atrocities.u ran to big daddy- USA thinking u could leverage them against us...and we responded by creating LTTE...

I know you are desperate to justify arming, training and funding the LTTE.

Now let as assume that it was to "help" the Tamils.

Did that really work? I mean honestly?

IMO, the LTTE did a better job of f**king over Tamils than anyone else.

Basically, the Tamils were destroyed from within.

Kudos to India?
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