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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

Why is it absurd? Islam was born to replace Idol worshiping Kafirs.

Islam is a more modern religion than any other religion.

How long will you keep following your primitive religion with archaic practices?

I rest my case after reading highlighted line. Only today one Ahmadiyya shot dead in court room in broad day light.
I used to have two opinion on it. But seeing the reaction of Muslim posters with respect to Hagia Sofia, with a clear history, I do not really feel anything. This is land of our ancient civilizations. If in our current land, where we cannot rightly build our temples where will we build? Nehru had an wonderful chance to solve these issues like Somnath back in 50's. To solve Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi etc. But he let them Scott free even opposing Somnath move. Its end result is what we see today. Whatever BJP do today, it's end result will be seen in few decades.

Some temples like Kashi has clearer undisputed view of what happened to original structures. This movement should be over in a short span of time so it can enable all people of India to move forward and no more temple politics again.
What is your reaction after seeing this...

Mosques turned into Temples, the other side of history

Ruined mosques expose hypocrisy of Greece, a major critic of Hagia Sofia

From Mosques to Cathedrals: Converting Sacred Spaces

Condemn Israel for turning mosques into synagogues, bars

Jewish calls to convert Al-Rahma Mosque into a synagogue

This isn't just your land, it is my land too. Hindus alone dont own this land, there are other faiths too including Islam.

There are many Hindu temples that were once Buddhist monastaries, shed some tears over them too.

I used to have two opinion on it. But seeing the reaction of Muslim posters with respect to Hagia Sofia, with a clear history, I do not really feel anything. This is land of our ancient civilizations. If in our current land, where we cannot rightly build our temples where will we build? Nehru had an wonderful chance to solve these issues like Somnath back in 50's. To solve Ayodhya, Mathura, Kashi etc. But he let them Scott free even opposing Somnath move. Its end result is what we see today. Whatever BJP do today, it's end result will be seen in few decades.

Some temples like Kashi has clearer undisputed view of what happened to original structures. This movement should be over in a short span of time so it can enable all people of India to move forward and no more temple politics again.

Babri should have been a wake up call for our Govt.

We should repeat Somnath Solution for Mathura and Kashi before we have another episode like Babri
He is f****** so hard that few people moan his name everyday...

a you he make moan ?

Battyman modi and he’s moaning little boy vanamali who call he’s name everyday sitting on the batter operated sex doll with modi pic glued to the head .
You have been consistent in your thoughts Imran, can call spade a spade. Kudos.

Irony is, hypocrites on Hagia Sophia threads cheering for Mosque is crying on temple.
many people lock their brains in thier religion's locks :D world is a crazy place now if you see with eyes of someone who take no side :P
Google US Patents (No. 6,896,907 and 6,410,059)...

Have you looked at those patents? They were filed by Indians based in India. Do you know how a patent is filed? What it is?
As an Indian Muslim, this is all indeed disappointing. Some of the disappointment originates from the travesty of justice that was done at the hands of the Supreme Court of India, and some of course, as symbolic of the decline of Muslims in India.

This was certainly a battle worth fighting till the end. At least we Indian Muslims can stand in front of Allah and say that we tried our best, with all the legal means at our disposal, and did not voluntarily give up a Masjid to become a place of idol worship.

Some Hindus (and some Muslims as well) might find this attitude as obstructionist and antagonistic, and wonder why did we never give up our claim to the mosque despite the tremendous odds stacked up against us? But if you are a believing Muslim, idol worship is one of the biggest sins in Islam, and we cannot voluntarily, and in good conscience, give up a place of worship to Allah to become a place of idol worship.

Surely even if you had offered us mountains of gold in exchange for the mosque, our answer would be the same. Our imaan is not for sale.

I saw you cheering up conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque. But then I am all ears to hear why that is within "imaan" and this is not.
And what is about Muslim history... Your prophet has set example by destroying other's place off worship.... Muslims are paid back in same coin.... Pls don't complain.

A lie . Lol

Which place of worship he destroyed

these Hindus and there fantasist dreams
I will give you an example... In Kadapa in state of Andhra Pradesh, Muslims will go to temple on Ugaadi(new year) and offers offerings. You can google it. In Kerala Muslims and Christias visit Sabarimala. Please don't teach you way is the only way ... Respect others knowledge and wisdom. Muslims say you go to hell or heaven and don't believe in rebirth which is propounded by Hinduism... Now there are scientifically proved cases of rebirths. Does Islam adjust to new facts or insist it's view is final...

nope Muslim can’t worship idol or give offerings glad tidings to idol .
It takes you out of religion of one god and make you kaafir .

stone to build Wall not to ask for help . What a idiot set of people
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