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India's Track 3: Afghan-Iran rail link


I am not very good with computer related drawings, but this is how it is with respect to the known resources in Afghanistan.
We have very good relation with Nepal, Maldives and Bhutan. So Cut your crap, SL and BD are neutral.


Really ? You think you have great relationship with Nepal ?

China & Nepal discuss military cooperation

Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army (PLA) Chen Bingde held talks with visiting Chief of Army Staff for the Nepalese Army Chhatraman Singh Gurung on Monday afternoon.

Chen, who wrapped up an official visit to Nepal in March, said China and Nepal have enjoyed good relations since ancient times, adding that people from the two countries share a deep friendship.

"China approves of Nepal's firm stance on issues relating to Tibet and heartily appreciates Nepal's sincere cooperation in that area," Chen said.

He expressed the hope that the two sides will continue to mutually assist each other, cope with difficulties and challenges and safeguard bilateral common interests.

"China will stick to the policy of 'building friendships and partnerships with neighboring countries' and work with Nepal to become good neighbors, friends and partners," Chen said.

Gurung, who is in China for an official visit, stressed that Nepal views China as a "friend for all time."

"Nepal has always adhered to the one-China policy and will never allow any force to make use of the Nepalese territory to engage in anti-China activities," Gurung said.

He said the two countries' militaries have cooperated well in recent years and vowed to work with China to continuously enhance Nepal-China relations.

The two sides also exchanged views on military cooperation in the fields of medical treatment and non-traditional security.

Gurung is scheduled to meet with Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Xu Caihou on Tuesday.

Senior PLA official holds talks with Nepalese Army Chief - People's Daily Online
Bl[i]tZ;2243087 said:
Calling the bluff of being the only connecting link between Central Asia and the South Asia.


Ingenious Plan. haha.

You are going to run a railroad track through Taliban country.

Can Indian planners give me some of that stuff they are smoking. I could use some of that recreational stuff for an upcoming party, Lol.
Ingenious Plan. haha.

You are going to run a railroad track through Taliban country.

Can Indian planners give me some of that stuff they are smoking. I could use some of that recreational stuff for an upcoming party, Lol.

One of your mate on this forum just wrote that Taliban never attacks Indian.. they are our friends ..

The established fact from last 10years;
Talibans are only friendly with Indian army and contractors working in Afghanistan, while they are so deadly against Pakistan army that they even wish to kill their children.
Remember the attack on Army mosque in westridge Rawalpindi, where Indian friendly TTP were shouting 'in ki nasal ko khatam kardo'


read this.. looks like your guys are lot confused than I was thinking

Please reply to this with your last words during your routine day orgasm which caused by writing against India
You completely missed the point of my argument. Jains, Sikhs, and Christians combined only make up 3.7% of india's population therefore despite their few numbers they have a higher literacy rate, but my argument was specifically targeting the fact that Muslims make up 13.4% of india's population yet their literacy rate is lower than that of Jains, Christians, Sikhs, and even hindus.


Lame argument....
Education cannot be force fed...It is based upon an individuals choice...
If Muslim families are not sending their kids to school...thats NOT the fault of the GOI or Indians in general...

Do you have any proof that states that Muslim kids are "screened" causing a low enrollment or % of educated...

If not, please save the desperate attempt...
Really ? You think you have great relationship with Nepal ?

China & Nepal discuss military cooperation

Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army (PLA) Chen Bingde held talks with visiting Chief of Army Staff for the Nepalese Army Chhatraman Singh Gurung on Monday afternoon.

Chen, who wrapped up an official visit to Nepal in March, said China and Nepal have enjoyed good relations since ancient times, adding that people from the two countries share a deep friendship.

"China approves of Nepal's firm stance on issues relating to Tibet and heartily appreciates Nepal's sincere cooperation in that area," Chen said.

He expressed the hope that the two sides will continue to mutually assist each other, cope with difficulties and challenges and safeguard bilateral common interests.

"China will stick to the policy of 'building friendships and partnerships with neighboring countries' and work with Nepal to become good neighbors, friends and partners," Chen said.

Gurung, who is in China for an official visit, stressed that Nepal views China as a "friend for all time."

"Nepal has always adhered to the one-China policy and will never allow any force to make use of the Nepalese territory to engage in anti-China activities," Gurung said.

He said the two countries' militaries have cooperated well in recent years and vowed to work with China to continuously enhance Nepal-China relations.

The two sides also exchanged views on military cooperation in the fields of medical treatment and non-traditional security.

Gurung is scheduled to meet with Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Xu Caihou on Tuesday.

