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India’s Rafale fighter jets have no chance against China’s J-20: experts

You guys ever learn?

Continue to think like that and the enemy will surprise you again, and then again.

There is no surprise in J20,

And the general thinking here seems to be everything you & China does is perfect and Indians are idiots who have never fought a war or won one.

If China is banking on J20 to win air wars with India, they would be nastily surprised,
And what were you to the british?
they fed you opium and made you lick their boots.
LOL the British are just another foreign country to the Chinese. But the British crushed the Maratha and made all of you their slaves. They even stole all the gold from your temples. Such humiliation for the Hindus :rofl:
There is no surprise in J20,

And the general thinking here seems to be everything you & China does is perfect and Indians are idiots who have never fought a war or won one.

If China is banking on J20 to win air wars with India, they would be nastily surprised,
I am not asserting that J-20 will turn the tide of a hypothetical war by itself but it will create problems for your Air Force. It is an impressive aircraft and accomplishment in itself.

Read this: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zo...hing-full-load-of-missiles-at-zhuhai-air-show

If you have followed my posts, you will notice that I stick to facts no matter what. Whether somebody like my post or not.

I do not assume a war to be like a video game.

Indian HUBRIS on the other hand...
Why not ? the demand for 4th generation combat aircraft is strong. The cheapest ones are at $50-60 million
If you have a product how would you not sell it ?
France already used this jet for 10 years. Now they needed more money for new 5th generation jet..you can not find more stupid then india.. the money they get from india they will built new platform..
There is no other civilization that was beaten more times than Indian civilization

First Aryans invade India and bring Indo-european speech

then Achaemenid Persians occupy northern India

then Alexander the Great occupies northern India

then Greco-Bactrian kingdom from Afghanistan invades India

then Kushan Empire from Central Asia invades India

then Arabs invade northern India

then Mahmud Ghaznavi from Afghanistan makes multiple invasions of India

then Ghurids from Afghanistan invade India and found Delhi Sultanate

then Tamerlane from Central Asia invades India

then Babur from Central Asia invades India and founds Mughal empire

then Nadir Shah of Persia invades India

then British turn it into a colony

Conclusion is that entire history of India is a history of how it was beaten by others.
That was Savage. You chine insulted great supa powa india..you bad boy
There is no surprise in J20,

If China is banking on J20 to win air wars with India, they would be nastily surprised,
I agree with it completely, I don't think china will estimate how bad is the air defence and they will be surprised if J-20 is used.
Back in 2012, i was touring Uttarakhand with my bike club buddies, one of my coursemate was posted in Harsil ( Uttarakhand) with Mahar. Four of us spent the evening in mess and over drinks i asked my coursemate, why was the big bad *** radar, that we saw on the way, elevated 10 or so mtrs on pylons not moving and seems to be abandoned.
He said Genset is out and awaiting repairs, and that is with the AF chaps not army. I asked why don't you guys lend them a fuking genset, he said we don't lend shit. Radar was out of working order for 2 straight months and I could not even see a chap on santri duty on that radar. Completely abandoned. That was the state when in 2012-2013 Barahoti plains in Uttarakhand were seeing constant transgressions and fist fights between india and china. Jist is , no one is taking anything seriously.
Now, J-20 might not be a Raptor, but for its cost it offers quite an upgrade from 4th gen crafts. And It not being a raptor class is speculative to say the least. It has been designed and manufactured much later than Raptor and material science has made tremendous progress in the mean time. No one exactly knows what surface material it uses, western analysis is based on what they have already(F22) and they assume no one can surpass their 20year old tech.

Just 17km before china border from same trip.


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There is no other civilization that was beaten more times than Indian civilization

First Aryans invade India and bring Indo-european speech

then Achaemenid Persians occupy northern India

then Alexander the Great occupies northern India

then Greco-Bactrian kingdom from Afghanistan invades India

then Kushan Empire from Central Asia invades India

then Arabs invade northern India

then Mahmud Ghaznavi from Afghanistan makes multiple invasions of India

then Ghurids from Afghanistan invade India and found Delhi Sultanate

then Tamerlane from Central Asia invades India

then Babur from Central Asia invades India and founds Mughal empire

then Nadir Shah of Persia invades India

then British turn it into a colony

Conclusion is that entire history of India is a history of how it was beaten by others.
You forgot the Portuguese.
World want Bharti mata to allow to be milked more. World will squeeze every single drop. Rafale deal is done, now they want bhart to buy some other jets.
France already used this jet for 10 years. Now they needed more money for new 5th generation jet..you can not find more stupid then india.. the money they get from india they will built new platform..

Rafale beat out several contenders Eurofighter Typhoon, F/A-18. I assume Indian air force knows what they are doing
Rafale beat out several contenders Eurofighter Typhoon, F/A-18. I assume Indian air force knows what they are doing

Indian armed forces... know what they're doing... lmao.

India paid $2.3 billion for this refurbished aircraft carrier.

Problem is, the original cost is $800 million.

India paid another $3.5 billion for an indigenous carrier. It was ordered in 2004. It is still not complete today.

India paid $1.6 billion in R&D cost and unit cost $22 million for Tejas, which is a Mirage 5 style fighter. Problem is, it's not even as good as the F-16 which costs $18 million.

India paid $200 million unit cost for Rafales. This is enough money to buy 3 F-35A.

They know what they're doing?
Perfecto, but some Indian speculate that Su-30mki can easily detect J-20 with in 70mil radius and J-20 pilots have to use after-burners to control their jets, as they always speculate.
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