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India's Tejas and China's Xiaolong fighters compared

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No I don't. Search your self :D

How would FC-1 fare against MKI, M2K and Rafale in your opinion? Bear in mind India already operates ~170 MKI and 55 M2K and will likely field atleast 80 Rafales.
No I don't. Search your self :D
so is that your jealousy for IAF and india or your frustation deu to detiruating situtaion in your nation ora mixture of both :azn:

How would FC-1 fare against MKI, M2K and Rafale in your opinion? Bear in mind India already operates ~170 MKI and 55 M2K and will likely field atleast 80 Rafales.
no india has more than 200 MKis but onli 6 squads (108) are for western front + upgraded mirrage 2000s, mig 29s , jaguars and bisons as for raflaes onli 36 are on order while nothing cant be said for future as MOD is more interested in FGFA , AMCA,LCA MK2 & AURA
no india has more than 200 MKis but onli 6 squads (108) are for western front + upgraded mirrage 2000s, mig 29s , jaguars and bisons as for raflaes onli 36 are on order while nothing cant be said for future as MOD is more interested in FGFA , AMCA,LCA MK2 & AURA

India has 200 MKIs at present? Not bad. M2K are too few in number, only 55 while the Migs can act as good enough air defence the bisons are an embarrassment. Jags are strike aircraft and won't play much of a role in A2A combat.

Why I pulled up the question is when India fields its full strength of 270 MKIs (thats the limit), 55 M2K and 80 at max (or 36 as you say) Rafales then aircraft like FC-1 Thunder will be only cannon fodder.

The class difference in a primitive 4th gen aircraft like Tejas or Thunder is too much to compete against aircraft which will be inducted post 2020, and that is irrespective of the upgrades they undergo. Unless LCA MK2 is a completely new design then Mk2 Mk3 etc wont make any changes. Upgrades are good but the key to understnding an aircraft performance is its basic design.

F-35 is undergoing massive upgrades but the flaw as critics pointed out is in her design. Upgrades can only push you so much.
India has 200 MKIs at present? Not bad. M2K are too few in number, only 55 while the Migs can act as good enough air defence the bisons are an embarrassment. Jags are strike aircraft and won't play much of a role in A2A combat.

Why I pulled up the question is when India fields its full strength of 270 MKIs (thats the limit), 55 M2K and 80 at max (or 36 as you say) Rafales then aircraft like FC-1 Thunder will be only cannon fodder.

The class difference in a primitive 4th gen aircraft like Tejas or Thunder is too much to compete against aircraft which will be inducted post 2020, and that is irrespective of the upgrades they undergo. Unless LCA MK2 is a completely new design then Mk2 Mk3 etc wont make any changes. Upgrades are good but the key to understnding an aircraft performance is its basic design.

F-35 is undergoing massive upgrades but the flaw as critics pointed out is in her design. Upgrades can only push you so much.

So would you say the LCA has the same design as mirage 2000. Therefore, it's ability to upgrade is limited.
What location wrong. My friend is in construction

Location of the said construction, location is wrong and is classified. Lets end it there. Arihant, on the other hand, is a beautiful piece of work and with the integration of K4 in final stages, should be ready to kick behinds in maximum of another year. BTW K4 is already in ....
when and where did a quoteted on "WOULD" part ?

all types of dump bombs ,LGBs, SR AAMs are EL/M 2032 radar & other avionicks already integrated into Tejas

already 8 prototypes flying and in testing phase

2 more naval variants already made and intesting phase all under 55K corore INR which is very very cheap by international standards

as i said before its a point defnce fighter so its fit enof for its role +two types of AESA based radar are in final stages of R&D which after they are integrated intotejas will fing way towards other fighters of IAF

unlike PAF which has to intigrated a new fighter withowt testing all its parameteres properrli might be obligation but for IAF onli the best& thouroghly tested fighters will do

Dear Sir, You have seconded by WOULD part with yourself saying that Prototypes flying in testing phase, AESA radar in FINAL STAGES OF R&D (would be integrated then) and live firing of armament etc. I mean for aircraft to be called a Fighter one it should have atleast something ops too.
India has 200 MKIs at present? Not bad. M2K are too few in number, only 55 while the Migs can act as good enough air defence the bisons are an embarrassment. Jags are strike aircraft and won't play much of a role in A2A combat.

Why I pulled up the question is when India fields its full strength of 270 MKIs (thats the limit), 55 M2K and 80 at max (or 36 as you say) Rafales then aircraft like FC-1 Thunder will be only cannon fodder.

The class difference in a primitive 4th gen aircraft like Tejas or Thunder is too much to compete against aircraft which will be inducted post 2020, and that is irrespective of the upgrades they undergo. Unless LCA MK2 is a completely new design then Mk2 Mk3 etc wont make any changes. Upgrades are good but the key to understnding an aircraft performance is its basic design.