Senior PLA official holds talks with Nepalese Army Chief - People's Daily Online
dats becaused we are not you we dont get uncomfortable about our negibours we trust them and dont wana take them to stonage by installing taliban there, except you cause of your own action remember 1947 kashmir or kargil and many many more mumbai kinda things

about muslim-"Indians treat its own Muslim Population" i hear this many times i myself is a muslim rehan khan desai ,and i have never in my life seen any state terror by india i say state terror .about gujrat i m not a guju but what happened was said but you dont call it state terror,but bjp lost because of its crimes in national elections(will that happen in pakistan forget hindus even if there were shias or balouch etc),and you could see muslims who were supporting modi the cm of guj so its complex but logically some radicalised youth thanks to you pak and your agents mallvi working in india they burnt hindus alive, babri was tragic (but people had appologiesed for that)this burning of hindus sparked a riot ,there are radical hindus but unlike us, the masses of hindu dont listen to them,i have many hindu frnds who openly critise radical hindu.we are not sufi but i like the ideology but thats a different issue i see many iranian and afgan brother are good muslim like me and not propogonda based radical like pakistanis i wish i see a musalman in pakistan not kafirs now i understand who are real kafirs thanks to this forum and kafirs are americans and their friend in pak and saudi who mislead our youth in false jehad and i feel muslims in india are much much more better than muslim in pakistan who kill their own brothers poision their childern and worst even themselves
Really ? You think you have great relationship with Nepal ?

China & Nepal discuss military cooperation

Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese Army (PLA) Chen Bingde held talks with visiting Chief of Army Staff for the Nepalese Army Chhatraman Singh Gurung on Monday afternoon.

Chen, who wrapped up an official visit to Nepal in March, said China and Nepal have enjoyed good relations since ancient times, adding that people from the two countries share a deep friendship.

"China approves of Nepal's firm stance on issues relating to Tibet and heartily appreciates Nepal's sincere cooperation in that area," Chen said.

He expressed the hope that the two sides will continue to mutually assist each other, cope with difficulties and challenges and safeguard bilateral common interests.

"China will stick to the policy of 'building friendships and partnerships with neighboring countries' and work with Nepal to become good neighbors, friends and partners," Chen said.

Gurung, who is in China for an official visit, stressed that Nepal views China as a "friend for all time."

"Nepal has always adhered to the one-China policy and will never allow any force to make use of the Nepalese territory to engage in anti-China activities," Gurung said.

He said the two countries' militaries have cooperated well in recent years and vowed to work with China to continuously enhance Nepal-China relations.

The two sides also exchanged views on military cooperation in the fields of medical treatment and non-traditional security.

Gurung is scheduled to meet with Vice Chairman of China's Central Military Commission Xu Caihou on Tuesday.

Senior PLA official holds talks with Nepalese Army Chief - People's Daily Online

So...Damn us if we do, Damn us if we dont...

Your argument is...Since Nepal has military and political relations with China means that they have beef with India?

And if we "influence" Nepal to cut their relations, we are intefering in their "internal" matters...right?

Isnt this news proof enough that India allows Nepal to independently pursue a relationship with a potential enemy of India?
If we were following suit to your policy in Afghanistan...Nepal wouldnt be able to fart without having to answer to India....but thats not the case is it?

You guys seriously need some lessons in logic...But I doubt this is something that can be taught or learnt...LOL!
This is possible the biggest BS ever in this forum, their own people? name me one persian who is not in love with their ancient past.

I think he was referring to this....

By logic, Iran should have the most number of Zoroastrians.....But it is India which has the largest and most thriving community of "Old School Persians" who also happen to be the most financially and socially secure people in India...

Does speak a lot to us preserving your ancient culture....But seems thats irrelevant to you....

In 2004, the number of Zoroastrians worldwide was estimated at between 145,000 and 210,000.[39] India's 2001 Census found 69,601 Parsi Zoroastrians. In Pakistan, they number 5,000, mostly living in Karachi; they have been reinforced in recent years with a number of Zoroastrian refugees from Iran. North America is thought to be home to 18,000–25,000 Zoroastrians of both South Asian and Iranian background. A further 3,500 live in Australia (mainly in Sydney). Iran's figures of Zoroastrians have ranged widely; the last census (1974) before the revolution of 1979 revealed 21,400 Zoroastrians.

Some 10,000 adherents remain in the Central Asian regions that were once considered the traditional stronghold of Zoroastrianism, i.e., Bactria (see also Balkh), which is in Northern Afghanistan; Sogdiana; Margiana; and other areas close to Zoroaster's homeland.

In the Indian census of 2001, the Parsis numbered 69,601, representing about 0.006% of the total population of India, with a concentration in and around the city of Mumbai. Due to a low birth rate and high rate of emigration, demographic trends project that by 2020 the Parsis will number only about 23,000 or 0.002% of the total population of India. The Parsis would then cease to be called a community and will be labeled a "tribe". By 2008, the birth-to-death ratio was 1:5; 200 births per year to 1,000 deaths.[40]

In Iran, emigration, out-marriage and low birth rates are likewise leading to a decline in the Zoroastrian population, which is currently estimated at under 20,000.[41]
It is not our obligation to see what is good for Afghanistan, it is our obligation to see what is good for Iran and Iran is already helping Afghanistan,so nothing to complain about.
India has welcomed and implemented the US engineered sanctions against Iran, they haven't paid their oil debts to us yet, they haven't supported Iran's right to civil nuclear program, they haven't done anything positive for Iran yet in the international arena even when they could. They simply aren't our ally. Of course historically they are a brotherly nation of Iran but I see no reason why Iran should risk its ties with its neighbor Pakistan over the Indian interests?

