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India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & GB

Pakistan should also seriously seriously consider raising Gilgit Corp. This component of the land force will reassure the GB people about Pakistan's commitment to defend our integral part.

Secondly, think of raising a force of internal troops like CSF in Egypt, national guards in Russia and italy and elsewhere. The sole purpose of this force would be counterintelligence, counter propaganda, anti espionage, monitoring civil organizations from universities to any anjuman e tajiran. in iran Irgc serves this role.

All anti state activity either in cyber space or civil areas will be arrested.
Webinar seems to want to attract maximum clicks during the Lockdown

Yeah one thing everyone forgets is that the more dramatic and controversial the video is, the more hits it will get and more ad revenue for the uploader.

Make money at the expense of the gullible.
The best way to pull the rug out from these exiled Pakistani dissidents is to find holes in their logic.

For example, let's say some Pakistani dissident at an Indian panel decides to follow Indian narrative on Balochistan. They will claim to be speaking for Pakistan but in reality they are representing BLA. If they claim to be a representative of Pakistan, we can ask if they are willing to visit Pakistan, answer to that will obviously be no which will make it clear to everyone at that panel that their narrative is not accepted in Pakistan. Then they can be cornered into saying that they are representing BLA which is a banned organization in Pakistan and make it clear to everyone that their narrative is not Pakistani narrative but Indian narrative. And if they get pressured into visiting Pakistan, then Bam, they get arrested on arrival as representative of BLA which is banned in Pakistan. Win-Win.
its not just about BLA .... most of them have acquired foreign nationalities, or political asylum supported by Indian foreign office and RAW and have establish themselves in international organizations with support of India and claim themselves as political and Human right activist.

Second issue is they churn lies after lies so if you debunk one false claim they will churn out many more lies in this way we always find ourselves as reactive and play as per their plan, what we need here is our own plan which can force them to react ....
The only way to stop all this is to be deploying resources on front
Very aggressive approach

they will not stop their dirty games and either we play the same dirty games to exploit on indian side or use aggressive force on right time to take Kashmir and push back India

best defence is offence
Well its probably not too hard to make a panel of Indians who disagree with BJP's policies. If they want to pit Pakistani intellectuals against Pakistan, we should pit Indian intellectuals against India.
don't worry ,
you have whole team of sold outs on ground . they are working day and night to break india .

arfa khanam and kumar


nidhi razdan and barkha dutt


ravish kumar
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its not just about BLA .... most of them have acquired foreign nationalities, or political asylum supported by Indian foreign office and RAW and have establish themselves in international organizations with support of India and claim themselves as political and Human right activist.

Second issue is they churn lies after lies so if you debunk one false claim they will churn out many more lies in this way we always find ourselves as reactive and play as per their plan, what we need here is our own plan which can force them to react ....

Can PDF run a proper online newspaper or news site for counter propaganda. Dawn, tribune are basically pro india. May be we members can contribute in its establishment as well.
We can Follow the same principles of warfare in cyber warfare. The tactic of saturation attacks can be used. Bombardment of information.

Getting house in order is vital. Dawn, tribune, the human rights crowd, need to be fought with the same medicine.

Why cant we have a mass media network operated from Pakistan that destroys indias state narrative by showing hindu right wing speeches and videos. Radio, social media groups can churn out material that exposes snakes inside as anti islam and murtads and outside the face of hindutva.

On a diplomatic level, why cant we organize a number of conferences with one agenda - rise of hindutva and anti muslim sentiment in india. IK is also doing a good job when he tweets, but a lot more needs to be done.

You had talked about the need for an infowar or cyber warfare corp very recently and you were spot on.

Pakistan needs a network on the level of TRT and Al Jazeera. I think Indus News is getting there but we need to promote it way more.

On military front, it's clear we have the edge in Kashmir.

But in many ways, Pakistan's asymmetric strategy is extremely lazy, in fact the only reason it is not a huge problem for us is because India is even lazier than us and they don't have an asymmetric strategy either.

Rest of the world is using advanced cyber warfare, mini suicide drones, precision guided cruise missiles. Iran is using remote controlled explosive boats, Turkey is using sci-fi directed energy laser weapons, China hacked Lockheed Martin and made their own F35 and then sold it to Pakistan.

What is Pakistan using? Proxies, from the 1980's Soviet Afghan mujahideen era.

