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India's liberal heart: Citizenship for Hindu refugees quadruples under Modi

You seem to be a expert on Bharat.
1)First you asked for proof wherein BJP manifesto was it mentioned Hindus will be given asylum, i pointed at page 40 where it was mentioned.

2)You later accuse BJP of not mentioning in their manifesto that they didnt mention the word Non-hindus will not be given asylum.The Manifesto is clear about persecuted hindus, only you are delusional into thinking they didnt mean what they meant in their clear point to point Manifesto.

3)How would they feel at home?When they have their own homes and Countries?You are one of that Aman Ki Asha fools Brigade aren't you?They chose to be and live in their countries,They fought with us for it,Why would they want to come back again,they have to live with the consequences of supporting Pakistan creation,deal with it .And why should we allow them to come back again after all that went through in Partition?

4)Quoting a single example of APJ out of context wont save your argument,TamilNadu is still a Conservative, orthodox Hindu majority state.Where people still pray to Hindu Gods.And as such it is generally assumed TamilNadu and Tamils are considered as Hindus.You can quote minute percentages of Minorities to claim they are not,but it doesnt affect nor change anything on the ground.

5)Rest of US meant the Sangh Parivar who support BJP through all its highs and lows and won't abandon them.The Sangh is the Bedrock of BJP without which it will collapse in a Day.You are a f*cking Minority fence sitter which Sangh Parivar doesn't care,because they know when Push comes to Shove you will abandon the boat at the first instance and think only about yourself.Turncoats are generally looked at in poor light in any Party,Organization or Society.

6)Ask any Hindu on the road if Bharat should prefer to give Asylum to Non-Dharmics( Ahmedis,Muslims )who fought with us for creating Pakistan and now want to come back because they are being Persecuted by the Same Pakistan which they fought and killed to create.They will simply laugh and tell you to f*ck off on your face.Some even might beat you black and blue on the spot for such Nonsense.

You don't know the ground reality.Let me guess you are part of that Minority group who wants more to save your long lost so called "Indic Brethren" .I guess that is where all this butthurt is coming from. :D


Go through my post again. I wish I could explain with pics to make it easier for you.

I asked for proof in the manifesto where it said ONLY Hindus would be given asylum. You were unable to provide proof and went off on a telepathic tangent.

Retard, they didn't fight with us - surely you mean they fought against us. Do you even know the difference?

Generally assumed by whom, retard? Hahahaha you? Do you have any reliable source to back this up? Or did your boyfriend in the Bajrang Dal tell you?

No one has appointed you as the spokesperson of the BJP here. People like you are useful for slogan shouting - nothing more. Get it, retard?

Oh wait - no pictures. You still did not understand it.

Go through my post again. I wish I could explain with pics to make it easier for you.

I asked for proof in the manifesto where it said ONLY Hindus would be given asylum. You were unable to provide proof and went off on a telepathic tangent.

Retard, they didn't fight with us - surely you mean they fought against us. Do you even know the difference?

Generally assumed by whom, retard? Hahahaha you? Do you have any reliable source to back this up? Or did your boyfriend in the Bajrang Dal tell you?

No one has appointed you as the spokesperson of the BJP here. People like you are useful for slogan shouting - nothing more. Get it, retard?

Oh wait - no pictures. You still did not understand it.
Abbe chutiye, When the Manifesto says Hindus will be given asylum and makes no mention of other groups,what does that imply Jhaant ke pissu?
If i say i will recruit Hindus in my firm ,what does that imply to the applicants?That others need not apply if you cannot even have simple common sense then don't blame me.

They fought us chutiye, read about Direct action day by Muslim League and Razakars of Deccan.Yes they fought against Hindus and Sikhs to carve out their own country Many were killed in that process.What do you mean they didnt fight against us? Did they fight aliens from Mars?The whole process was supported for Ahmediyyas,Shias and other Islamic groups for which you now cry rivers of Blood.Jinnah himself was a shia.

It's Generally assumed by Sangh you moron.Hjda log have Boyfriends who happen to support Gay rights and LGBT and people like you support them.Sangh is purely Straight not queer like you.

