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India's Track 3: Afghan-Iran rail link

You are mistaken dear, it is just not a railway track.. Rivals of Pakistan has used Afghan land against us and they will continue using it... This track means more Indians in Afghanistan and more activities against Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 AM ----------

And RAW is supporting from where? Not from heavens na!

there are pakistanis as well in Afghansitan, why not complain about that.
We never had a choice.....

You chose to let afghan bleed for the fear of being bombed back to stone age and for the allurment of billions of dollars in military and civilian aid and ISAF assistance funds. Verbal juggeraly coupled with intellectual gas and "tactically brilliant" emotional spinoff versions cannot be tolerated each and every time. Speaking truth needs guts.

we never wanted to pill the war in our cities or cripple our fast growin economy,have 40000 people die in terrorist attacks n 5000 soldiers shaheed or 70 billion $ worth of infra or economic loss?

Wow round-figures, again.
why not, america is thousands of miles away from afghansitan and the US still have its interests here.

Mr. Ahmad choice is all yours keep allowing people to exploit your land, just never let it end. US will be gone by 2014 or by next decade, cant stay in Afghanistan forever... Just let Pakistan and India fight on your land, make this region more like a hell.
It is indeed in a great interest and prosperity of Afghan...India would definately like to be a party in this evolution as stable and friendly neighbour is in its interest....off late...if u see..India has tried best to be very friendly with its neighbours within range of negotiation....see, almost all issues with Bangla have been resolved...we are doing our best to help Afghan so that people of Afgan get better perception about India...We have will, we have power and capital to invest..

Pakistan, just a bad boy...neither you have money...nor you have will....just an ego problem...your only card..ISI..with ISI you can just destabilize Afghan by carrying out blasts but that will not get you any score..otherwise you would have won whole Kashimi decades ago...so terrorism is not that something u can offer to any country ..what else u ve??? can u offer what India is offering to Afg??? no..you dont have that resouces...so why dont u just concentrate on your domestic issues until you get some rest from it???

Pakistan in no way from any angle is being seen as masiah of any other country....pls...get urself out sxxxit u r in and then if u find some time and resource..look around for opportuntities..and haa..only Good..
Mr. Ahmad choice is all yours keep allowing people to exploit your land, just never let it end. US will be gone by 2014 or by next decade, cant stay in Afghanistan forever... Just let Pakistan and India fight on your land, make this region more like a hell.

What is other way to use full potential of land and resources .. if they will not allow foreigners to to help them ......
India and China both are aiming for same in Afghanistan .. for resources.. want to blame later one..
there are pakistanis as well in Afghansitan, why not complain about that.

Pakistan shares a very long and porous border with Afghanistan, which is why its not unusual to see Afghans in Pakistan and Pakistanis in Afghanistan, however india, a country that does not get affected by what happens in Afghanistan and neither does it share a border with the country has no right to to be in Afghanistan spreading its tentacle like influence in that country.
It is indeed in a great interest and prosperity of Afghan...India would definately like to be a party in this evolution as stable and friendly neighbour is in its interest....off late...if u see..India has tried best to be very friendly with its neighbours within range of negotiation....see, almost all issues with Bangla have been resolved...we are doing our best to help Afghan so that people of Afgan get better perception about India...We have will, we have power and capital to invest..

Pakistan, just a bad boy...neither you have money...nor you have will....just an ego problem...your only card..ISI..with ISI you can just destabilize Afghan by carrying out blasts but that will not get you any score..otherwise you would have won whole Kashimi decades ago...so terrorism is not that something u can offer to any country ..what else u ve??? can u offer what India is offering to Afg??? no..you dont have that resouces...so why dont u just concentrate on your domestic issues until you get some rest from it???

Pakistan in no way from any angle is being seen as masiah of any other country....pls...get urself out sxxxit u r in and then if u find some time and resource..look around for opportuntities..and haa..only Good..

What can Pakistan offer Afghanistan you ask ?

You must either be a teenager with no concept of recent past or slept thru the 80's.

Pakistan opened its borders for 3.5 million Afghan Refugees in dire need of help, while India sided with its Soviet ally.

