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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

As an Indian Muslim, this is all indeed disappointing. Some of the disappointment originates from the travesty of justice that was done at the hands of the Supreme Court of India, and some of course, as symbolic of the decline of Muslims in India.

This was certainly a battle worth fighting till the end. At least we Indian Muslims can stand in front of Allah and say that we tried our best, with all the legal means at our disposal, and did not voluntarily give up a Masjid to become a place of idol worship.

Some Hindus (and some Muslims as well) might find this attitude as obstructionist and antagonistic, and wonder why did we never give up our claim to the mosque despite the tremendous odds stacked up against us? But if you are a believing Muslim, idol worship is one of the biggest sins in Islam, and we cannot voluntarily, and in good conscience, give up a place of worship to Allah to become a place of idol worship.

Surely even if you had offered us mountains of gold in exchange for the mosque, our answer would be the same. Our imaan is not for sale.
I will give you an example... In Kadapa in state of Andhra Pradesh, Muslims will go to temple on Ugaadi(new year) and offers offerings. You can google it. In Kerala Muslims and Christias visit Sabarimala. Please don't teach you way is the only way ... Respect others knowledge and wisdom. Muslims say you go to hell or heaven and don't believe in rebirth which is propounded by Hinduism... Now there are scientifically proved cases of rebirths. Does Islam adjust to new facts or insist it's view is final...
I shall simply state that this is false testimony by omission. The simple fact that many Muslims protecting that mosque were murdered during the destruction has been omitted.

"Riots", "communal violence" suggests some sort of bipartisan culpability. Such misrepresentation is the core of the problem in terms of reporting. It should be clear - zealots violently razed a functional mosque and murdered its patrons who were there at the time. This led to inevitable retaliation, which led to a premeditated massacre.
And what is about Muslim history... Your prophet has set example by destroying other's place off worship.... Muslims are paid back in same coin.... Pls don't complain.
"Scientifically proven". By who? The same doctors and scientists who think cow piss cures corona?
Tomorrow if you medication for corona is derived from cow piss or pig.... Will Muslims avoid taking it???
Before insulting Hindus. Google US Patents (No. 6,896,907 and 6,410,059)...
And what is about Muslim history... Your prophet has set example by destroying other's place off worship.... Muslims are paid back in same coin.... Pls don't complain.
Twat. I don't compare modern "coin" from a supposedly democratic secular state with "coin" of a medieval empire expanding against other medieval empires. Consider yourselves fortunate that the full might of any one of a number of medieval empires wasn't turned against your cowardly and feeble nation of gold hoarders.
Twat. I don't compare modern "coin" from a supposedly democratic secular state with "coin" of a medieval empire expanding against other medieval empires. Consider yourselves fortunate that the full might of any one of a number of medieval empires wasn't turned against your cowardly and feeble nation of gold hoarders.

Bull crap... Indira Gandhi introduced Secular word... We will remove it... India is Hindustan understand and move on...
Bull crap... Indira Gandhi introduced Secular word... We will remove it... India is Hindustan understand and move on...
Good. Then enjoy your first and last "Hindu Reich" while it lasts. Do you honestly think your country of weak amateurs has any chance at playing "Hitler"?

LMAO So the "scientific proof" of reincarnation is interviews with CHILDREN (look up the Satanic abuse scare in the '80s if you want to know why interviewing children is typically a bad idea) and comparing faces. I thought the whole point of reincarnation was the soul enters a new body? What's going to happen to dark-skinned SCs like you if you're going to get reincarnated into a body which has the same skin tone as you? Will Krishna not reward you with fair, Brahmin skin for you Dharmic deeds in this life?
Just so every Pakistani knows, these are the quacks who claim they're more rational than us.
I will give you an example... In Kadapa in state of Andhra Pradesh, Muslims will go to temple on Ugaadi(new year) and offers offerings. You can google it. In Kerala Muslims and Christias visit Sabarimala. Please don't teach you way is the only way ... Respect others knowledge and wisdom. Muslims say you go to hell or heaven and don't believe in rebirth which is propounded by Hinduism... Now there are scientifically proved cases of rebirths. Does Islam adjust to new facts or insist it's view is final...

Certainly many Muslims may indulge in certain acts that do not conform to Islamic beliefs. There are Muslims who drink alcohol and commit many crimes. That does not mean that the belief system of Islam needs to change.

So to answer your question, the basic principles of Islam, including the principle of one God, is final.
Bull crap... Indira Gandhi introduced Secular word... We will remove it... India is Hindustan understand and move on...

I thought India was Bharat? No where in official Indian parlance is India referred to as Hindustan.
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