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India's K-15 Ballasic Missile tasked to take out China's Aircraft Carrier 'Liaoning'

A depressed trajectory does not equate a "cruise path" in the same way that a missile like the BrahMos or Tomahawk does. It is neither a sea-skimming nor a terrain-hugging weapon; in fact, its flattened flight phase is referred to as a "glide", not cruise, phase.

flattened is cruise- It is another thing that altitude is about 40km- Glide is without power- The missile has enough fuel to burn thorough Its flight and in diving-

Attaining Mach 7 near sea level is not easy for long period-
flattened is cruise- It is another thing that altitude is about 40km- Glide is without power- The missile has enough fuel to burn thorough Its flight and in diving-

Attaining Mach 7 near sea level is not easy for long period-

Once again, the "cruise" portion that you refer to cannot be used in the same context as the flight path attained by the likes of the Tomahawk or BrahMos, which was what our fellow member Surya1 was proposing. You will not get the same advantages as you would using a sea-skimmer or a LACM.
So in another word, as India has no E-3 Hawkeyes, its using p8-I for that role?

But P8 is a replacement for Orion, which you also mentioned is a sub Hunter AWS Plane. India can use it for whatever it wants. But for US navy, it's primarily a sub hunter that also has marine reconnaissance role. But it's never used as an AWAC.

Where have I said, its used as an AWACS? Stop talking utter rubbish.
India's K-15 Ballasic Missile tasked to take out China's Aircraft Carrier 'Liaoning'
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Monday, April 17, 2017

Scenario-it is a balmy morning in early 2022 and following the breakup of negotiations over tawang with the Chinese the PLAN “Shi Lang” Battle group steams its way into the southern Indian Ocean as part of a naval offensive against the Indian navy......

This is just Indian fantasy scenario, as I said before China can make India navy-less by dispatch DF-21D to Tibet, all Indian combatant ships are within the striking range, it will be a turkey shoot. The fate of Indian navy is already been decided...LMAO

This is just Indian fantasy scenario, as I said before China can make India navy-less by dispatch DF-21D to Tibet, all Indian combatant ships are within the striking range, it will be a turkey shoot. The fate of Indian navy is already been decided...LMAO

I would love to have @Stuttgart001 views on this.
Once again, the "cruise" portion that you refer to cannot be used in the same context as the flight path attained by the likes of the Tomahawk or BrahMos, which was what our fellow member Surya1 was proposing. You will not get the same advantages as you would using a sea-skimmer or a LACM.

It is physically not possible to reach 7 Mach while flying the profile of a Tomahawk- With Brahmos profile may be- The advantage would be different here- the cone of this vehicle won't heat as much and could have a RF seeker- Which will make It as good as Brahmos when It comes to tracking and target selection with pin-point accuracy- It won't be dependent on UAVs for guidance-

It can be launched from a submarine so It is nearly impossible to predict its launch location- It flight profile which is 40km high cruise before a near vertical drop makes Its early detection nearly impossible- So It has all qualities to become a good anti-ship missile- With 1K HE warhead which can be programed to detonate once the missile has penetrated the deck or hull section-

If used as an anti-ship missile It would be more lethal than any sea-skimmer- for large ships- It would bust them open and explode inside breaking them into two like Brahmos-
It is physically not possible to reach 7 Mach while flying the profile of a Tomahawk- With Brahmos profile may be- The advantage would be different here- the cone of this vehicle won't heat as much and could have a RF seeker- Which will make It as good as Brahmos when It comes to tracking and target selection with pin-point accuracy- It won't be dependent on UAVs for guidance-

It can be launched from a submarine so It is nearly impossible to predict its launch location- It flight profile which is 40km high cruise before a near vertical drop makes Its early detection nearly impossible- So It has all qualities to become a good anti-ship missile- With 1K HE warhead which can be programed to detonate once the missile has penetrated the deck or hull section-

If used as an anti-ship missile It would be more lethal than any sea-skimmer- for large ships- It would bust them open and explode inside breaking them into two like Brahmos-

An object flying at hypersonic speeds at 40 km will be picked up by radar and/or IR. Accuracy aside, the flight profiles of the Shaurya and Brahmos are completely different, no matter how much you harp on the flattened portion of both trajectories.

