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India’s step is dangerous and wrong: New York Times

India shouldn't misinterpret it's recent endeavours in Kashmir as another West Bank scenario. Pakistan won't stay quiet. Back in the 60's they attempted to incorporate J&K in their territory as well and got a swift rebuttal by the UN and had to go back. I hope Pakistan will be able to dissuade India from their malicious actions through diplomacy. If not, well then, our army and people aren't going to let this slide! They've been egging us all year round and it's time they're taught a lesson or two.
I’m not sure if the move would court a conflict with Pakistan as I highly doubt the current government and our state establishment would do anything other than providing lip service and calming the Kashmiris down.

However this move by India would do two things which the Indian state is ignoring due to their psychotic and racist nature:

Firstly it will create increased amount of resentment within the Kashmiris and a rich breeding ground for more freedom fighters.

Secondly it will put a further strain on the Indian economy.

In such a scenario, all we have to do is provide all our support to the Kashmiris in the form of heavy weapons. LMGs, RPGs, mines etc. India has crossed a line here so must answer them in a similar language.

Having our enemy engaged in an assymetric conflict should be a dream come true for our armed forces. That’s one thing they are masters at. So let’s see all this in a positive light.
Now, I am 100% sure Modi is under a "spell" from the ISI!!!! On a serious note, IK has got the IOK on a golden platter!!! Always a lucky fellow....
Yes. Yesterday too my time main article too was very scathing of India... I'm on mobile can't write much.. but another poignant article is here.. India has blundered big way!!!


This is how the world sees it! A threat to peace in the region, a step with no positive impact or outcome AND a step that is ILLEGAL. Yet the Indians are "celebrating" just as they were celebrating after the Sir Je Kal strikes.

Sane voices in the seasoned politicians in Indian National Congress drowned today... They knew Kashmir far better than the upstarts of the Modi regime.. after all they ruled India the longest!
arm the Kashmiries and watch how india collapse.
Yesterday i met one Kashmiri from Srinagar who told me how bad it is in Kashmir right now and Punjabi and Kashmiri only asking Pakistan to provide them amo then just watch how india come to the table by begging Pakistan.
i have no idea why Pakistan is not supporting Kashmiries. We have enough resolutions and condemnation in world. we need aggressive diplomacy directly talk with Russia China Us european union and UK cuz india is not worth having a big territory.

I think this is the key, this is the trump card we possess. My gut tells me basing on ISPR's response that this is the option we will follow, and that is to arm the Kashmiris to the teeth.

We need to accept some facts here. Pakistan cannot take Jammu Kashmir from India through the strength of its military. Whether we like it or not India is a superior conventional force, and will clobber Pakistan if Pakistan were to launch an invasion force inside India and play to India's strengths. Pakistan's Armed Forces have largely built their strength around fighting India to a standstill at the border, and that's the advantage that suits Pakistan.

Pakistan has immense surplus of weapon stocks that is stored in depot collecting dust, and every year we destroy thousands of tons worth of weapons because they reach their shelf life. Why can these weapons not be transferred to the Kashmiri freedom fighters? Why can't we setup training camps near the LOC because these training camps will be well within Pakistan's territory so India won't dare attack them. So far the militant threat the Indians have faced is child's play compared to what we faced in the form of TTP at their height of their power. Empower these groups to be deadly and make the streets of Jammu Kashmir flow with Indian soldiers blood.
okay,, after the afghan peace deal, what leverage you have to influence US to intervene?

the whole decision on article 370 was very well calculated and timed.. Afghan peace or no peace deal, wither way Pakistan has very little leg room in current context.

Only if some jurnals in Pakistan grow some balls and decide to do a Operation Gibraltar 2.0, this will be the new status quo ..

Pakistan's options are limitless, Pakistan has to only push hard on the diplomatic front, tactfully. Modi's gavernment has dug itself into a hole. They are desperately waiting for Pakistan to take military action. That will not ever come, because Pakistan can see Modi government quicksand it's way down.

Military action is not the answer, the brutality that India commits shall be exposed on a daily basis. Because that India is compelled to do. All Pakistan's intelligence agencies need to do is extract lots and lots of data on Kashmir atrocities. Pakistan government will expose them on a global scale. And that will sink India's reputation down the toilet.

While India loses it's credibility, it's fake economy will further get hit. They will be reduced to "services sector industry" and have to approach IMF for loans.

Meanwhile Pakistan must oversee the successful functioning of CPEC, brokering a lasting peace agreement in Afghanistan and ushering in Chinese and Russian investment to expand CPEC into Afghanistan. A measured and conservation Sino-Russian investment and guidance will allow Pakistan, Afghanistan to channel trade from the world into the Arabian Sea, through Pakistan, Afghanistan and into Central Asian Republics, Russia, China and Europe.

