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India's K-15 Ballasic Missile tasked to take out China's Aircraft Carrier 'Liaoning'

Made in China vetted by Indian ...LMAO too funny:rofl::rofl:, it's still a made in China even if you vetted 100 times:disagree:

No we reject the broken ones, which are actually 99% of whatever you make. By chance only 1% is actually of any use so that is taken. It is actual strategy used by a number of companies to ensure quality out of Chinese production, otherwise it is so pathetic that it will be a crime to sell it. I guess the reason for this is because like you said, chinese only vett the same item 100 times to do the QA for entire lot :rofl::rofl:. Seriously :disagree: Chinese engineering and manufacturing, use it at your own risk.
No we reject the broken ones, which are actually 99% of whatever you make. By chance only 1% is actually of any use so that is taken. It is actual strategy used by a number of companies to ensure quality out of Chinese production, otherwise it is so pathetic that it will be a crime to sell it. I guess the reason for this is because like you said, chinese only vett the same item 100 times to do the QA for entire lot :rofl::rofl:. Seriously :disagree: Chinese engineering and manufacturing, use it at your own risk.

lol regardless it's still made in China :rofl: .
No it is made in China and Tested in India/US. Tested part makes it workable. Like removing chaff from rice. I pity those who depend solely on China.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: you Indian are too hilarious, have you ever see a product written "Made in China" and tested or QA by India or US with a certified sticker in the store? :rofl:
Really we don't have any made in India's bridge and tunnel to begin with. :rofl:
don't have Tibet like things and many tunnels and bridges like you have lol and don't have to place DF like big missile in mountains to target Chinese ships.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: you Indian are too hilarious, have you ever see a product written "Made in China" and tested or QA by India or US with a certified sticker in the store? :rofl:
Actually we do. Look at all the certifications the Chinese have to get done to export anything. The joke is on China for having such pathetic standards of engineering and manufacturing. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Made in China is universal synonym for extremely poor quality and shoddy business. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

BTW you and your education also seems to be Made in China. Is it? :rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
You know nothing, but you think you knew something.
So it is logic that you are stupid.

If you were talking about a Russian or USA missile, I would worry, but this is a India missile, so the defense system will definitely be good enough.
Its a Perfect reply that make me laugh!:-)
Actually we do. Look at all the certifications the Chinese have to get done to export anything. The joke is on China for having such pathetic standards of engineering and manufacturing. :rofl::rofl::rofl: Made in China is universal synonym for extremely poor quality and shoddy business. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

BTW you and your education also seems to be Made in China. Is it? :rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl:
China has a great surplus with india in trade field due to the mechandise made in China.
Chinese have a great surplus with indian in intellectual field due to the education made in China too.:guns:

You asked is the satellite network present and communication system in place in the previous comment. I have pointed out, naive as you claim, of the assets at disposal. Please feel free to point out deficiencies in the same. I am again talking about the kill chain, not the final asset used. Please also feel free to read up on the Indian satellites operational. There are 'constellations' and 'systems' up there.

Then you are talking about SSN and the recon planes. There is one SSN at present. As for the recon and final guidance, please do read up on the P8-I and what it is capable of. Please feel free to correct me.

As for your point on ballistic missiles, I do not think you understood my point. Whether a BM or some other mechanism is used depends on various other facts, which I am sure you are well aware of. To your point on whether classification of targets can be done. Yes. The IN has had that capability for quite some time, with its aerial assets and that has only improved with the induction of the Poseidon. There have been drills which I have alluded to. Now you can keep saying, it requires practice. Nobody is going to deny that.

And to your point on me not knowing how hard it is to stalk a CBG, please do point out which communication, relay, or whatever satellite you are talking about. Will point out the relevant Indian asset to you again as have done in the previous one. Surprising though it may seem to you.

To @faithfulguy please feel free to read up on the Poseidon capabilities before making comments. Its a recon aircraft in the IN and has other capabilities. The Awacs in the IN are as of date Kamovs, not Poseidons.

To put it in perspective in a short and sweet answer, the kill chain is present in the IN to take down a CBG in the Bay of Bengal, Arabia Sea and the IOR upto the latitude going south of Madagascar and this has been practised by the IN over the past 4 years. Including detection, monitoring, classification and targeting. Whether a BM or some other mechanism is for you to guess.

Now you are going over board and getting into war gaming. Saying you have this asset and I have that asset. You said, the IN does not have the communication and targeting grid in place. I have pointed out each and every step of the way, with the deficiencies currently portrayed in the open domain.

Stick to your point on whether the kill chain is present or not.
Your article is too long to reply. If you are interested in anti-carrier tactic , go and study some anti-carrier tactics developed by red navy of Soviet Union that's pioneer. Then do some search about ballistic missile and conventional anti-ship missile and make clear that how they are guided and how they attack and the pros and cons of them.

There are a lot of details about the anti-carrier tactic and the application of special weapons ,all of which are studied by Chinese on the basis of tons of cash and tests and drills.

Just one point:
The strength of ballistic missile is its range and speed.
The anti-carrier ballistic missile is used to block the carrier group into war zone from a long distance ,given the range of DF-21D is 2000km.

If you want to sink a carrier only hundreds of miles away, the conventional weapons are more cost-effective.

Of course not.
China developed a lot of weapons and equipments to meet the special request of anti-carrier tactics.
You can not make an equation of two different things just because they have the same name.
There is a long way to go .
Do some research about the developing process of anti-carrier tactic of red navy , you will know it.