The only reason India is in Afghanistan today is because it wants to open a new front on Pakistan's Western Border.

India has no real interest in any Muslim country and its only interest is exploitation of weaker Muslim countires.

If anyone has any doubts , please go to India and see how Indians treat its own Muslim Population. Please read about what Indians did to Muslims in Gujrat. They butcher Muslims, burn them alive and rape muslim women as the Indian police stands by and eggs them on. Indians have a deep hatred of Muslims ( especially the Afghan and Iranian muslims for ruling India for over a thousand years). Please study the reasons why India today is split in three countries and you will find a deep rooted indian hatred for Muslim Religion and Muslim Culture.

Both Iran and Afghanistan should give special thanks to Allah, for creating a buffer state between India and Iran Afghanistan. Pakistan is that buffer state that protects Iran and Afghanistan from India. If you dont believe me ask any of India's neighbours what they think of Indian arrogance and hegemony ( Neighbours like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives). Every single Indian neighbour has had a a full blown War or a border skirmish with India.
What can Pakistan offer Afghanistan you ask ?
rebuilding of afghanistan

You must either be a teenager with no concept of recent past or slept thru the 80's
hmm..none of the above...lol

Pakistan opened its borders for 3.5 million Afghan Refugees in dire need of help, while India sided with its Soviet ally.
You must either be a teenager with no concept of recent past or slept thru the 80's

The only reason India is in Afghanistan today is because it wants to open a new front on Pakistan's Western Border.
Good for all..except of evils..;-)

India has no real interest in any Muslim country and its only interest is exploitation of weaker Muslim countires.
How..can you explain Mr bean?

If anyone has any doubts , please go to India and see how Indians treat its own Muslim Population. Please read about what Indians did to Muslims in Gujrat. They butcher Muslims, burn them alive and rape muslim women as the Indian police stands by and eggs them on. Indians have a deep hatred of Muslims ( especially the Afghan and Iranian muslims for ruling India for over a thousand years). Please study the reasons why India today is split in three countries and you will find a deep rooted indian hatred for Muslim Religion and Muslim Culture.
I live in India only..and most of my friends and fellow techies are muslim...you stupid loser..must not have even crossed the lane of your own village and talking about India..poor chap..go to school..madrasa is not enough these days...

Both Iran and Afghanistan should give special thanks to Allah, for creating a buffer state between India and Iran Afghanistan. Pakistan is that buffer state that protects Iran and Afghanistan from India. If you dont believe me ask any of India's neighbours what they think of Indian arrogance and hegemony ( Neighbours like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives). Every single Indian neighbour has had a a full blown War or a border skirmish with India.

Pakistan is the buffer state for Chian...now you are changing the rules of the game..do you really have that kind of buffering capacity???

com'on dude...no need to fight on..there is no game between us :-)
It is not our obligation to see what is good for Afghanistan, it is our obligation to see what is good for Iran and Iran is already helping Afghanistan,so nothing to complain about. India has welcomed and implemented the US engineered sanctions against Iran, they haven't paid their oil debts to us yet, they haven't supported Iran's right to civil nuclear program, they haven't done anything positive for Iran yet in the international arena even when they could. They simply aren't our ally. Of course historically they are a brotherly nation of Iran but I see no reason why Iran should risk its ties with its neighbor Pakistan over the Indian interests?

india is not a friend of any Muslim country, indians are only exploiting Afghanistan under the false guise of "strategic partnership".
In reality india wants to pile up pressure on Pakistan from both its western and eastern borders. A good example is Bangladesh, indians are literally running that country, Bangladesh has compromised most of its national interest to india, once indians used Bangladesh against Pakistan now they are treating Bangalis like trash, they shoot them on the border, steal their land, kill their villagers at will.