In essence, with no military action in Kashmir, exposure of Indian atrocities in Kashmir, diplomatic offensive by Pakistan and improving Pakistani economy would leave Modi's government in tatters, and they be voted out of power.

Of course India, in it's desperation will stage false flag incidences. These Pakistan needs to tactfully thwart. As India would (as a habit) try to use it as a pretext to it's "fantastic" surgical strikes. Each solid defense by Pakistan against such strikes by India would result in international condemnation and possibly more aircraft being shot down.

Indians claim they invented the game of chess (like everything else their ego can't handle) but Pakistan has been, is beating and will continue to out maneuver India in every aspect.
Here's another solution - Make peace with India and resolve this issue once and for all

Any attack on Indian territory will be a declaration of war. India in 2019 is stronger and compared to 1971 and 1999 whereas Pakistan is weaker. In 1971, Indira Gandhi returned all captured Pakistani territory as part of Simla Agreement. I don't think Modi government will be as generous this time.

Most practical solution is to convert LOC into international border and call it a day. Then continue negotiating the finer details later.

We want peace from day one but it’s the Indian side that’s illegally occupying a Muslim majority state. Murdering, torturing, raping innocent cuvilians. Give them a transparent referendum like they were promised and all will be resolved.

If you look at the weapons balance between Pak and india, you will find tht Pakistan armed forces are way more dangerous compared to 71 and 99. Not to mention we have a battled hardedned army thanks to the recent insurgency courtesy of India. Infact we just proved it a few weeks back. Ask Abhinandan.
and what will stop India from doing the same inside Pakistan?? The fact is that there are enough fault lines within Pakistan for India to exploit.

The BJP government in Delhi is of a different breed from all the past governments.

Don't just believe that they will not respond to a pakistan funded revolt in Kashmir without bleeding pakistan with the same technique

What do the Indians have on us? The only feasible way they could cause a serious internal struggle inside Pakistan is putting everything behind the Baluchistan Liberation Army which has recently been designated as a terrorist organisation by the US. So, not a whole lot.

The fact that India revoked Article 370 is a clear signal that it's time to turn up the heat. First apply diplomatic pressure by approaching the UNSC which has the mandate under chapter 6 and 7 of the UN Charter to intervene in internationally recognised disputes. Similar measures should be taken on other platforms like SCO and OIC. Send missions to allied nations for support. If all fails, then it's time to fully support the Kashmiris fighting for their right of self-determination.
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Look, hate to break the party, but NYT is doing this solely because US needs Pakistan for the time being. Once Afghan exit is complete they will blissfully forget it.

I don't support what GoI has done in Kashmir but NYT is simply calming nerves here. Once they are out of Afghanistan, they will drop the topic altogether.
Look, hate to break the party, but NYT is doing this solely because US needs Pakistan for the time being. Once Afghan exit is complete they will blissfully forget it.

I don't support what GoI has done in Kashmir but NYT is simply calming nerves here. Once they are out of Afghanistan, they will drop the topic altogether.
Kashmir is a nuclear flash point of 2 nuclear armed neighbors, remember that dude @Realtalk108
Pakistan's options are limitless, Pakistan has to only push hard on the diplomatic front, tactfully. Modi's gavernment has dug itself into a hole. They are desperately waiting for Pakistan to take military action. That will not ever come, because Pakistan can see Modi government quicksand it's way down.

Military action is not the answer, the brutality that India commits shall be exposed on a daily basis. Because that India is compelled to do. All Pakistan's intelligence agencies need to do is extract lots and lots of data on Kashmir atrocities. Pakistan government will expose them on a global scale. And that will sink India's reputation down the toilet.

While India loses it's credibility, it's fake economy will further get hit. They will be reduced to "services sector industry" and have to approach IMF for loans.

Meanwhile Pakistan must oversee the successful functioning of CPEC, brokering a lasting peace agreement in Afghanistan and ushering in Chinese and Russian investment to expand CPEC into Afghanistan. A measured and conservation Sino-Russian investment and guidance will allow Pakistan, Afghanistan to channel trade from the world into the Arabian Sea, through Pakistan, Afghanistan and into Central Asian Republics, Russia, China and Europe.

In essence, with no military action in Kashmir, exposure of Indian atrocities in Kashmir, diplomatic offensive by Pakistan and improving Pakistani economy would leave Modi's government in tatters, and they be voted out of power.

Of course India, in it's desperation will stage false flag incidences. These Pakistan needs to tactfully thwart. As India would (as a habit) try to use it as a pretext to it's "fantastic" surgical strikes. Each solid defense by Pakistan against such strikes by India would result in international condemnation and possibly more aircraft being shot down.

Indians claim they invented the game of chess (like everything else their ego can't handle) but Pakistan has been, is beating and will continue to out maneuver India in every aspect.
May I add, in desperation India might attack Pak!!! It'd be like the reverse of '71...
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