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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

many people lock their brains in thier religion's locks :D world is a crazy place now if you see with eyes of someone who take no side :P

My wife is a sanghi...two days back we had a big argument, she asked me to go to Pakistan and get converted to Islam. I simply asked her to arrange a visa.
My wife is a sanghi...two days back we had a big argument, she asked me to go to Pakistan and get converted to Islam. I simply asked her to arrange a visa.
she dont know pakistan then . i think islamabad is more liberal city then delhi /mumbai :D come and enjoy here . long gone days when india have moral high grounds on pakistan . now its hard to decide which country is more extremist:lol:
Certainly many Muslims may indulge in certain acts that do not conform to Islamic beliefs. There are Muslims who drink alcohol and commit many crimes. That does not mean that the belief system of Islam needs to change.

So to answer your question, the basic principles of Islam, including the principle of one God, is final.

wrong you can’t compare idol worshipping to alcohol drinking . Idol worship (shirk) is unforgivable .

a Muslim who drinks alcohol is still a Muslim a Muslim who offers glad tidings or prays to a idol is OUT of religion of Islam .
I saw you cheering up conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque. But then I am all ears to hear why that is within "imaan" and this is not.

False equivalences like these only seek to justify the destruction of the Babri Masjid.
wrong you can’t compare idol worshipping to alcohol drinking . Idol worship (shirk) is unforgivable .

a Muslim who drinks alcohol is still a Muslim a Muslim who offers glad tidings or prays to a idol is OUT of religion of Islam .

Your points are valid, however the argument that was being made is if Islam is final, or needs to evolve because of the practices of certain Muslims.
False equivalences like these only seek to justify the destruction of the Babri Masjid.

Nopes, they are handy to bring forth sheer hypocrisy and hollowness in ones conviction.
It's like Adolf Hitler inaugurating Auschwitz concentration camp. The parallels are there. India might just get a taste of what Germany did in late 1945.

Well done, Indians!


Your nehru who occupied kashmir and your PVNR , sonia are no less.

I have no sympathy for the Europeans too in this case. Just that how Hagia Sofia was used by Muslims of this very forum to say that it is "legal" and many comments on how destruction of sites were "holy". You take up the fight with them. Not me.

As for being land, no is asking you or anyone to go out. Dharmic civilisation is the history of this land. It got it's root from the people in this land and it's culture and practises has to be given importance (my point of view and not lawfully). At the same time, unlike Muslims of India I will not ask for redundant or idiotic religious practises in the name of freedom of religion. That needs to go. Won't defend such idiotiness.

When various "namas" are proudly written by invading Muslim generals on how many infidels they killed, how many temples were looted and destroyed can give you an idea on how the Abrahamic hate against Indic civilisations was. I can proudly say that all religions are one and are different ways to God. Can you tell the same? That's the difference btw the civilisation which came from this land and outside.

Ancient Tamil Sangam has various written accounts of Jain and Buddhist literature. Kanchi was a place of Buddhist study. The Bhakthi movement (if you had read some history) started from the south in 6-7th century and spread all the way north. Saints and Poets converted kings to Shaivites and Vainavites (Mahendravarman Pallava was a Jain who converted to Saivite) and won theological debates. Adi Shankaracharya and Ramanujan won so much theological debates while at the same.time critical of then prevailing society values which we call today as evil. The Buddhist temples or monasteries were converted as people and kings converted. There were few excesses but none to the scale of Muslim invaders. All of them are clearly documented. There were excesses against Buddhist in Bengal etc. But I can only talk on history on regions where I have clear knowledge of.

Its quite astonishing you are looking to go behind Buddhist when Nalanda and Taxila were destroyed by you know who's. They put the death knell ok Buddhism in Indian region.

I am not asking you to convert. But if I become a Muslim tomo I am not going to claim Babar as my ancestors or going to justify his or any other invaders kings beastly acts. India is the civilisational refugee of dharmic religion and wherever the law and history clearly states an ancient temple was destroyed to make way for an mosque we should reclaim it. Even better Muslims themselves should help.handover it. Like they did in Somnath.
Babri should have been a wake up call for our Govt.

We should repeat Somnath Solution for Mathura and Kashi before we have another episode like Babri

Yes. Hindus are only asking for their holy sites which has clear undisputed history of being destroyed. The current temple of Kashi is not the original one.
Nopes, they are handy to bring forth sheer hypocrisy and hollowness in ones conviction.

How so? How is the conversion of a mosque to a museum to a mosque equivalent to:

1. Forcibly and illegally installing idols in a mosque.
2. Destroying that same mosque.
3. Using dubious legal judgement to sanctify such practice.
I saw you cheering up conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque. But then I am all ears to hear why that is within "imaan" and this is not.

Christians are not pagans. Hindus are.
How so? How is the conversion of a mosque to a museum to a mosque equivalent to:

1. Forcibly and illegally installing idols in a mosque.
2. Destroying that same mosque.
3. Using dubious legal judgement to sanctify such practice.

You want benefits of both secularism and minority(muslim) appeasement. That is why you guys are exposed. What is your opinion on Uniform civil code?
You want benefits of both secularism and minority(muslim) appeasement. That is why you guys are exposed. What is your opinion on Uniform civil code?

You guys want benefits of both secularism and majoritarianism. That is why you guys are exposed. What is your opinion on the Prime Minister of India abandoning his wife for years without providing any financial support?
Benefits of Majoritarian , yes Kashmiri Pundits enjoyed the benefits when they were called to leave their daughters and wives behind and forced to leave their home land for centuries

and babri masjid , what the hell Babur has to do anything with India he was just a plunderer , a murderer and a thug ..... better leave other places which were converted to mosques or you will get the same taste which once faced by majority when Mir Baki converted the temple in a mosque .

You guys want benefits of both secularism and majoritarianism. That is why you guys are exposed. What is your opinion on the Prime Minister of India abandoning his wife for years without providing any financial support?
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