The problem with you guys is K15 of India. Had it been a silly article of Paper missile DF-21 carrier killer killing US naval Aircraft carrier , you guys would have been jumping with joy. We have seen chinese dancing on PDF on such article. So far as using ballastic missile as carrier killer is concern, K15 is much more a fit missile for the same role because of its depressed trajectory and cruise like trajectory in its terminal phase at a hypersonic speed and very very low CEP. DF 21 is a paper missile for years without a single test.

Whatever India can do, China can do that 100+times better.

India has launched 104 satellite in orbit with a single rocket. So launch 10400 satellite with a single rocket and then talk.
Whatever India can do, China can do that 100+times better.

India has launched 104 satellite in orbit with a single rocket. So launch 10400 satellite with a single rocket and then talk.
Even though India has Big and dangerous weapons used to take out Big targets,yet it is insanely difficult to take out Heavily Guarded,well defended high targets like Aircraft Carriers.

If it is US aircraft carrier than what you say may be right but china certainly can not defend against missiles like brahmos or other US cruise missile.

flattened is cruise- It is another thing that altitude is about 40km- Glide is without power- The missile has enough fuel to burn thorough Its flight and in diving-

Attaining Mach 7 near sea level is not easy for long period-

Do you know that the glide vehicle which china tested couple of years ago releases glide vehicle from mother missile at a speed of mach 10 and it goes down to bellow 5 mach by the time it reaches target? On other hand we have a weapon which does not go beyond atmosphere and still travels at mach 7.5 till the target. Thisis the difference between chinese and indian missile technology.
The problem with you guys is K15 of India. Had it been a silly article of Paper missile DF-21 carrier killer killing US naval Aircraft carrier , you guys would have been jumping with joy. We have seen chinese dancing on PDF on such article. So far as using ballastic missile as carrier killer is concern, K15 is much more a fit missile for the same role because of its depressed trajectory and cruise like trajectory in its terminal phase at a hypersonic speed and very very low CEP. DF 21 is a paper missile for years without a single test.
Pls, learn something.
K15 is a not basllitic missile which is different from DF-21 with its depressed trajectory and cruise. It is just another Brmomas with more range.

DF-21D is used to block aircarft carriers into war zone from a super far distance of 2000km.

China is not stupid as india is that letting a weapon enter serivice without tests.
Stop these stupid and igorant statements.
Learn some millitary knowledge and be a little more professional.

India has launched 104 satellite in orbit with a single rocket. So launch 10400 satellite with a single rocket and then talk.
Could you tell me how heavy these 104 satellites are ?
China, US, Russia,EU are not as stupid as india to launch 104 potatoes into outer space.

Couldn't you indian just find some books and get some basic knowledge about rocket and satellite ?

If the indian rocket is really very advanced and powerful ,which has a big payload , why do not you have a ICBM for now?
Anyone with little knowledge about rockets knows the ICBM is just a guilded rocket with warhead.
Pls don't humilliate yourself and your country like a silly .
Go back to school and learn something.
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flattened is cruise- It is another thing that altitude is about 40km- Glide is without power- The missile has enough fuel to burn thorough Its flight and in diving-

Attaining Mach 7 near sea level is not easy for long period-

Do you know that the glide vehicle which china tested couple of years ago releases glide vehicle from mother missile at a speed of mach 10 and it goes down to bellow 5 mach by the time it reaches target? On other hand we have a weapon which does not go beyond atmosphere and still travels at mach 7.5 till the target. Thisis the difference between chinese and indian missile technology.

Once again, the "cruise" portion that you refer to cannot be used in the same context as the flight path attained by the likes of the Tomahawk or BrahMos, which was what our fellow member Surya1 was proposing. You will not get the same advantages as you would using a sea-skimmer or a LACM.

Agreed. Sea skimming missiles have a greater accuracy because they have to target ship in two dimension and not in three like anti ship ballastic missile. That is why there are many antiship cruise missile but there is not proven ASBM exist today.However scientis always try to make it possible by developing various technology and it seems that they are not too far. Brahmos steep dive is all set to mimic the ASBM trajectory while hitting the ship. So we can incorporate this technology in ASBM like k15 variant discussed in article.
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Agreed. Sea skimming missiles have a greater accuracy because they have to target ship in two dimension and not in three like anti ship ballastic missile.
Pls stop.
ASBM's speed is too high to adjust its direction for a mobile target.
The accuracy has nothing to do with dimension.
That is why there are many antiship cruise missile but there is not proven ASBM exist today.
Let me tell you why ?
The main merit of ABSM is its high speed and long range. The longer the range, the higher the speed.
The re-entry speed of ICBM could be more that 20 mach ,while that of a MRBM like DF-21 could be more than 10 mach and the speed of SRBM is about 5 mach.
Only the MRBM is relative suitable for anti-ship task, cause ICBM is too expensive and huge and SRBM has no advantage on speed compared to conventional supersonic anti-ship missile.

Now why does not other country develop the ASBM ?
1. needn't
Most of nations do not need the capability of attacking a ship 2000km away.
2. can't afford
The radar on ground or mounting on AWAC could not find the target 2000km away, only a satellite could .
But satellite orbits around earth .
So you need a constellation comprised of lots of different satellites which could cover the entire area consistently.
For now, US is the best on it ,and China is the one closest to US.

Now, you know the reason.

However scientis always try to make it possible by developing various technology and it seems that they are not too far. Brahmos steep dive is all set to mimic the ASBM trajectory while hitting the ship. So we can incorporate this technology in ASBM like k15 variant discussed in article.
Stop comparing your Brahmos or K15 to an ASBM like DF-21.
They are different missiles with different usages.
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