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India’s non-military strategic methods explored to wrest back Azad Kashmir & GB

Indian Secret mission on skype is like bakht wearing a “Made in China” cap with a caption “Boycott China”.
PDF being one of them
Is PDF being run by ISPR? And are you also handling ISPR twitter account?

I was watching Swami's & Gaurav's interview from the other day, things they highlighted

1. Info War ( as you mentioned)
2. Reigniting Sectarian violence (as you mentioned)
3. Internationalize Balochistan, Kashmir (G.B / AJK ) , Pushtoon, Sindhi issue (yep they are pushing Sindhis too now)
4. Jeopardize Pakistan relation with China, since terrorism from Pakistan is a problem for chinese in Southern region (My theory is ISKP, Uzbeks, Tajiks with assistance from NDS, will be used for terrorism in China - Xinjiang, and pin it on Pakistan)

5. Approach Scholars, Students, Dissidents in Europe to highlight issues of Balochistan, Kashmir, Pushtoons, Sindhis. They will be rallied, trained & funded for Infowar.

(@Horus FYI)
I also see students went to western countries for studies posting funny memes for Pakistan army :-) In favor or against I cant say
write down
1962 and 1999 india didn't face two front war but next time it will face it. We should provoke india to come and get, if you can.
There is nor military nor non military option for kashmir. They will even loose the valley and the ladakh region very soon . God willing.
you don't understand, they have a Team on ground for handling affairs in person, they want a team on Info War. Let me give you an example.

1. BLA bombs F.C patrol vehicle, 6 men get martyred including Major Nadeem.
2. Indians, dissidents, Affiliated terrorist groups justify the attack by running smear campaign against the deceased Military Officer. I was monitoring the situation very closely so i know the reach of this propaganda. From Indian journalists to Pakistan dissidents, Terrorists to Pro terrorists, all very running malicious propaganda that Major sb was somehow an evil person running death squad & drug trafficking.

3.Outcome of all this? You get to manipulate the foreign media, community
4. You use all that propaganda to raise the issue at U.N level. I do not want to give any names since they all are being monitored but we know they are working with UN Human Right work groups
People who join this forum are also being monitored? And who has access to our IP addresses? Can moderators see our IP addresses? I hope not :o:
Well its probably not too hard to make a panel of Indians who disagree with BJP's policies. If they want to pit Pakistani intellectuals against Pakistan, we should pit Indian intellectuals against India.

You will get 000s of Indians who disagree with the BJP's policies. Why do you imagine that they would oppose India? They will oppose the party in power in India, and seek to replace them.

don't worry ,
you have whole team of sold outs on ground . they are working day and night to break india .

arfa khanam and kumar

nidhi razdan and barkha dutt


ravish kumar

I'm glad you expose yourself so naturally.

Our real guys are Modi and Yogi. They are doing real damage to India from within.

The people you mentioned are at the end of the day patriotic Indians who criticize the government but never the state.

Thank you for 'getting' it.

The one issue that will come back to bite Pakistan is the soft approach to the removal of article 370. The word on the street is majority of Kashmiris have lost complete faith in Pakistan. India is working hard to nip linkages between certain groups in Kashmir with Pakistan. Pretty soon , if not already, these fractions are weakening.

Once and if they integrate, their voice will be for the rest of Kashmir to be with them. The plan was executed perfectly and now it remains to be seen how it pans out. Hopes are high!

What does Pakistan have to do with Art. 370, an act passed by the Indian Parliament? I am opposed to what the BJP did, but how does Pakistan figure in this?

Do any of you realise what effect reproducing this thread will have on any international reader? I have never known anyone with your ability to take the pin out of a live grenade and place it under your own seat.

Truly amazing.
What is the role of Special Security Division raised for CPEC in Gilgit Baltistan in any conflict with India. Will this not support FCNA. There is also a new division raised for security of Gawadar related to CPEC i.e. 44 Light Infantry.
Have a look at LID composition, what constitutes a light infantry formation. LID lacks heavy weapons like artillery and is composed of paramilitary wings also apart from regulars. Its Ops are spread out over the CPEC routes. It would be useful to have it as reserve in a full fledged war. FCNA and GB scouts are dedicated troops deployed in Northern corridor. FC has been upgraded with artillery and tanks, GB scouts can be given artillery too transitioning them from a light formation to a complete force. LID/SSD/34th/44th are light infantry, its doubtful that they will use heavy weapons.
gotta love this yindian general...he unknowingly & indirectly admitted the incompetence of the indian military that has proven to be completely impotent in its attempts to "take back" AJK/GB. :omghaha:
They have been working in all sections for a while now or may be for a very long time. Problem I see in coming years is opening of a combined front against us.
Look at this:
View attachment 637149

positive thinking pakistanis .