But thats exactly what is NOT being asked of Iran....to show any "bias" because of some apparent "brotherly love" between our countries (Though I would argue against the idea that Indian and Iranian people dont share warm relations outside of Political views)....
And nowhere has it been stated that this is being done by Iran to sideline Pakistan....
If Iran goes through with this, it will be for economic gain....similarly for Afghanistan and India...so lets not make this news more than it is...

This is an economically beneficial opportunity for Iran, India and Afghanistan...which if fruitions will allow Iran to raise its influence in Central Asia and Afghanistan and allow Afghans to not be held to gunpoint as they have been for ages wrt. Pak...
And all this benefit comes to you with minimal investment on your side....Its a win win situation...

Besides...it seems that your Govt. thinks its a prudent plan even though all of what you stated above maybe true....

So where lies the problem? We may have voted against you wrt. nuclear deal, but have also provideed you with enough trade to make up for it...
You cant expect our countries to see eye to eye on each and everything now can we? Finally it is every country's national interest that comes first...so be it.

Dont make enemies out of friends....currently, India and Iran have no bad blood...
You completely missed the point of my argument. Jains, Sikhs, and Christians combined only make up 3.7% of india's population therefore despite their few numbers they have a higher literacy rate, but my argument was specifically targeting the fact that Muslims make up 13.4% of india's population yet their literacy rate is lower than that of Jains, Christians, Sikhs, and even hindus.


Can't resist the absolutely brilliant logic here :D

Pakistan has a lower literacy rate than India, it is also discrimination by Pakistan towards its Muslims; or shall we say discrimination by India towards Pakistani muslims :lol:
I'm not quite understanding your point about using the Rupee as the currency for trading between us. The problem is that some Indian banks, or in fact most of them, have stopped trading with Iranian banks. There is almost zero banking system between us and that's not because of the currency, that's because India is willing to implement US engineered sanctions in its full sense. Now does it change anything if Iran and India agree to switch to Rupee for trade? I don't know, but I doubt.

@Arian:...I was really found your replies and answers quite meaningful and interesting...Let us discuss couple of situations...I agree that India is having policy that more or less satisfies or in alignment with USA and of course it is true that india supported USA in UN vote against iran....
So even i agree than india and iran have always transactional relationship wrt oil which is purely commercial....

Now about your question abt why India follows USA and Israel infact...the reason is exactly same as why do you follow China and Pakistan as your statergic ally...No one is perfect is the world of politics...so nor do India...Tell me honestly....before India voted against Iran in UN ...india and iran did not have any thing 2 fight for ...in the 70's and 80's and even in 90's..when india was not in US club rather india was in club with russia where iran was a party to it...what India has got in the return....Did Iran support India completely without annoying Pakistan? Did Iran supported india's kashmir stance in OIC conference voting aginst Pakistan???

So please dont accuse or point fingers to others when you are not perfect either....
And a message to Indian friends...why are you always trying to create a message that iran and india have cultural ...historic ties...and so many things...In today's world its the national and commercial intrests that drives the international relation ...not the historic or cultural ties...

So in my opinion.....all these inverstement in AF through Iran is just another commercial investement rather than any other kind of statergic benifit wrt Iran...nothing else...
Its of course have lot of statergic benifit for India in AF.
Firstly, too long to be cost effective.
Secondly, Pakistan will remain in close proximity of Afghanistan and continue to influence its events due to geographical and cultrial realities.
Thirdly, This will cause Pakistan to move even close to GCC states and a realization of Pak-GCC security and trade pact becomes even more potential. Which will be enough offset to Pakistan for Indian presence in Iran.
Fourthly, Given the credibility of Iranian regime, it is highly unlikely that they will not change their words a 100 times and milk Indian dry before they are even able to touch this rail road.

You are thinking of cost effectiveness considering only India. Keep in mind that a cargo container vessel is equivalent to about
15000 trucks trip.Also, India is negotitating with Iran and Afghanistan on lower transit tariffs on goods.
As for the rest of your points Illusion answered you well. In todays world trade matters.
rebuilding of afghanistan

hmm..none of the above...lol

You must either be a teenager with no concept of recent past or slept thru the 80's

Good for all..except of evils..;-)

How..can you explain Mr bean?

I live in India only..and most of my friends and fellow techies are muslim...you stupid loser..must not have even crossed the lane of your own village and talking about India..poor chap..go to school..madrasa is not enough these days...


Being an indian guest on this board---please respect our members----thank you.
I hope the Chinese are looking at this development,
I wonder what Chinese members are thinking of this development.

I wonder if China can trust Iran, if Iran will be supporting Anti-Chinese interests.
After all India has territorial disputes with Pakistan and China.
Iran will have to choose either China or India.
China gets most of it's oil from Iran. China buys more oil from Iran than does India.

If Iran does this, it is isolating itself even more from Pakistan and China.
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