Pakistan needs to move with the times, its time to turn up the heat and try something new. Bajwa should be fired immediately, we need some fresh blood and a COAS who can bring innovation and bold action to Pakistan's defense sector and who is not afraid to carry out his verbal threats with action. We need new ideas. It's time to create a Pakistan Drone Force and a Pakistan Cyber Force and put together a real strategy for Kashmir on the sub-conventional level. Look at what Iran and Turkey are doing. Iran and Turkey are wiping the floor with their enemies with a real, robust, strong, and comprehensive asymmetric strategy with a smaller defence budget than their enemies. Iran and Turkey make extensive use of cyber warfare, drones, and missiles to put their enemies in the dustbin. The only reason Pakistan's asymmetric strategy is not up there with Iran and Turkey is because we have extremely incompetent, timid, and afraid leaders that create a culture where our defense industry is afraid to innovate new technologies and take on our enemies head on fearlessly, no matter where they are or how powerful. We need fresh and bold leadership to take Pakistan into the 21st century. We needed a Pakistan Drone Force and a Pakistan Cyber Force yesterday but we need a visionary leader to get us there.
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Pakistan needs a network on the level of TRT and Al Jazeera. I think Indus News is getting there but we need to promote it way more.

On military front, it's clear we have the edge in Kashmir.

But in many ways, Pakistan's asymmetric strategy is extremely lazy, in fact the only reason it is not a huge problem for us is because India is even lazier than us and they don't have an asymmetric strategy either.

Rest of the world is using advanced cyber warfare, mini suicide drones, precision guided cruise missiles, remote controlled explosive boats, and Turkey is even using sci-fi directed energy laser weapons.

What is Pakistan using? Proxies, from the 1980's Soviet Afghan mujahideen era.

Pakistan needs to move with the times, its time to turn up the heat and try something new. Bajwa should be fired immediately, we need some fresh blood and a COAS who can bring innovation and bold action to Pakistan's defense sector and who is not afraid to carry out his verbal threats with action. We need new ideas. It's time to create a Pakistan Drone Force and a Pakistan Cyber Force and put together a real strategy for Kashmir. Look at what Iran and Turkey are doing. Iran and Turkey are wiping the floor with their enemies with a real, robust, strong, and comprehensive asymmetric strategy with a smaller defence budget than their enemies. Iran and Turkey make extensive use of cyber warfare, drones, and missiles to put their enemies in the dustbin. The only reason Pakistan's asymmetric strategy is not up there with Iran and Turkey is because we have extremely incompetent and afraid leaders that create a culture where our defense industry is afraid to innovate new technologies. We need fresh and bold leadership to take Pakistan into the 21st century. We needed a Pakistan Drone Force and a Pakistan Cyber Force yesterday but we need a visionary leader to get us there.

Fully agree. Apart from that we need internal troops. I have been suggesting like CSF in Egypt, Irgc in iran, and others.
Internal monitoring and surveillance is what is needed. Cant expect ISI and army to fight on every front.
we are also limited by our budget. An economic policy with a similar urgency as the nuclear program is needed as well.
its not just about BLA .... most of them have acquired foreign nationalities, or political asylum supported by Indian foreign office and RAW and have establish themselves in international organizations with support of India and claim themselves as political and Human right activist.

Second issue is they churn lies after lies so if you debunk one false claim they will churn out many more lies in this way we always find ourselves as reactive and play as per their plan, what we need here is our own plan which can force them to react ....

Don't worry, there are plenty of egregious human rights violations in India to be exploited if India wants to play this game. Human rights is a dirty business.

Aj mene safed shalwar pena hai lekin kechard wale road per chalne jaro :lol:
don't worry ,
you have whole team of sold outs on ground . they are working day and night to break india .
arfa khanam and kumar
ravish kumar
nidhi razdan and barkha dutt



Our real guys are Modi and Yogi. They are doing real damage to India from within.

The people you mentioned are at the end of the day patriotic Indians who criticize the government but never the state.
Can PDF run a proper online newspaper or news site for counter propaganda. Dawn, tribune are basically pro india. May be we members can contribute in its establishment as well.
PDF doing what it could do in its limited capacity specially in OSINT front .... there are many member who are volunteering their time and services for these projects [link to related thread] ...
The one issue that will come back to bite Pakistan is the soft approach to the removal of article 370. The word on the street is majority of Kashmiris have lost complete faith in Pakistan. India is working hard to nip linkages between certain groups in Kashmir with Pakistan. Pretty soon , if not already, these fractions are weakening.

Once and if they integrate, their voice will be for the rest of Kashmir to be with them. The plan was executed perfectly and now it remains to be seen how it pans out. Hopes are high!

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