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India's Tejas and China's Xiaolong fighters compared

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Nope FC1 project started in 1980 , it was named Super 7 then, later it was renamed to FC1.. So Super 7 is FC1 which started in 1980s/....

While LCA funding started in 1991 and first stage begin in 90s..

So FC1 work started in 1980 while LCA First phase started in 1991...

You are confusing the Super Sabre-2, which was nothing more than a feasibility report by Grumman of US to work on the F-7, giving it solid nose with side intakes. As for JF-17, the MOU wasn't even signed until 1995 and the contract to produce it jointly was inked in 1999, with first flight taking place in 2003.

The F-7 & the Sabre-II
how many tejas inducted into IAF till today?
As Tejas is more lighter and carry more fuel and I think it's supersonic capabilities are far more superior then JF-17 it makes it master of space as it can be in flight hours more then the JF-17.

I just compared Tejas and JF-17. :meeting:
As Tejas is more lighter and carry more fuel and I think it's supersonic capabilities are far more superior then JF-17 it makes it master of space as it can be in flight hours more then the JF-17.

I just compared Tejas and JF-17. :meeting:

Yeah its so light it can be carried by a truck
As Tejas is more lighter and carry more fuel and I think it's supersonic capabilities are far more superior then JF-17 it makes it master of space as it can be in flight hours more then the JF-17.

I just compared Tejas and JF-17.

Ohh Really . . . :P
Please tell the Max Range of Tejas and its Combat Radius :man_in_love: :rofl:
NO,fc-1 project started in 1991.In fact LCA started in 1980s

No No !
JF-17 Thunder / FC-1 Project Started Before Independence :blah: :blah: :hitwall:
For you very kind info !
JF-17 Thunder / FC-1 Project Started in Early 90s :pakistan: :pakistan:

FC1 project started in 1980 , it was named Super 7 then, later it was renamed to FC1.. So Super 7 is FC1 which started in 1980s/....

While LCA funding started in 1991 and first stage begin in 90s..

Its very clever Chinese trick: Started Super 7 project in 1980, they hold it in 1989, in 1990 they rename it to FC1 (or JF17) and fooled pakistan saying its new plane :P

how many tejas inducted into IAF till today?


You are confusing the Super Sabre-2, which was nothing more than a feasibility report by Grumman of US to work on the F-7, giving it solid nose with side intakes. As for JF-17, the MOU wasn't even signed until 1995 and the contract to produce it jointly was inked in 1999, with first flight taking place in 2003.

The F-7 & the Sabre-II

Project Sabre II: codename of the Pakistan Air Force's program to developed a feasible and low-cost multirole combat jet based on an existing designs of the MiG–21.

FC1: Codename of the PAF;s program to develop low cost Multirole Combat fighter based on Russian design

Both were same project, just renamed latter (after signing new MoU).. May be the MoU was signed in 1995 the work on plane was started in 1980..

So FC1 was just renaming of Project Super7 ( In 1995, Pakistan and China later evolved the project that ultimately resulted in the successful development of the JF-17 Thunder program)
Project Sabre II: codename of the Pakistan Air Force's program to developed a feasible and low-cost multirole combat jet based on an existing designs of the MiG–21.

FC1: Codename of the PAF;s program to develop low cost Multirole Combat fighter based on Russian design

Both were same project, just renamed latter (after signing new MoU).. May be the MoU was signed in 1995 the work on plane was started in 1980..

So FC1 was just renaming of Project Super7 ( In 1995, Pakistan and China later evolved the project that ultimately resulted in the successful development of the JF-17 Thunder program)

You are talking nonsense and trolling.
Does the JF-17 in any way resembles the F-7 or the Sabre II. Which was intiated by Grumman of US.
You think if the JF-17 was based on all the work done by the American compan, wouldn't they have a say in this.
The bottom line is that LCA is running some 20 years late in it's induction .
Sorry for regressing .. but for the Mig-21 BISON beaters please read the following:

From COPE INDIA analysis
While the superb performances of IAF Sukhoi-30s were somewhat anticipated, the performance of MiG-21Bison came as a major “unpleasant surprise” to the USAF officials. It also validates the claim of the Russian officials that they are capable of successfully converting “second generation” late-model MiG-21bis fighters to “fourth generation combat platforms”. Inherently the significant positive attributes enjoyed by MiG-21s were their dog fighting ability in WVR (Within Visual Range) combat. Even the earlier models had a low corner velocity of 556 kilometers per hour and at Mach 0.5 had an instantaneous turn rate of 11.1 degrees per second. The MiG-21Bison with more powerful R-25 engines not only considerably bettered this performance but it may also be credited with “jackrabbit” acceleration, a very critical attribute in WVR combat.
Among many fourth generations attributes added to the IAF MiG-21Bison design, the incorporation of HMS (Helmet Mounted Sight) and high-off-boresight R-73RDM2 NBVR/WVR (Near Beyond Visual Range/Within Visual Range) AAMs (Air-to-Air Missiles) have turned it into a “Great Equalizer” in the WVR combat scenario. Conceptually a small number of MiG-21Bisons maintaining “radar silence” can be guided towards their aerial target by a couple of Sukhoi-30s by secure data links in accordance with MFFC (Mixed Fighter Force Concept). Upon entering into an WVR combat envelope the MiG-21Bisons armed with HMS and deadly NBVR/WVR missiles had the capability of destroying even fifth-generation fighters alike F/A-22 Raptor as assessed by high-profile Fighter Analyst Ben Lambeth of RAND Corporation. According to Lambeth “in visual combat everybody dies at the same rate.” F/A-22 also has to slow down if forced into a WVR combat scenario and loses the advantage of its super-cruise attributes. The situation further complicates if the IAF Sukhoi-30s have acquired the capability of providing target illumination for RVV-AE (AA-12 Adder) BVR missiles being launched from IAF MiG-21Bisons at extended ranges.

