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India's Two-Front War Plans

It is not a matter of supporting but rather stating the reality.

And that was a move to justify the increase in defense budget. Only naives would believe India has less than 2 day worth of ammunition.

They were never friends the saudis use pakistani's as mercs or soldiers and use they resources the arabs want nuclear weapons but when pakistan denies them that they have no where to go.

They still have the religious tie, both Pakistan and Saudi are defending for the behalf of Islam.
They were never friends the saudis use pakistani's as mercs or soldiers and use they resources the arabs want nuclear weapons but when pakistan denies them that they have no where to go.
They can't deny, we will just send them a couple of million and will have their whole nuclear arsenal stationed here.
They had a neutral agreement with pakistan ceding land, no that was Iran not China, China hasn't supported pakistan in almost a single conflict due to pakistan was not important to them and they were laying low.

china threatened India in 1965 war by moving troops to border.

yes china has never fought on behalf of pak nor it will in future. most it can do is to supply ammo and military stuff
SCO is more important than eurasian union. Military position needs to be secured first before embarking on any economic positionc.

Economic is more important without it Russia cannot fully modernize.

china threatened India in 1965 war by moving troops to border.

yes china has never fought on behalf of pak nor it will in future. most it can do is to supply ammo and military stuff

same threats they had in 1971 about stopping it but other then that noting, Iran was pakistan most important factor during 1965.
The age of conquering new territory by force is long over.The sooner people realize this the better.
you may chose to believe it but any defense professional would know that the "leak" was done, in all probabilities, to justify increase in defense budget.

Already modernising rapidly.

It's more then just this but in all cases people use things to increase spending's, China next military was chosen by the military so it seems china will have an even bigger buildup.

They can't deny, we will just send them a couple of million and will have their whole nuclear arsenal stationed here.

lol a couple million for nukes son please saudi arabia will be sanctioned and pakistani cannot be put under any more sanctions pakistan also will risk a conflict with iran who it needs more the saudi arabia, pakistani's are getting smarter now to break the dog and master relationship.
India begged the USA to help them in 1962, but what happened then?

India pleaded for US help against China in 1962 - Times Of India

In 1962, the USA was openly our enemy. We had just previously fought a direct war with them (Korean War). The USSR was also our enemy at that point, due to the Sino-Soviet split.

Not to mention that we were just coming out of the worst famine in our history (1959-1961) and at our weakest possible point.

Today though... Russia is our strategic partner, and we have the largest bilateral economic relationship in the world with the USA, to the point where they were even proposing a "G-2" with us. :lol:

All the factors have turned in our favour since 1962. The gap has become so large that the Indian Armed Forces themselves have admitted that: "India cannot hope to match China. The gap is too wide, and is growing wider every day".

Apply the same logic to china-pakistan relationship and infer the possibility of china intervening on behalf of pak?
Don't be delusional, No ammo! No artillery!
Pakistan has no advantage over India(conventional or non conventional) except you having a big protector(China).

Go ask Indians here yourself on the artilirary issue.

Howetzers (Pakistan)

860 M110
500 M109
30 MKEK Panter
348 M198
244 M114
410 type 59
490 type 54
113 M56
216 M101

Howeitzers (India):

410 Bofors
140 M46
? D30 (Being replaced)


Indian Army is dangerously low on equipment and supplies, with barely enough ammunition for even 10 days of war.

Low on ammo, supplies, Indian Army is a creaking war machine | Firstpost

Sorry to spoil your fun.

Nukes (Pakistan) 150
Nukes (India) 90

Pakistan Army is Strong. :pakistan:
The age of conquering new territory by force is long over.The sooner people realize this the better.

Say that to the South Tibetans, are these folks belong to your race?

Mostly being conquered after a territorial subjugation. :coffee:
That's because you guys were so afraid of us, that you waited until Winter when all the passes were blocked with snow. :lol: Which will no longer work in the era of modernized warfare.

But let's go to a more recent event.

After the 2008 Mumbai attacks, India threatened Pakistan with "surgical strikes". But despite Mumbai being blasted several times after that, why didn't India do anything?

your little brother made pre-emptive strikes on december 3rd thats when we declared war genius. just google 1971 indo pak war if thats not fire walled .

why didn't supa power china do anything to get back their spartly's islands from vietnam, philippines ;)
I don't know about that.

Nehru certainly tried to take advantage in 1962 with the Forward Policy, immediately after we had just come out of a horrific famine (Great leap forward).

If they see blood they will try to bite, it's still the same Nehru-Gandhi family that is ruling India today.

So according to you Nehru tried to take advantage in 1962, when indian military was virtually non existent?

what a retard :lol:

That's because you guys were so afraid of us, that you waited until Winter when all the passes were blocked with snow. :lol: Which will no longer work in the era of modernized warfare.

Believing that just such an Indian attack was imminent, Nixon encouraged China to mobilise its armed forces along its border with India to discourage it. The Chinese did not, however, respond to this encouragement, because unlike the 1962 Sino-Indian War when India was caught entirely unaware, this time the Indian Army was prepared and had deployed eight mountain divisions to the Sino-Indian border to guard against such an eventuality

Bangladesh Liberation War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After the 2008 Mumbai attacks, India threatened Pakistan with "surgical strikes". But despite Mumbai being blasted several times after that, why didn't India do anything?

because thats the most economical are reasonable course of action

Blocking the strait will be a rightful excuse for us to sink that old crappy carrier with our ASBM.

in 1971 a navy tried to sink our aircraft carrier. do u know what happened to them?

India could freely bark at anytime if they want, but they should also remember that their firecrackers could likely be bursted before hitting Pakistan, while in a real exchange, Pakistan might return some high yield explosive nukes back to their cities. :coffee:

india does not depend on nuked for its wars despite what the fanboys say. it depends entirely on conventional weaponary.
It's more then just this but in all cases people use things to increase spending's, China next military was chosen by the military so it seems china will have an even bigger buildup.

lol a couple million for nukes son please saudi arabia will be sanctioned and pakistani cannot be put under any more sanctions pakistan also will risk a conflict with iran who it needs more the saudi arabia, pakistani's are getting smarter now to break the dog and master relationship.
For a couple mil Pakistan will sell half of its population.
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