Its a good thing that you Iranians have seen the true face of india, they will sell out their "friends" when it comes to indians. Pakistan and iran are neighbors, yes we had conflicting interests in the past regarding Afghanistan, however we never reached a point where our two countries considered each other enemies or any significant threat to each other in any way or form. Today Iran has supported Pakistan on many international matters and Pakistan reciprocated, Iranian power plant at Chabahar is supplying energy to Pakistan's Gwadar deep sea port, Iran will be supplying Pakistan with Gas through the Iran-Pakistan (and hopefully China) gas pipeline despite outside pressure to cancel this project, and hopefully the cooperation between our countries will extend to other fields.
What can Pakistan offer Afghanistan you ask ?

You must either be a teenager with no concept of recent past or slept thru the 80's.

Pakistan opened its borders for 3.5 million Afghan Refugees in dire need of help, while India sided with its Soviet ally.

You didn't had any other option. No Border fence and I am aware the respect you people give to afgan people. BTW, Durand line was real border. Isn't it ?

The only reason India is in Afghanistan today is because it wants to open a new front on Pakistan's Western Border.

Another conspiracy theory. Any evidence to prove ? We have good relation with Afghanistan for many decades and we are helping. Yes, we have some interest mainly natural resources. It's mutual benefit for India, Afghanistan and Iran. Nothing to do with Pakistan, Open west side ?? Your east side is more than enough. 48,65,71,99 !! Got it ?

India has no real interest in any Muslim country and its only interest is exploitation of weaker Muslim countires.

India has strong and real interest in all countries which can become good friend irrespective of religion. It's mutual interest. Leave that, you won't understand as Pakistan international diplomacy had failed miserably with less friends and more hatred. But what can i expect more when most of the Pakistanis are always know to play "PAN Muslim Card" on each and every thing. ??

If anyone has any doubts , please go to India and see how Indians treat its own Muslim Population. Please read about what Indians did to Muslims in Gujrat. They butcher Muslims, burn them alive and rape muslim women as the Indian police stands by and eggs them on.

Again Gujarat riot which happened decade back ? I don't know a single day, when that decade old incident was not repeated on PDF. Riot was started when Godhra train was burned by some Muslims. 70-100 Hindus died and then Riot started in which many Hindus also died. Indian Muslims are 100 times better than Pakistan Muslims. So, Keep your fake logic to yourself.

Do you know about Pakistan ?? Hindu Population declined from 22% to 1.5% in 64 years. Mostly they were killed, Raped, forced to leave the country and converted to Islam forcefully. In India, Muslim population increased from 9% to 14%. Ahmediyas are targeted since many decades in your country. Do you know how Many Shia's Killed in Pakistan ?? Do you need me to put all data ?? It would be off-topic but if you are going to insist, I will surely enlightened you. More Muslims specially Shia and Ahmediyas were Killed in Pakistan than any country on earth.

Indians have a deep hatred of Muslims ( especially the Afghan and Iranian muslims for ruling India for over a thousand years). Please study the reasons why India today is split in three countries and you will find a deep rooted indian hatred for Muslim Religion and Muslim Culture.

It was not 1,000 years but few hundred and that also not all country. Anyway, They were Uzbeks and all. It was Islamic Invasion. BTW, Do you know Persian also faced similar Islamic Invasion and lost Zoroastrian population 99.99% ?? India is heartland of Zoroastrian. Persian and Indian are known for own 5,000 year old culture and we both faced same Invasion. Alas, Parts of Afganisthan was also part of India at that time. Search Kandhar = Gandhar. You have ZERO knowledge about history. Only trying your best to play Muslim card since many decades but failed miserably. BTW, Indian subcontinent 95% Muslims ancestors are Hindus, So why hate Hindus ?? We don't hate. Why we will hate when you all are product from same DNA. The problem is inferiority complex since 47. You attacked 3 times and lost all 3 times. It's your political and Army fear and hate creation and nothing more.

Both Iran and Afghanistan should give special thanks to Allah, for creating a buffer state between India and Iran Afghanistan. Pakistan is that buffer state that protects Iran and Afghanistan from India. If you dont believe me ask any of India's neighbours what they think of Indian arrogance and hegemony ( Neighbours like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives). Every single Indian neighbour has had a a full blown War or a border skirmish with India.