The sangh Ideology is very clear, it is evident you have neither read about the Sangh or RSS nor were ever a part of it in your lifetime.Don't try to pass of your #AdarshLiberal shite as sangh ideology.You will get a arse whooping if you say that in front of a Sangh member.

You can yap all you want, ask any RSS or Sangh member,they will vouch what i said.
A person who acts like he is sleeping cannot be woken up, likewise, if you still want to act like The BJP manifesto is not clear and want to argue on Technical points or Semantics go ahead.Neither you nor ilk matters when it comes to the real deal.
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so that you can kill them all there with ease. coming from the worlds most racist extremists.

Should be extended to ALL persecuted minorities - Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmaddiyas, Shias.
Should be extended to ALL persecuted minorities - Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Ahmaddiyas, Shias.

This is epitome of retarded thought.

What made you think that Ahmaddiyas and Shias does not hate Kuffar?

@Roybot @SarthakGanguly @levina @SpArK Would you educate this poster! Atanz aka Pakeeza , who is brimming with hatred for Hindus and Indians, is an Ahemadi. There are millions like him.

I do not understand this retarded train of though advocating asylum for anyone who is brutalized by Pure muslims, even if that person hates kuffar with more vigor than he hates pure Sunnis,that many have just because their little red book told them so.

I say there should be "shoot at sight" policy for any "religion of Peace" follower trying to pole vault over the border.

nothing liberal if they selectively allow hindus and sikhs only. what about ahmedis and rohingyas.. (too early for shias).

Why Ahemadis and Rohingyas?

They too hate Kuffar.

History ,and this forum is a testament to that. Why should we provide asylum to people who hate us?

There is example of love shown by an Ahemadi Pakeeza and Atanz on these threads for Kuffars. You need to read deleted posts that have been quoted by others.

See Post #224

Ancient Pakistani Buddhists in Gandhara used to eat meat | Page 16


India: the emerging Asian Super Power | Page 2

British India - Myth | Page 8

And the real juicy parts have been deleted. Consult @Roybot on this matter.
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Abbe chutiye, When the Manifesto says Hindus will be given asylum and makes no mention of other groups,what does that imply Jhaant ke pissu?
If i say i will recruit Hindus in my firm ,what does that imply to the applicants?That others need not apply if you cannot even have simple common sense then don't blame me.

They fought us chutiye, read about Direct action day by Muslim League and Razakars of Deccan.Yes they fought against Hindus and Sikhs to carve out their own country Many were killed in that process.What do you mean they didnt fight against us? Did they fight aliens from Mars?The whole process was supported for Ahmediyyas,Shias and other Islamic groups for which you now cry rivers of Blood.Jinnah himself was a shia.

It's Generally assumed by Sangh you moron.Hjda log have Boyfriends who happen to support Gay rights and LGBT and people like you support them.Sangh is purely Straight not queer like you.

The sangh Ideology is very clear, it is evident you have neither read about the Sangh or RSS nor were ever a part of it in your lifetime.Don't try to pass of your #AdarshLiberal shite as sangh ideology.You will get a arse whooping if you say that in front of a Sangh member.

You can yap all you want, ask any RSS or Sangh member,they will vouch what i said.
A person who acts like he is sleeping cannot be woken up, likewise, if you still want to act like The BJP manifesto is not clear and want to argue on Technical points or Semantics go ahead.Neither you nor ilk matters when it comes to the real deal.

Did I touch a raw nerve by mentioning your Bajrang Dal boyfriend? Lol. Relax. You will not be jailed under this BJP govt. for your orientation, don't worry.

You said "fought with us" when in reality they "fought against us" - do you know the difference between the two? Of course not, you are downright daft.

Retard, the manifesto says they will offer refuge to Hindus. Have they stopped offering refuge to Buddhists from Tibet or Sikhs? Of course not.

If you can't deal with it, get out of the country. You and your boyfriend should not don your Sri Ram sene hats and harass women in pubs.
Hindu Betrayal is the only definition of our liberal. The do not have any problem if 2 crore Bangladeshis live in India or we give asylum to Tibetans or anybody else. They think that only Hindus an shikhs should not be given asylum.
This is epitome of retarded thought.

