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India's Tejas and China's Xiaolong fighters compared

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Do you guys get a share from sales Russia does for Su30? Pakistan gets a share from sales done on its joint ventures with china. For example K8 trainer jet. Same goes for thunder. No one needs to enlighten every Kumar and shukla who is ignorant by choice.

Haha..what sales..has anyone bought JF-17 except Pakistan..hell not even Chinese bought those thunders they built.

As of now only Chinese are getting money from Pakistan, that too in terms of soft loans and deferred payments.

Your inability mention even a single piece of equipment that Pakistan has designed in this supposed joint fighter, speaks volumes of Pakistani contribution to this aircraft.
Haha..what sales..has anyone bought JF-17 except Pakistan..hell not even Chinese bought those thunders they built.
Indian Army is reluctant to buy LCA krap even after 30 years of development and still not in service yet Indians trying to compare it with an operational jet. Thunder sales will happen just like the induction of thunder happened for PAF and Indians will get even bigger burns.
Indian Army is reluctant to buy LCA krap even after 30 years of development and still not in service yet Indians trying to compare it with an operational jet. Thunder sales will happen just like the induction of thunder happened for PAF and Indians will get even bigger burns.
hey wise guy u know what indian army dosent buys fighter jets or oprates them its indian airforcer who does that ;)

tell you what unlike PAF which has no money or options to buy a decnt MRCA from any nation was forced to induct untested and with owt any IOC or FOC JF17as they count afford anything else IAF has money and optionsand time with it so it wants LCA onliafter it had cleared all the parameteres and certifictaions line IOC & IOC2 while FOC is just round the corner

and tejas first flew in 2001 and has two more variants + all the avionicks , radar,air to air and air to surface missiles , LPDs, LPGs , smart and dump bombs are tested and intigrated into it

now tell me why are they using F16s till today if JF17 is such a brake thru in technology ?
Indian Army is reluctant to buy LCA krap even after 30 years of development and still not in service yet Indians trying to compare it with an operational jet. Thunder sales will happen just like the induction of thunder happened for PAF and Indians will get even bigger burns.

Offcourse Indian army is reluctant to buy LCA..for It is a jet, and army does not fly jets.

IAF and Indian Navy on the other hand have already given confirmed orders Tejas and yes Tejas has been handed over to the airforce.

Love the part, where you conveniently skipped over mentioning Pakistani contributions to JF-17. Can you or can your not recall any..for I sure as hell can't.
Yes after many years of induction fc1 can fly at night and fire few missiles and bombs.

FC1 project started in 1982, LCA started in 1991
NO,fc-1 project started in 1991.In fact LCA started in 1980s
tell you what unlike PAF which has no money or options to buy a decnt MRCA from any nation was forced to induct untested and with owt any IOC or FOC JF17as they count afford anything else IAF has money and optionsand time with it so it wants LCA onliafter it had cleared all the parameteres and certifictaions line IOC & IOC2 while FOC is just round the corner
India have the money so what happened to MRCA? Why did you guys walked away from it? Fact is Indian is not able to produce a reliable replacement hence your army is looking at other options.

and tejas first flew in 2001 and has two more variants + all the avionicks , radar,air to air and air to surface missiles , LPDs, LPGs , smart and dump bombs are tested and intigrated into it

now tell me why are they using F16s till today if JF17 is such a brake thru in technology ?
First induct it in service and then compare. Just because a jet can fly doesn't mean its fully operational. Regarding your question about F16 over thunder dear you have wasted 4 years on this forum.

NO,fc-1 project started in 1991.In fact LCA started in 1980s
Yes more then three decades and still not in service. Engine to avionics imported from other nations. Wonder what they build in three decades Air Frame ?
India have the money so what happened to MRCA? Why did you guys walked away from it? Fact is Indian is not able to produce a reliable replacement hence your army is looking at other options.

First induct it in service and then compare. Just because a jet can fly doesn't mean its fully operational. Regarding your question about F16 over thunder dear you have wasted 4 years on this forum.

Yes more then three decades and still not in service. Engine to avionics imported from other nations. Wonder what they build in three decades Air Frame ?
we walked away as it(MRCA deal) was taking way too long and IAF wanted rafales early to make up with dipleating squad strenth :coffee:

u again mixing things indian army dont use fighter jets indian air force does fo final decission rests with them when and what they want:agree:

tejas is already inducted :enjoy:

HAL Hands Over Tejas Jets To IAF

even china is using russian engines for its JF 17 , J 10, J 20 & J 31 so whats wrong are paksitanies using pakistani made engines for there "already inducted JF 17s" ?:azn:

no matter how much pakistani members try to down play tejas they justcant ignoare it so tejas has already been doing whats its intended for (force enemy to think about it and oppose its induction into IAF):dance3:
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even china is using russian engines for its JF 17 , J 10, J 20 & J 31 so whats wrong are paksitanies using pakistani made engines for there "already inducted JF 17s" ?:azn:
Does pakistan have thier own aviation engine?
IAF is replacing bisons as they are past there intended lifes though they are still good and have a decnt radar and wepons pakage for its point defnce role they are showing there age now

Mig-21 was a fighter in the late 50s/early 60s. They should have been retired way back in the late 80s itself. No, it does not have a decent radar. The radar upgrades that are being installed cost a bomb and that money would be better served it if was allocated on other air force needs like a basic or advanced trainer. It's weapons package is limited as well. How many hard points does the bison have? What is its ECM? Does it have the means to shake off IR-guided missiles?