Afghanistan should thank Allah that India is helping her otherwise Pakistan will tell those Talibani to destroy and Kill Afghanistani people. India-Iran has good relation, Chabbar port will be ready soon. Sea Gas pipe line is also in planning. We buy more from Iran than whole Pakistan import of crude i suppose. Don't talk about U.S., as your country is U.S. Allies for last 50 odd years and our relation was always with Russia. Daily drone attack, Multi billion $ aid, giving all base to attack and telling everyone see India is U.S. friend. Height of comedy. lol. India is too big country to be affected/influenced by U.S., India is not Pakistan, soon you comprehend better for you !!

If you dont believe me ask any of India's neighbours what they think of Indian arrogance and hegemony ( Neighbours like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Maldives). Every single Indian neighbour has had a a full blown War or a border skirmish with India.

We have very good relation with Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan. So Cut your crap, SL and BD are neutral.

Pakistan - We have very bad relation.
China - Neutral relation, No shot fired for last 50 years. It's all diplomacy. Even if bad relation, Still Only 2.

China has bad relation with 10's of countries like S.K., Japan, India, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines - Go and Ask.
Pakistan has bad relation with Both India and Afghanistan. Even with Iran, we have better relation.

So, every country has some problem with few neighbours in Asia. What's big deal ? Ask and verify yourself.

===>> All your statement are completely based on your creation which has nothing to do with facts. Think before you post.
I always tell my Iranian friends that a "Natural Friend" is a lot better than a Friend of Convenience ( Like a marriage of convenience). A natural friend will always be by your side in the long run. A friend of convenience will only be with you as long as it is expedient to do so. A case in point is with the Iran Pakistan India gas pipeline. Remember how easily India caved in to USA pressure to dump Iran whereas Pakistan simply told USA to take a flying leap.

Pakistan and Iran have deep historical ties and our people watch each others back. This is not to say that some Individuals under Saudi pressure have not worked against Iranian interest, but those individuals do not have mass support of Pakistani people. The majority of people of Pakistan support their iranian brothers and I know for a fact that if Iran was ever attacked by a western power ( or Israel for that matter ), Pakistan will be fighting on Iran's side. India will only give verbal support and like they say " Talk is cheap ".

If Iran thinks India can ever be Iran's friend please go to India and see for yourself how they treat their Muslim citizens and you will know how much Indians hate Muslim people. Iran should thank God that Iran has Pakistan as a buffer between itself and India. If Iran had a border with India they would learn the true nature of Indian character. If you dont believe me ask the following neighbours of India what kind of relationship India has with them ( China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives). Every single neighbour of India with common borders or seas have experienced the overbearing Indian Hegemony and have had a war or border skirmishes. Even Nepal which has 90% Hindu Population have complained of Indian arrogance.

This must be the record of BS. Indian Muslims are much better in our country thank you. At least they don't have to watch their backs for a bombing or a suicide attack. Anyways, if Iran thinks Pakistan is a better bet go right ahead, you would get your stern answer in 10-20 years. In my opinion, Pakistan can never have a similar diplomatic clout as India.
Mr. Ahmad choice is all yours keep allowing people to exploit your land, just never let it end. US will be gone by 2014 or by next decade, cant stay in Afghanistan forever... Just let Pakistan and India fight on your land, make this region more like a hell.

It is sad for the likes of simpletons like Ahmad that they are quick to grovel at the feet of the conquering Americans or their new found friends on the forum and forget about those that have attempted to do so much for his so called nation. We lose so many people in this war. We allow our borders to be open for his nations people to enter and seek refuge and live with us AS us yet the gratitude people like Ahmad shows is limited. When an American suc as Gambit jumps on the bandwagon to bash anything to do with Pakistan Mr Ahmad is quick to thank him either because he is submissive to the conquering race or simply dim.
I find it distasteful and disrespectful that he has the audacity to be so dismissive over the loss our nation has incurred over the recent years. Maybe its because they have been ruled by so many different forces that they have forgotten those that have made sacrifices,those that have had losses and most importantly those that have in the worlds eyes risked so much and lost respect. Please emmie forgive his dimness and ignore him in future. Let this be a lesson to our nation of what we have been suffering for so long for. Never again.
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