What made you think that Ahmaddiyas and Shias does not hate Kuffar?

@Roybot @SarthakGanguly @levina @SpArK Would you educate this poster! Atanz aka Pakeeza , who is brimming with hatred for Hindus and Indians, is an Ahemadi. There are millions like him.

I do not understand this retarded train of though advocating asylum for anyone who is brutalized by Pure muslims, even if that person hates kuffar with more vigor than he hates pure Sunnis,that many have just because their little red book told them so.

I say there should be "shoot at sight" policy for any "religion of Peace" follower trying to pole vault over the border.

Why Ahemadis and Rohingyas?

They too hate Kuffar.

History ,and this forum is a testament to that. Why should we provide asylum to people who hate us?

There is example of love shown by an Ahemadi Pakeeza and Atanz on these threads for Kuffars. You need to read deleted posts that have been quoted by others.

See Post #224

Ancient Pakistani Buddhists in Gandhara used to eat meat | Page 16


India: the emerging Asian Super Power | Page 2

British India - Myth | Page 8

And the real juicy parts have been deleted. Consult @Roybot on this matter.

I for one know that hindus have only one country to return to, and that is India. We can not afford to ignore such pleas, these hindu refugees dont have a safer place to return to.
Though there's a lot of hue and cry about Rohingya in ME but not one country has come forward to accept 'em or give them citizenship. Thats shameful!
Btw how did you know that jackdaws was pakeeza?? :lol:
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Did I touch a raw nerve by mentioning your Bajrang Dal boyfriend? Lol. Relax. You will not be jailed under this BJP govt. for your orientation, don't worry.

You said "fought with us" when in reality they "fought against us" - do you know the difference between the two? Of course not, you are downright daft.

Retard, the manifesto says they will offer refuge to Hindus. Have they stopped offering refuge to Buddhists from Tibet or Sikhs? Of course not.

If you can't deal with it, get out of the country. You and your boyfriend should not don your Sri Ram sene hats and harass women in pubs.
All said and done, I along with many other citizens of this country feel comfortable only in allowing those of Dharmic faiths as refugees and not people of any other faith.

We are all equal as Indian citizens of any faith, but we as a country and people are not obliged to be secular while dealing with non-nationals and can pick and choose there legally.

Did I touch a raw nerve by mentioning your Bajrang Dal boyfriend? Lol. Relax. You will not be jailed under this BJP govt. for your orientation, don't worry.

You said "fought with us" when in reality they "fought against us" - do you know the difference between the two? Of course not, you are downright daft.

Retard, the manifesto says they will offer refuge to Hindus. Have they stopped offering refuge to Buddhists from Tibet or Sikhs? Of course not.

If you can't deal with it, get out of the country. You and your boyfriend should not don your Sri Ram sene hats and harass women in pubs.

look at this video retard, modi himself said all the sikhs, jains, budhists are considered to be hindus... so when BJP manifesto says persecuted hindus will be given refugee status, it includes all these religions...
I for one know that hindus have only one country to return to, and that it India. We can not afford to ignore such pleas, these hindu refugees dont have a safer place to return to.
Though there's a lot of hue and cry about Rohingya in ME but not one country has come forward to accept 'em or give them citizenship. Thats shameful!
Btw how did you know that jackdaws was pakeeza?? :lol:

I am not saying that Jackdaws is Pakeeza. What I said was that Atanz is Pakeeza. I have quoted people who have been at the receiving end of Atanz aka Pakeeza's hatred to bear witness and make it clear to @Jackdaws that his fantasies of tolerant muslims in form of Shias and Ahemadis are delusional.

FYI Pakeeza/Atanz is an Ahemadi. He confessed to it in post #195 on this thread: Historum - History Forums . I found him out because I have a very good memory, and I rarely forget anything thus remembered him stating so in that thread.

We should flush out this delusion from our mind that some denomination of muslims does not hate us, just because they hate other denominations of muslims ( @SarthakGanguly you too). They may hate other muslims for being less pure, but they hate kuffars more than even impure muslims.

