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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

Once again, using dubious comparisons only serve to justify the crimes that were committed on Dec 6, 1992.

You care not to understand the differences in time, law, politics, religion and conquest. You simply seek the false equivalence because it can negate your sense of shame over the crime that was committed on Dec 6, 1992.

Your digression wont save you from being a hypocrite.

In both instances, a wish to subjugate other religion is paramount and no time/law/politics can hide those dubious intentions.
Your digression wont save you from being a hypocrite.

In both instances, a wish to subjugate other religion is paramount and no time/law/politics can hide those dubious intentions.

You probably don't understand the meaning of a hypocrite when you seek to justify razing of a mosque, a crime under the Indian Penal Code, by using a Turkish court decision to convert a museum to a mosque

What next? Can we use the conversion of a Buddhist vihara to the Tirupati Mandir as justification? Or such false equivalences stop only at Muslims?
India has become a incredibly POISONOUS communal state

And this is the latest example of that

ill thought out Indian plans have created insurmountable divisions at home and failures in the region

With Chiña humilating India the Indians are adamant to continue creating fassad in house

We can only make use of that fassad

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!...................The more racist, anti-Muslim, anti-Pakistani and anti-everything else india becomes, the better it is for us and Pakistan. Truth is, if india becomes a hindu-fundamentalist state where they destroy every Mosque and go to war with their Muslim population, our geopolitical position and standing will exponentially increase many times over. We should support this path india is taking. We should not condemn modi or current day india but should rather silently support them.
I just feel sorry for you man. Move on. My paganism doesn't ask me to follow an dotted line. It just tells me Karma is watching. The fun part is even with so many dotted line you folks can't figure out which is the original dotted line.

Indonesia is the only Islamic nation proud of its identity and culture and I really really respect them for it. You folks shouldn't really talk of comparison of yourself with Indonesians. Other than Arabs and Turks no Islamic country is peaceful cos it's not their culture.
We have withstood assault on our culture for 1000 years and still standing. Tells that there is some truth in our way of life. If you think getting called Paganist is insulting to me. Its not. I am proud of it. That's the difference btw you and me and a reason I will have a chance at attaining Moksha or the truth while you folks don't even begin to start with.

You should feel sorry for your kind instead of me. I gave you example of all other great civilization who actually did something to reform themselves, but your kind is still struck in taboo culture.

Nobody is interested in your certification of civilization, you should be the last one talking about civilization when all you have is taboo pagan culture ridden with caste discrimination. Every kind of unimaginable taboo can be found in India.

you can waste all your philosophy and bandwidth, but your blabbering will still not make "No dotted line Paganism" a religion. As I said earlier, Nobody in this world have definition of Hindu and Hinduism. all your blabbering can't change this fact. What you call Hinduism is basically union of Pagans in South Asia..
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Ayodhya priest, 15 policemen test Covid-19 +ve ahead of Ram temple event


I wonder if there will be any outrage similar to the one we witnessed in April against the Tablighi Jamaat.
I wonder if the priests and organizing committee will be arrested and charged for crimes under the Epidemic Disease Act.
Are they going out and spitting out intentionally to spread the virus? That is the big difference.
Are they going out and spitting out intentionally to spread the virus? That is the big difference.

Aah...peddling the fake news from WhatsApp.

As I have said, I am yet to meet a Sanghi who does not lie. You seem to be no exception.
Aah...peddling the fake news from WhatsApp.

As I have said, I am yet to meet a Sanghi who does not lie. You seem to be no exception.
Sanghi or not does not matter. I saw the news in NDTV.com.

message to Indian Hindus who are feigning concern and comparing destruction of masjid to Hagia Sophia listen to orthodox Christian .

Greek orthodox priest, Evangelos Papanikolaou on the Turks and Hagia Sophia
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I agree with you Pandits paid the price of what they did in Jammu ..same goes with Babri ..you demolished the temple and constructed a mosque as now the mosque got demolished a temple is constructed again :)
There's no proof of any temple demolition which even the Supreme Court agreed to...
If there is no proff of Temple and still pussies demolished and stand in front of mlecchas at least they have shown some spine ...So as per the proof theory if they give proofs of temple than Maleechas will leave the place ????????


qutub minar also
This is the natural history in this part of the world. Every few hundred years Hindus try and come up and they are beaten so badly that for another few hundred years they understand their place.

India is an abomination created by the British and it will run its course. This is just a means to an end. Hopefully, Modi gets re-elected and it can happen sooner than later.

I don't understand why Pakistanis on this forum care what goes on in that shit hole.
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