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India's Mars mission: worth the cost?

There was one chapter in English in our 8th or 9th standard, I cannot remember. But this I remember till today that the gist of that Chapter was " Even if you divide the entire wealth of the world equally among all the people on earth, the world will be back to the same condition after one day".
So the Great capable China decided to piggyback on Russia for their success and they failed... Confirms the belief that China does not have capabilities to conduct a mission like the one India just did all alone.

you can brag whatever you can but the mission's failure was not due to our own spacecraft
you are asking nasa for help in tracking. you cannot fly to mars without nasa
you mission is long from saying successful. come back down from the moon before you fall
Incorrect. We were riding the taxi where there was also a Russian passenger and a Russian driver. We were hitch-hiking. Of course we are more capable than failed state india. We have much better rockets.Much better tracking and communication system. But venture to Mars is not our top priority.
but important thing is to drive taxi not a become a passenger. but i think that failure does not mean than china has not abilities. actually china is very far away in this field and we are not in a race of any country. china has spend much more than india in this field. if any country like Pakistan will do any such mission than it will be very happy moment to pakistan. bye the way indian mission is not fully succesfull. we have to wait.
but important thing is to drive taxi not a become a passenger. but i think that failure does not mean than china has not abilities. actually china is very far away in this field and we are not in a race of any country. china has spend much more than india in this field. if any country like Pakistan will do any such mission than it will be very happy moment to pakistan.

Indeed. Pakistan can be successful in space exploration if they can invest in the field.
well whole mars mission cost is still less than a single 'Rafale' aircraft. Lols owner's pride, neighbour's A$$ on fire.
you can brag whatever you can but the mission's failure was not due to our own spacecraft
you are asking nasa for help in tracking. you cannot fly to mars without nasa
you mission is long from saying successful. come back down from the moon before you fall

I know I know... the great Chinese Logic... all successes are ours and all failures ... well they usually belong to someone else.
These things have to be encouraged,people who think it is too expensive and welcome to buy lands in villages and do subsistence farming,cheapest way to fill your stomach.
Definitely worth it.

450 crores. Indian engineers have built the beast for far less money compared to others.

its R&D. definitely worth it.

Lets say, this 450 crores were not utilized in building Magalyaan. Where would these 450 C have gone? would they have filled stomachs of poor people?

Padmanabha Temple in India reported to have 120000 C worth of treasure.
Fodder Scam - worth 940 C.

and many more.

of all the things ...the guy had to worry about this 450 C being wasted :sniper:
Why are Indians so happy ?

This is not an Indian accomplishment but a US Mars mission launched in India to cut cost but Indians take it as if it is their country's accomplishment ! Just like Indians take credit for Brahmos missile when itis the Russian who designed and built it.
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Why are Indians so happy ?

This is not an Indian accomplishment but a US Mars mission launched in India to save cost but Indians take it as if it is their country's accomplishment ! Just like Indians take credit for Brahmos missile when itis the Russian who designed and built it.

well its hard for guys like u to understand this but nasa jus helped us with deep space navigation as this is our first deep space mission...nasa will be launching its own mar mission in a few days most probably in a week.....
Now talking about India's Mar mission......will India collapse if the Mission did not take place ?

India has the money & chooses to spend it where it feels necessary. Why should a non Indian have to comment on it ?
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