For your other debate: Rajputs were feudatories or Rashtrakuta and Gujara-Pratihars empire. Their hunnic origins were postulated by British historians, but without any evidence. That theory is no longer regarded as genuine theory.

I do not have much time hence I would not be able to participate in that thread.
For your other debate: Rajputs were feudatories or Rashtrakuta and Gujara-Pratihars empire. Their hunnic origins were postulated by British historians, but without any evidence. That theory is no longer regarded as genuine theory.

I do not have much time hence I would not be able to participate in that thread.
Hephthalites married Gujars who later converted themselves into Hindus and thus came about the Rajput agnikul theory, that's what I read and believed.
When did India become a Hindu rashtra?

Hephthalites married Gujars who later converted themselves into Hindus and thus came about the Rajput agnikul theory, that's what I read and believed.

The rajputs are the later gen descendents of the Sakas who came to India in Gupta era.
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I am not saying that Jackdaws is Pakeeza. What I said was that Atanz is Pakeeza. I have quoted people who have been at the receiving end of Atanz aka Pakeeza's hatred to bear witness and make it clear to @Jackdaws that his fantasies of tolerant muslims in form of Shias and Ahemadis are delusional.

FYI Pakeeza/Atanz is an Ahemadi. He confessed to it in post #195 on this thread: Historum - History Forums . I found him out because I have a very good memory, and I rarely forget anything thus remembered him stating so in that thread.

We should flush out this delusion from our mind that some denomination of muslims does not hate us, just because they hate other denominations of muslims ( @SarthakGanguly you too). They may hate other muslims for being less pure, but they hate kuffars more than even impure muslims.

For your other debate: Rajputs were feudatories or Rashtrakuta and Gujara-Pratihars empire. Their hunnic origins were postulated by British historians, but without any evidence. That theory is no longer regarded as genuine theory.

I do not have much time hence I would not be able to participate in that thread.
Rabid Shias and Ahmediyas are the lesser danger now. I am only for the transit for them. Shias to Iran and Ahmediyas to Germany. I made that clear earlier. We should not accommodate people who hate us. That's common sense.
Every Hindu or Sikh fleeing Bangladesh and Pakistan, not to speak of Afghanistan, has come here. The Hindu population in Bangladesh has fallen from a post-partition 21 percent to under 8 percent now. No prizes for guessing where they moved. Most Pakistani Hindus made it here during partition, but the 2 percent still left are slowly seeing India as the only hope in the face of Islamic persecution.

A noble gesture but who is paying for housing these refugees, the states themselves or the center? Tripura was used as a refugee camp during 1947 and in 1971 and today the tribes of Tripura are a minority in their own state which is now dominated by bangladeshi Hindus.

Persecuted Sri Lankan Tamils have been accommodated in India despite the rabid nature of some of these groups with murderous LTTE mindsets.

And people wonder why neighbours dislike India. On one hand India will demand dawood ibrahim, hafeez said etc. and on the other hand it will shelter even those sri lankan tamils who have LTTE mindsets.

India is home to the largest immigration of Muslims fleeing poverty in Bangladesh. Though these migrants have faced some degree of discrimination here, they have spread themselves in Assam, Bihar and West Bengal, and now further to the major metros. No one is being asked to leave as doing anything inhumane is impossible in democratic India even though the courts have asked the government to strictly enforce the Citizenship Act.

They were and are used as a vote bank and nothing else. Illegal migrants have no place in India. Today there is no difference between west bengal and bangladesh thanks to these bangladeshis.
Because we are a secular nation with a dharmic majority - we are not constitutionally a Dharmic nation. You can't be selective in granting refuge to persecuted minorities. Also - perhaps the Pakistanis can correct me - but don't the Ahmadiyas consider the Buddha and Krishna as prophets too? Honestly, it does not matter even if they don't.

Also can you imagine how the 2 nation theory would be buried even further when Shia Muslims from Pakistan start applying to the Indian High Commission for refuge?
We will stop them because it is in our interest. Period. Our interest is more important their interest. I am talking about Shias here. They can be given transit though. But not residence.
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