Young pilots are at risk every time they fly the aircraft now. The plane has been retired for ages now. It is not an Indian aircraft and spare parts have to be outsourced from third parties. I doubt if Russia even sells India the spare parts. It is like searching the market for a Ford T model automobile spare parts and coming empty handed because the car was scrapped ages ago.

Lack of spare parts = lack of reliability = flying coffin = Mig-21

jags are not for dog fights with F16s (the ones PAF has are already too less and way too many strings are attached to them) to keep 18+42+13 F16s bizzi we already have 108 MKIs+63 Mig 29s & 54M2ks so no worries there

That's what I said. Jags are strike aircraft and for the time being they are more or less doing an okay job. But a new replacement would be welcome. M2K would have been perfect but again 55 is too small a number.

as for delta wing well bro the "pure delta dsign" like those on mirage or rafale are good for speed and canards are added to increase lift and manuvarability but have a sserous RCS issue while cranked delta not onli increases lift but is great for manuvarability & speed to so its not an issue the issue is with the drag which with MK2 is already adressed wait for some time

The canards and delta wing was mentioned to the guy who thought aircraft design was limited to color and aesthetics.

Delta design is more or less obsolete these days. Canards are the "in-thing" in 4.5 gen fighters like MKI, Rafale, Typhoon etc. because it gives the aircraft extra agility.

LCA has issues with the weapon suite integration for the simple reason that it is still not cleared. Yes tests are being conducted and the results are not bad so far but more needs to be done. As a layman I would say the intakes are seriously outdated but I hope that for once the guys at HAL know what they are doing. Can the LCA fly at night? Can it fly in bad weather?

If everything is fine what is taking the plane so long?

So what are the factors that's obsolete or not modern in LCA?

Is it the design?
Is it the structure?
Is it the avionics?
Is it the GE engine?
Is it the weapons package?
Is it the Radar and sensors?
Is it the EW suites,Pods and countermeasures?
Is it the data links?
Is it the ejection seat?
Is it the composites?
Is it the DASH HMDS?
Is it the cost?

What is it that you dont like or consider not worthy of a modern fighter.?

Please be specific and talk on basis of technicals rather than beating around the bush so that we can conclude its a bad choice to build a fighter on our own.

The first factor would be the simple fact that every goddamm aspect of the aircraft was borrowed or imported.

It was intended as a replacement for a 60s era Mig-21 not a modern 21st century 4.5 gen fighter. And if you are blind to see that then do not troll here.

How many missiles does LCA carry? And it is not only the weapons load an aircraft can carry but the number of targets it can track, lock and shoot down. What are the stats in that?

AESA is the modern standard. What soviet/Israeli/foreign radar does the LCA use since India does not know how to make a radar.

The fact that it is an 80s design and not being inducted yet is a good reason why it is not worthy of being considered a modern fighter. The second thing is that the air force is yet to field squadrons of that aircraft, why is air force so reluctant? The third is that in an era of 5th generation stealth aircraft India is excited about inducting a mig-21 replacement.

How does LCA fare against F-16, and J-10 these are the frontline fighter jets of PAF and PLAAF respectively. As a air defence fighter the job of LCA would be to go up against such fighters. How many seconds would the LCA last against PAF F-16 Blk 52?

What is its endurance? How long can the LCA remain airborne?

Can it fly at night?

Can it fly in bad weather?

Can it fight at night and in bad weather?

Is its radar superior to the ones being in use with F-16 blk 52 and modern chinese aircraft?

Does its arsenal have enough punch to knock out frontline PAF and PLAAF aircraft?

How does it fare against the stealth aircraft PLAAF has been testing? LCA is an air defence fighter so it will be up against the likes of J-20 as well.

Next time when you want to discuss a topic do not watch a sunny deol movie before posting your nonsense here. Your sentimental rhetoric of LCA being a world class fighter is no different from the same rhetoric of pakistanis who call FC-1 superior to LCA. Got that little boy?
Yeah just as much as I getting sick of hearing , that JF 17 is very close to export.
Export would be the icing on cake. It is operational with 3 sqd in pafm unlike lca which us still going through test phases and waiting for green signal for its induction
NO,fc-1 project started in 1991.In fact LCA started in 1980s

Chinese project started in 1980 later it was renamed to FC1.

LCA thought in 1980, and project started in 1991. First funding started in 1991.

So FC1 was started in 1980 and LCA started in 1991
@Indian Patriot and @hellfire


calm down and stop trading insults. you are not only embarrassing yourselves but also destroying the tread. I urge you to stop addressing and quoting each other if you cant behave properly.

more offensive posts from you then I will ban you from the thread/ section
@Indian Patriot and @hellfire


calm down and stop trading insults. you are not only embarrassing yourselves but also destroying the tread. I urge you to stop addressing and quoting each other if you cant behave properly.

more offensive posts from you then I will ban you from the thread/ section

I understand you Irfan but I got a message in my inbox from this fellow who threatened to kick me out from this forum if I continued to debate him. If he has objections to my post then let him debate here. Why is he sending such messages? But he has deleted the message now.

I have now ignored him and will not reply to any such unprovoked attacks.
@Indian Patriot and @hellfire


calm down and stop trading insults. you are not only embarrassing yourselves but also destroying the tread. I urge you to stop addressing and quoting each other if you cant behave properly.

more offensive posts from you then I will ban you from the thread/ section
How about lock down?? Just my suggestion
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