F-35 is undergoing massive upgrades but the flaw as critics pointed out is in her design. Upgrades can only push you so much.
1. MKIs & mig 29s are for air superiorti and air policing jobs(here doing job against F16 18 blk 52 & 42 older bkls)

2.Mirage 2000s will spearhead the SEAD/DEAD missions backed by upgraded jags (here doing job of 1960s & 1970s era vintage mirrages of PAF)

3.bisons will /are doing job of PAFs F7s

as for tejas its not primitive and good enof for its intended role but as for future blocks well new DM & PMO are pushing to add new AESA based radar or MK 1 itself which is in final stages of testing as tejas is a modular design as told by the writer of this blog/artikle so that wont be problem as for MK 2 99 GE 414 engines are already on order for the same and will arrive much sooner than anticipated by many but i dont think there would be any MK3 as of now

now about the future well its RAFALE / FGFA / AMCA&hope fully AURA combo

Dear Sir, You have seconded by WOULD part with yourself saying that Prototypes flying in testing phase, AESA radar in FINAL STAGES OF R&D (would be integrated then) and live firing of armament etc. I mean for aircraft to be called a Fighter one it should have atleast something ops too.
there is nothing would in it the work is already on for it testing means its ready but since your intentionis totroll and make fun of tejas to hide your on frustation about the artikle in chinese press praising tejas you will never aknowldege it so what keep doing it bro and keep carrasing your bruised egos but that is not going to weaken indian resolve to induct LCA in huge numbers which one daywill become nighmare for PAF just like MKIs and potentialli rafales are :cheers:
the bisons are an embarrassment. Jags are strike aircraft and won't play much of a role in A2A combat.

Bison is the upgraded one with BVR and modern avionics, receiving regular update with improvement in technology. Do not make the mistake of assuming that the upgrade was frozen at 2003 level itself. And Jags are not exclusively strike, they have EW/ECM roles as also A2A capability. There is no embarrassment other than a lack of general awareness. Mig-21 has a very small cross section and at times gets mixed up in ground clutter and is difficult to track (at times) by AWACs too. So your contention is merely just that, a contention.

The class difference in a primitive 4th gen aircraft like Tejas or Thunder is too much to compete against aircraft which will be inducted post 2020, and that is irrespective of the upgrades they undergo. Unless LCA MK2 is a completely new design then Mk2 Mk3 etc wont make any changes. Upgrades are good but the key to understanding an aircraft performance is its basic design.

F-35 is undergoing massive upgrades but the flaw as critics pointed out is in her design. Upgrades can only push you so much.

Capability enhancement in terms of better counter measures and enhanced stand off distance with complementary improvement in the BVR capability is the only thing that will matter. Your wing configuration and it's color and other aesthetic differences will not account for anything in that scenario. At the end of the day. the maximum number of machines with enhanced engagement range, minimal turn around time and better trained pilot will succeed.
Location of the said construction, location is wrong and is classified. Lets end it there. Arihant, on the other hand, is a beautiful piece of work and with the integration of K4 in final stages, should be ready to kick behinds in maximum of another year. BTW K4 is already in ....

It is not k4 but k15. K 4 is little bit away.
So would you say the LCA has the same design as mirage 2000. Therefore, it's ability to upgrade is limited.

no there is a diffrence in both of them even rafale & typhoon are also delta tejas is a compound cranked delta & is tailless(no vertical tail fins) but it is modular and radars , avioniks , EW & jammer suits can always be upgraded and improved with owt ant modifications to the air frame :)
So would you say the LCA has the same design as mirage 2000. Therefore, it's ability to upgrade is limited.

how does the design create a problem? LCA was a TD a tech demo aircraft .. enhancement in the same will take place if the lazy SOBs in HAL get off their collective bums .....
So would you say the LCA has the same design as mirage 2000. Therefore, it's ability to upgrade is limited.

But the article says otherwise. it says that platform offers a lots of scope of Improvement and naval variant is already build.
It is not k4 but k15. K 4 is little bit away.

LOL .. if you say so ... we don't have Agni 7 either in IA (it is a different thing that the Agni 5 we have touches 13k, GoI says we don't have it so we don't) .... nor do we have an ICBM .... K4 is also not there .. but somehow in war you may be finding it flying .... I wonder how we would end up having sufficient numbers flying if we go to war 2 weeks from today .....!
Bison is the upgraded one with BVR and modern avionics, receiving regular update with improvement in technology. Do not make the mistake of assuming that the upgrade was frozen at 2003 level itself. And Jags are not exclusively strike, they have EW/ECM roles as also A2A capability. There is no embarrassment other than a lack of general awareness. Mig-21 has a very small cross section and at times gets mixed up in ground clutter and is difficult to track (at times) by AWACs too. So your contention is merely just that, a contention.

If bisons are such a super cool aircraft then why is IAF so keen to replace them? Why even come up with the concept of LCA to replace bisons?

Jags do not stand a chance against F-16 in air combat, if you think otherwise then you watch too much of action movies. Jags are designed as strike aircraft. Yes they might carry A2A missiles for self-defence but they are not meant to fight dog-fights.

The embarrassment of Mig-21 is that it is a effing flying coffin. Go and tell the parents of dead pilots that the Mig-21 is a modern, advanced fighter. Unless you got the balls to do than then I suggest you keep your bollywood logic to yourself.

Capability enhancement in terms of better counter measures and enhanced stand off distance with complementary improvement in the BVR capability is the only thing that will matter. Your wing configuration and it's color and other aesthetic differences will not account for anything in that scenario. At the end of the day. the maximum number of machines with enhanced engagement range, minimal turn around time and better trained pilot will succeed.

Yea, who cares about aircraft design right?

Do you even know what the hell is wing configuration? Do you even understand the difference between canards and delta wing and what purpose these different wing designs achieve? And we are only taking about wings here not even the things like air intakes and exhaust.

Morons like you would deduce that aircraft design is about color and aesthetics. LCA is so super advanced that it was not even invited for the MMRCA deal, yea it is so cool an aircraft. But you would have a ready made answer that because of "kick backs" the LCA was left behind.

Why do yu even bother posting if you don't have any idea?
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