Any stand-off weapon, which includes anti-ship ballistic missiles, would require forward-deployed sensors on either UAVs or aircraft to provide accurate targeting information and to ensure redundancy in the event that the chain is disrupted.

Unlike cruise missiles & sea skimmers, a missile like the Shaurya can be engaged by regular surface-to-air missiles and at far greater ranges than a low-flying target.
An object flying at hypersonic speeds at 40 km will be picked up by radar and/or IR. Accuracy aside, the flight profiles of the Shaurya and Brahmos are completely different, no matter how much you harp on the flattened portion of both trajectories.

Any stand-off weapon, which includes anti-ship ballistic missiles, would require forward-deployed sensors on either UAVs or aircraft to provide accurate targeting information and to ensure redundancy in the event that the chain is disrupted.

Unlike cruise missiles & sea skimmers, a missile like the Shaurya can be engaged by regular surface-to-air missiles and at far greater ranges than a low-flying target.

It would definitely be picked- But I was talking about early detection which is the key at high velocity- Brahmos has many different profile- I was saying that Brahmos kind maneuver can be tried at Mach 7 speed- certainly the makers of Hypersonic Brahmos have this in mind- But It may not be possible with Shaurya-

There are AEW&C Helicopters for that- And other passive measures like detecting the radio wave from the ship Itself-

It doesn't give much time for an engagement- the speed is too high- By the time interceptor loses Its fuel by rolls to collect speed to intercept the Job would be done- To intercept at such speed early detection is a must or a rail gun or leaser gun is needed- Any way in the event of real engagement you would sea a combination of sea-skimmers, Brahmos and Shaurya launched in large numbers If the target is an Air Craft carrier- to simply overwhelm the defense-
It would definitely be picked- But I was talking about early detection which is the key at high velocity- Brahmos has many different profile- I was saying that Brahmos kind maneuver can be tried at Mach 7 speed- certainly the makers of Hypersonic Brahmos have this in mind- But It may not be possible with Shaurya-

There are AEW&C Helicopters for that- And other passive measures like detecting the radio wave from the ship Itself-

It doesn't give much time for an engagement- the speed is too high- By the time interceptor loses Its fuel by rolls to collect speed to intercept the Job would be done- To intercept at such speed early detection is a must or a rail gun or leaser gun is needed- Any way in the event of real engagement you would sea a combination of sea-skimmers, Brahmos and Shaurya launched in large numbers If the target is an Air Craft carrier- to simply overwhelm the defense-

A submarine-borne ASBM would be more difficult to track before launch, but as soon as it is fired, satellites & airborne sensors would instantly pick up the rocket plume. It would complement land-based systems but it's unlikely to replace seaborne nuclear deterrence aboard India's limited number of SSBNs.

A hypersonic weapon does pose a short reaction time for the enemy, but radars, VLS-fired missiles, and a train crew should be prepared to deal with that.
A submarine-borne ASBM would be more difficult to track before launch, but as soon as it is fired, satellites & airborne sensors would instantly pick up the rocket plume. It would complement land-based systems but it's unlikely to replace seaborne nuclear deterrence aboard India's limited number of SSBNs.

A hypersonic weapon does pose a short reaction time for the enemy, but radars, VLS-fired missiles, and a train crew should be prepared to deal with that.

What kind of satellite are you talking about here- and how do you plan to position that satellite and focus to pick the rocket plume of a small missile like Shaurya when the location of launch is unknown ?

And are you assuming that India's SSBN number would remain limited ? Because that would be like assuming that China will have only one Carrier i.e. Lioning-

Sure the crew has to be trained for any eventuality-
This is just Indian fantasy scenario, as I said before China can make India navy-less by dispatch DF-21D to Tibet, all Indian combatant ships are within the striking range, it will be a turkey shoot. The fate of Indian navy is already been decided...LMAO

but check that if hit Indian ships and not Chinese or Pak ships .....lol
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