Cope India: How the IAF rewrote the rules of air combat | Russia & India Report
And these from upgrades done by 2004. With the advent of the decision to continue these aircrafts till 2025 due to delay in integration of Rafael and LCA MK2 likely to begin operational flying by end 2016, the time to get the squadrons upto strength has been envisaged to be 2025. Hence, the BISON upgrade is being continued to cater for force projection till 2025.
It cant even fly, at the moment the LCA isnt even better then a paper plane

Atleast a paper plane could conceivably poke someone in the eye

The only threat from a LCA would be if the truck carrying it runs you over
Read the post #1 ...then comment....ya sure LCA cant fly..fine

You are talking nonsense and trolling.
Does the JF-17 in any way resembles the F-7 or the Sabre II. Which was intiated by Grumman of US.
You think if the JF-17 was based on all the work done by the American compan, wouldn't they have a say in this.
The bottom line is that LCA is running some 20 years late in it's induction .
Read this...
FC-1 (JF-17 Thunder) Multirole Fighter Aircraft - SinoDefence.com

Chengdu continued the Super-7 project independently and re-branded the design as FC-1. In 1999, China and Pakistan concluded a joint development and production agreement to co-develop the FC-1 fighter.
LCA is as good in sky as Arjunk on ground, i.e. another piece of junk in the sky. Indian's own IAF chief called it barely at the level of Mig-21+. IAF might as well induce it as target practice drone to make some good out it.
@SpArK - It would do more service to your title of TTA if you have the decency to debate with facts instead of handing out negative ratings when others get the better of you.

As for those commenting on the topic. Why is LCA still not at squadron strength if it is so damn good? Why the delay?
Gripen had promised NG which is Medium category aircraft.

Nice to know that Pakistanis know the meaning of Prasad. May be the effect of overwhelming presence of Indian media.
I know the meaning of vagian, koshika, mashpesi, mashtiq, vagianic, tishu, soyem and awashaye etc etc too
the very notion for you deluded bunch to make an 'indigenous' LCA started as early as late 70s, but your primitive country is so incompetent even with all the direct helps and imports from western countries, after 30 years still couldnt figure out how to assemble a Mig-21 upgrade```

so you lot resort to your very nature of twisting facts about this and that```one clownish play is to twisting about when the LCA 'actually' started :D

Post reported for Insulting Nation

@Topic: A Project is started when funding Started. For LCA funding started in 1991.

Yes it takes time to Design and develop a plane..

Only "Beg Borrow Steal Cheat" mechanism can produce jet in 6 years..

You are talking nonsense and trolling.
Does the JF-17 in any way resembles the F-7 or the Sabre II. Which was intiated by Grumman of US.
You think if the JF-17 was based on all the work done by the American compan, wouldn't they have a say in this.
The bottom line is that LCA is running some 20 years late in it's induction .

I am not here to shake your belief.. If you believe so, let it be...

Thunder delights everyone with its performance because it exceeds the expectations of the pilots, engineers and support personnel of the two countries who had toiled hard for years to bring the project to fruition. Originally nicknamed the "Sabre 2" by the PAF Air Staff in 1987, ---> PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - JF-17 Thunder Pictures album

A history-making joint team of Pakistni, Chinese and American specialists worked under one roof for seven months to see if such a fighter could be manufactured to meet the performance standards within the time-and-cost ceilings laid down by the PAF. The emerging Sabre 2 cost and performance projections were so disappointing that Pakistan and China jointly decided to develop, in its place, a new design called the "Super 7" on a cost-sharing basis and now aiming at an even better operational envelope. --> PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - JF-17 Thunder Pictures album

The Project was running, It failed once due to Sanctions, Chinese changed the name. Later it failed because of cost, Chinese changed the name. The design was "beg borrowed stolen" from Mikoyan G, At 3rd attempt one plane was made and immidiately inducted in PAF.

The design was Russian, The engine was russian, The Avionics was designed since 1980s. The puzzle was put togather and mighty FC1 was born... It was assembled not designed/develpoed...
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