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India's Two-Front War Plans

They still have the religious tie, both Pakistan and Saudi are defending for the behalf of Islam.

Son you don't know saudi arabia they care about oil and protecting their kingdom the saudis current fear shia's who are a threat to their kingdoms it's going to be a clash between the wahabi sunnis and the shiite mullahs, sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

For a couple mil Pakistan will sell half of its population.

the next leader isn't going to let that happen.
Apply the same logic to china-pakistan relationship and infer the possibility of china intervening on behalf of pak?

The power balance between China and India has long been shifting in our favour.

1990 - China GDP : India GDP - 1:1
2000 - China GDP : India GDP - 2:1
2010 - China GDP : India GDP - 4:1

Indians are always overconfident because they feel they have been rising in strength relative to the rest of the world. Yes, that is true.... but relative to China, their power has actually been decreasing constantly.

India claims Chinese land (Aksai Chin) as a part of Kashmir. There is no choice about whether to be involved or not, they have already made us involved. If they start messing around with Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan they are directly challenging our territorial integrity, since they also claim Aksai Chin as a part of it.
Son you don't know saudi arabia they care about oil and protecting their kingdom the saudis current fear shia's who are a threat to their kingdoms it's going to be a clash between the wahabi sunnis and the shiite mullahs, sit back and enjoy the fireworks.

the next leader isn't going to let that happen.

Yet the Saudis are doing much better compared to others. Look at the terror strikes, and drone attacks and is to where they are happening. The Saudi look for their own national interest first that is why they are not involved in any kind of Sh*t, as for religious strife, every country has these problems. But the Saudi's are doing better compared to its neighbors.
The power balance between China and India has long been shifting in our favour.

1990 - China GDP : India GDP - 1:1
2000 - China GDP : India GDP - 2:1
2010 - China GDP : India GDP - 4:1

Indians are always overconfident because they feel they have been rising in strength relative to the rest of the world. Yes, that is true.... but relative to China, their power has actually been decreasing constantly.

India claims Chinese land (Aksai Chin) as a part of Kashmir. There is no choice about whether to be involved or not, they have already made us involved. If they start messing around with Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan they are directly challenging our territorial integrity, since they also claim Aksai Chin as a part of it.

There is no chance India even gets Aksai Chin but same with AP, well yes the chinese military engineers working in it if india attacks and kills chinese troops while fighting pakistan it's going to accelerate.
There is difference between 'will' and 'are'

You are saying Pakistan 'will sell'
I'm saying Saudi Arabia 'are sold' :rofl:

Sold I don't see where, they can protect their country from foreigners. If you call that a failure than i don't see your reasoning.
Yes indian tube artillery is much weaker but our rocket artillery is superb.

Numbers are 410 bofors.
140 155mm upgarded soltam m-46 howitzers.
450 m-46 field guns.
170 m-46 catapult sp artillery.

IA's main artillery is MBRLs.
150 bm-21 rad,100 pinaka,62 smerch.

As for PA intervening on PLA's side PAF planes like jf-17 maybe good for defence of airspace but no where adequate to gain air superiority in enemy air space against mkis .mirages 2000-5,mig-29kubs and rafales.
As for the PA's offensive power,The PA's armour has aboslutely no mobile AA and depends on MANPADS and PAF aircover for any offensive.Any PA armour attack into indian territory can easily be shot to pieces by gunships and IAF regardless of ur huge numbers of SP arty.So PA has great defensive potential but very little offensive potential unless it gets mobile AA to accompany its armour.
So a PA breakthrough in the west while india is pinned in the east is a pipe dream.
Yet the Saudis are doing much better compared to others. Look at the terror strikes, and drone attacks and is to where they are happening. The Saudi look for their own national interest first that is why they are not involved in any kind of Sh*t, as for religious strife, every country has these problems. But the Saudi's are doing better compared to its neighbors.

Saudi Arabia is currently run on oil they did a test back without using oil exports and their results were bad the saudis are on a buying spree of as much as they can spending 10% of it's GDP on military. sorry saudi arabia is the mother of where the radicalism for most sunni muslims comes from, they are in a clash with iran.
There is no chance India even gets Aksai Chin but same with AP, well yes the chinese military engineers working in it if india attacks and kills chinese troops whil fighting pakistan it's going to accelerate.

That is the difference between China and India border, and India and Pakistan border. Both countries have moved away from the disputes and are much more mature in solving their issue with talk rather than on gun point. Both sides realized that they can't have the land the other is governing and are fine with it. Both governments relation have improved, and it shows of a positive future, doesn't matter what as internet warriors we might say. The relationship has improved greatly since the 1960 and 70's era.
There is no chance India even gets Aksai Chin but same with AP, well yes the chinese military engineers working in it if india attacks and kills chinese troops while fighting pakistan it's going to accelerate.

Simple, keep aksai chin and withdraw ur other claims on arunachal pradesh and parts of uttarakhand,in any case the local people there hate u.Settle dispute.No cedeing of territory on either side.We will not kowtow to chinese pressure,this is not phillipines.
This is a Pakistani Defence Forum, please show some respect to our hosts.

lol hate to tell you this but with pakistani's getting pro iran the saudis are going to start barking they wanted pakistan to drop the pipeline with iran and funding anti shiism in pakistan.
There is no chance India even gets Aksai Chin but same with AP, well yes the chinese military engineers working in it if india attacks and kills chinese troops whil fighting pakistan it's going to accelerate.

why would India attack and kill chinese troops in India pak war :undecided:

it can be china which can try some misadventure. India is well prepared in AP, its not like '62 when we had few border troops there.
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