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India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & GB

Don't worry, there are plenty of egregious human rights violations in India to be exploited if India wants to play this game. Human rights is a dirty business.
like it is said "some people are more equal than others" in international politics India is more equal than other countries
Their Satanic tricks and deceptions worked 100% with the Muslims in India and former East Pak!! Now, they are 100% slaves under the Hindus with no sight of an end to it!! Their Jan, Mal, Namus, Irz (private parts) etc. are the Ganimat at the hands of the Mushrikin...

Anyway, the Hakiki Pak folks love to own guns and occasionally fire them out for a reason....

Ey Millet-i Pak, every cent you spend on your defence, and every drop of blood and sweat you shed to defend your freedom are Helal and Masum like mother’s milk...

The nation, which voluntarily gives away its freedom, deserves to be treated as slaves - Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha
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There is no strategy on this planet greater than planned brute Power. The sooner Pakistan realizes this the better it is. Example, China, who just walks in and takes over indian territory without firing a shot due to its Power. Did China waste its time producing fancy movies and posters? No. Did it launch millions of pre-preemptive social media campaigns? No.
Sounds like Pakistan has not learnt a single thing since the 1971. Our narrative is non-existent, lawlessness is at its peak, economy is in tatters, our ethnicities are used as pawns by enemies and corrupt and traitors can easily walk away without repercussions. I want to support Pakistan because no matter what, I am a Pakistani, but all of this makes me really sad.

Pakistan is not even fighting the enemy as much as it is fighting itself with different proxies employed by the enemy within its own boundry.
I was watching Swami's & Gaurav's interview from the other day, things they highlighted

1. Info War ( as you mentioned)
2. Reigniting Sectarian violence (as you mentioned)
3. Internationalize Balochistan, Kashmir (G.B / AJK ) , Pushtoon, Sindhi issue (yep they are pushing Sindhis too now)
4. Jeopardize Pakistan relation with China, since terrorism from Pakistan is a problem for chinese in Southern region (My theory is ISKP, Uzbeks, Tajiks with assistance from NDS, will be used for terrorism in China - Xinjiang, and pin it on Pakistan)

5. Approach Scholars, Students, Dissidents in Europe to highlight issues of Balochistan, Kashmir, Pushtoons, Sindhis. They will be rallied, trained & funded for Infowar.

(@Horus FYI)

We need a to come out of post 9/11 shock and reach out beyond Kashmir to naxals, north-east and communal divides. This time China would be a willing and active ally.
its not just about BLA .... most of them have acquired foreign nationalities, or political asylum supported by Indian foreign office and RAW and have establish themselves in international organizations with support of India and claim themselves as political and Human right activist.

Second issue is they churn lies after lies so if you debunk one false claim they will churn out many more lies in this way we always find ourselves as reactive and play as per their plan, what we need here is our own plan which can force them to react ....
Information is the weapon that they are using, Social Media is the platform or rather call it battlespace to deploy the weapon. You disrupt their communication and all will be smooth.....
  • It is funny how Twitter, periscope & Zoom had a technical glitch on the night when SAATH conference was to be broadcasted, that affected their reach on live feed
  • We have our own plan forward and work is being done on that, give it some time. Recently you would have heard that Anis Farooqui's twitter handle had unfortunate incident, is deleted by twitter, as someone put it out to me, Virtual Surgical Strike launched on to them
Sounds like Pakistan has not learnt a single thing since the 1971. Our narrative is non-existent, lawlessness is at its peak, economy is in tatters, our ethnicities are used as pawns by enemies and corrupt and traitors can easily walk away without repercussions. I want to support Pakistan because no matter what, I am a Pakistani, but all of this makes me really sad.

Pakistan is not even fighting the enemy as much as it is fighting itself with different proxies employed by the enemy within its own boundry.
Bro, don't get disheartened and never lose hope! Hopelessness is kuffar. Keeping Pakistan safe is a daily battle and things are far better than they were in the start of this century. The fight is no longer visible but invisible. It can be observed if you look closer. InShaAllah things are getting better and they will only continue to get better.
Wow. I never thought she was a Pashtoon too. BTW Sir you are married
Wow. I never thought she was a Pashtoon too. BTW Sir you are married
We even had Gulalai's mobile number, the one she had in Pakistan...i posted the screenshot on my twitter & after three months received notice from Twitter for sharing personal information.

She didn't reply to the tweet but reported the post :D

Note: we never intended to harass her, nor that number was ever used in unethical way. It was just kept on record with us without sharing it with anyone else
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4. Jeopardize Pakistan relation with China, since terrorism from Pakistan is a problem for chinese in Southern region (My theory is ISKP, Uzbeks, Tajiks with assistance from NDS, will be used for terrorism in China - Xinjiang, and pin it on Pakistan)
We need to increase our Intelligence sharing with Chinese
These paid dogs and their master handlers can't do much as long as Majority of us respect each other and each other's rights and effectively Package propagate and advertise the same.
@Foxtrot Alpha

Some of these 'non-military' strategic methods are already being used by India to turn Kashmiris and GBians against Pakistan. A section of diaspora is collaborating. Presenting Dogra rulers as reformers and well-wishers of kashmiris is a part of strategy.

Pro-occupation Indian/kashmiri journalists and activists, such as Aditya Raaj Kaul, Romi Sharma (Jammu based journalist), Maj Gaurav Arya etc are already in touch with some kashmiri nationalists based in Europe. These nationalists are freqeutly invited to the talk shows. (Contd)





Some of these nationalists frequently visit India and they have been tasked to present kashmiri freedom struggle as pakistan-sponsored terrorism. India facilitates them to participate in various global forums as well. This has been going on since past one decade. (Contd)

Romi Sharma, a jammu-bases journalists, have been tasked to connect to the people of Poonch and she, along with few other poonch-based (IoK) Pahari speaking journalists, in guise of reunion, have been trying to build a false narrative that Hindu-Muslim coexisted... (Contd)

...in Poonch peacefully under the Dogra rule and Poonch Revolt separated us and created all these problems. The Dogra sympathisers you come across from AJK are the by-products of this strategy which has been executed quite successfully by the India to pollute the minds.



While entire focus is on Kashmir valley, India found this opportunity to further this agenda from Jammu, particularly Poonch, using these journalists & activists. They are particularly targeting Poonchis (for obvious reasons) from AJK through the Poonch-pariwar type projects.

Majority of AJK is aware of these designs. We hope that AJK govt will be more vigilant now and will keep a check on the activities of a certain group which are funded and sponsored by a section of diaspora playing in the hands of Indian agencies.

Even nationalists/activists from GB are invited in various conferences in India and sadly, Pakistan govt and LEAs are still taking this matter lightly. These are the people you would see regularly propagating against the CPEC, Diamar Bhasha and other projects.





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