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India's third AEW aircraft undergoes tests


May 5, 2010
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India's third AEW aircraft undergoes tests

The Indian air force's third Ilyushin Il-76-based airborne early warning and control aircraft has undergone flight tests equipped with additional systems.

The aircraft was tested during long-duration flights over Israel and the Mediterranean from Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion airport, and included "some very complex scenarios", according to one source. Indian air force personnel were aboard the platform for all the sorties.

India requested unspecified additional capabilities for its third Il-76 AEW&C aircraft after taking delivery of its first two examples from Israel Aerospace Industries' Elta Systems subsidiary.
The delivery of India's third Il-76 surveillance aircraft is scheduled for mid-2011, but IAI has refused to be more specific.


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How many of these Aircrafts will IAF get????
How many of these Aircrafts will IAF get????

Initial contract was signed for 3 AWAC s costing 1.1 Billion USD , with an option of 3 more such AWAC s , However IAF has excersise option for only 2 more Falcon AWAC s out of 3 , IAF is looking at a different platform for these Additional AWACs with Boing 737 Being the prefered platform , Becoz Russia no longer Manufactures the IL76 Heavy Lifter on which these AWACs are currently based

IAF will also get delivery of DRDO AEW platform mounted on Embraer 145 jet in 2012 , with Trials of this Indegenous AEWC begining in Feb
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