The best way to deal with these people and pull the rug out from under these exiled Pakistani dissidents is to find holes in their logic.

For example, let's say some Pakistani dissident at an Indian panel decides to follow Indian narrative on Balochistan. They will claim to be speaking for Pakistan but in reality they are representing BLA. If they claim to be a representative of Pakistan, we can ask if they are willing to visit Pakistan, answer to that will obviously be no which will make it clear to everyone at that panel that their narrative is not accepted in Pakistan. Then they can be cornered into saying that they are representing BLA which is a banned organization in Pakistan and make it clear to everyone that their narrative is not Pakistani narrative but Indian narrative. And if they get pressured into visiting Pakistan, then Bam, they get arrested on arrival as representative of BLA which is banned in Pakistan. Win-Win.

you should organize your own webinar ?
Indians have certified manufacturing fault.

These people have just been humiliated by China who gobbled up 60 sq kms of their territory and yet have mental masterbation about Pakistani territory.

The sheer stupidity can only defined by the fact, the two ethnicities in Pakistan , who in their wisdom they are trying to lure away from Pakistan, the Kashmiris and Balistanis, they are the only group of people in Pakistan who actually fought war with India to join Pakistan.
Indians have certified manufacturing fault.

These people have just been humiliated by China who gobbled up 60 sq kms of their territory and yet have mental masterbation about Pakistani territory.

The sheer stupidity can only defined by the fact, the two ethnicities in Pakistan , who in their wisdom they are trying to lure away from Pakistan, the Kashmiris and Balistanis, they are the only group of people in Pakistan who actually fought war with India to join Pakistan.

this is all diplomatic war , we are happy with our part of kashmir .
this is all diplomatic war , we are happy with our part of kashmir .

Atleast make sense of your efforts to begin with. You are talking about people who might skin you alive on the mere thoughts of joining you. They perhaps have more martyrs for Pakistan compared to other ethnicities, population ratio wise.

Try to get back the lands which you just lost to China and Nepal, without firing a bullet.
Atleast make sense of your efforts to begin with. You are talking about people who might skin you alive on the mere thoughts of joining you. They perhaps have more martyrs for Pakistan compared to other ethnicities, population ratio wise.

Try to get back the lands which you just lost to China and Nepal, without firing a bullet.

my dear sir ,
we are interested in part of kashmir which is in our possession, we will keep it in india at any cost ,
regarding china and nepal , they are our headache you should worry about balochistan and pashtun areas .
my dear sir ,
we are interested in part of kashmir which is in our possession, we will keep it in india at any cost ,
regarding china and nepal , they are our headache you should worry about balochistan and pashtun areas .

No part of Pakistan, not even an inch , including Baluchistan and Pakhtoon areas are under control of a foreign army. Yours are. I am sure you will know and appreciate the difference?
Pakistan should also seriously seriously consider raising Gilgit Corp. This component of the land force will reassure the GB people about Pakistan's commitment to defend our integral part.

Secondly, think of raising a force of internal troops like CSF in Egypt, national guards in Russia and italy and elsewhere. The sole purpose of this force would be counterintelligence, counter propaganda, anti espionage, monitoring civil organizations from universities to any anjuman e tajiran. in iran Irgc serves this role.

All anti state activity either in cyber space or civil areas will be arrested.

One mistake we learned Pakistani Military made when I visited Gilgit Baltisan was, that like Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltisan's population donot want to be part of liberating Indian Occupied Kashmir, they say we are different from Kashmiris, Gilgit Baltisan donot want "Militant" bases on GB at all setup by Pakistan Army etc. Fact is not all policies work in the manner Pakistan Army made, Militant training camps now finished, was more a problem for the locals than a benefit one. PA, ISI etc have to force offensive themselves.

Now coming to Gilgit Baltisan, they are hardcore Pakistanis, immense love for Pakistan, and immense nationalistic in their own identity and culture, India can in NO way ever get it, its just political gimmick, laugh it out loud on India and its stupid media and cartoons like Major Arya, Arnab, and other anchors.

The idea of raising Gilgit Baltisan Corps is good one to integrate more into the society, at a lower level Gilgit Scouts are there, a Pakistan Army's Gilgit Corps will assure the locals to defend GB more ferociously.

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