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India's K-15 Ballasic Missile tasked to take out China's Aircraft Carrier 'Liaoning'

Most of indian on PDF have no common sensus of millitary knowledge, on contray, imagine and make fun of themselves.

The key of attacking a aircraft carrier by a ballistic missile is not the missile but the guidance system(GPS, Beidou),the recon satellite, the repeater satellite,the communication satellite , the trail system(submarine, recon plane, AWAC).etc.
A lot of systems work together efficiently enougth that could make the missile hit carrier.

Stupid guy with no knowledge think it is just to develop a missile.
Are you guys too poor to go to school ?

Indian Air Force and Indian Navy do have thier own secured Recon Satellites and Gagan Navigational System is having both Military and Civilian severs which are seperate from each other and are having different security protocols.
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ASBMs provide a different set of advantages, including a much higher terminal velocity, greater range, and its exploitation of the limitations of ABM systems. The Chinese have, in fact, converted their CJ-10 cruise missile into the YJ-100 anti-ship missile with an 800 kilometer range.

The DF-21D and DF-26 have been spotted in service; you can Google the images yourself, not to mention that their appearance at official military "parades" pretty much guarantees that fact.

Agree with manything in your post but Pictures can not prove anything. How can I know from a picture that it is ASBM.
Agree with manything in your post but Pictures can not prove anything. How can I know from a picture that it is ASBM.

It was mentioned by the Chinese announcers during their big WW2 parade and also by annual US reports to Congress. The technical features of those missiles also match up with what would be expected for an ASBM.
Pls, learn something.
K15 is a not basllitic missile which is different from DF-21 with its depressed trajectory and cruise. It is just another Brmomas with more range.

DF-21D is used to block aircarft carriers into war zone from a super far distance of 2000km.

China is not stupid as india is that letting a weapon enter serivice without tests.
Stop these stupid and igorant statements.
Learn some millitary knowledge and be a little more professional.

K-15 is quasi ballistic according to most of the publicly available data. If it is indeed totally cruise, it is even better because it travels at 7.5 mach number during its terminal phase. With 7.5 mach number it will be impossible to intercept and being a cruise missile it will be highly maneuverable, all too lethal for a large carrier like Shandong or Type-001.

Also about letting a system enter into service. What makes you think India will not test it thoroughly. Type-001A still has two three years before it is commissioned in 2020. It is going fitment at the see and then they will need to test it. Ample time to test the system.

As far as being professional goes, I am not in military/defence industry, are you?
K-15 is quasi ballistic according to most of the publicly available data. If it is indeed totally cruise, it is even better because it travels at 7.5 mach number during its terminal phase. With 7.5 mach number it will be impossible to intercept and being a cruise missile it will be highly maneuverable, all too lethal for a large carrier like Shandong or Type-001.

Also about letting a system enter into service. What makes you think India will not test it thoroughly. Type-001A still has two three years before it is commissioned in 2020. It is going fitment at the see and then they will need to test it. Ample time to test the system.

As far as being professional goes, I am not in military/defence industry, are you?
DF-21D is a middle range basllitic missile without cruise stage.So figure out how fast a MRBM can be.
Another stupid guy. DF-21D is a middle range basllitic missile without cruise stage.So stop these stupid comparasion and figure out how fast a MRBM can be.
You silly always make me look down upon Indian.

Who the hell cares what DF-21D is? I didn't claim anything about DF-21D. Heck I didn't even mention DF-21D. It is MRBM, good for it. Why does that matter to K-15 and its use as a ASB/CM?

Reporting your post because of personal insults and insulting remarks based on nationality.

@WebMaster ,@Horus ,@waz @The Eagle @WAJsal

I guess mods need to ban this user so they can cool their head off. Personal insults / insult based on racial or nationality are against the forum rules.
Members are always advised to report the post and move-on without quoting back so Mods will take care of the same.

K15 has a unique shape trajectory. It does not leave atmosphere and in its terminal phase it continuous to loose elivation and travels like cruise missile at a speed of Mach 8 and hits the target without any error. Because of the uniqueness and highly maneuverable warhead and unparallell accuracy, this missile is best fitted for long range anti ship missiles. Initially it will have satellite guidance and subsequently seeker may take over. All building blocks of real time data feeding and INRSS guidance is in place. What is required is just tweaking the missile for this role and it can be a real Carrier killer unlike DF 21 which is in making for decades without a single successful test.
Excuse me... When did the missile service in India?
As we all know, China exported DF series of missiles to Saudi in 1988 and 2006. So I want to know about the propaganda in India, except the Indians know - is there any other country in the world?

Who the hell cares what DF-21D is? I didn't claim anything about DF-21D. Heck I didn't even mention DF-21D. It is MRBM, good for it. Why does that matter to K-15 and its use as a ASB/CM?

Reporting your post because of personal insults and insulting remarks based on nationality.

@WebMaster ,@Horus ,@waz @The Eagle @WAJsal

I guess mods need to ban this user so they can cool their head off. Personal insults / insult based on racial or nationality are against the forum rules.
Who in the world knows India's missiles?

India is already working on Project Pralay for making this sort of missile on priority bases. When it will become ready, It will be a real carrier killer unlike paper DF 21 in making for decades. India has build some unique weapons such as Brahmos and LRSAM and nobody has any counter of these weapons. India need to add few more in this category which will really scare India's enemy and they cannot defend them. One more such weapon is Brahmos Mk2 in making and possibly Light stealth Aircraft. When these weapons shall be pitted against enemies, Enemy shall shall have to watch them silently and pray God because they cannot do anything else.

No, Shaurya travels like a cruise missile in its terminal phase.

If Technology develops further, India may tweak K4 for this roll for hitting Aircraft carriers at a distance of 4000 KM with 2000 KG high explosive warhead and make it a piece of a junk in a matter of 15 to twenty minutes when it is docked in Jetty.
About India cheap publicity, as long as the Indians happy. It's like a weapon importer laughing at the world's top 3 arms exporters.

Like the DF 21 will always remain the carrier killer of tomorrow? Without a single test for decades?
A few decades ago India had a missile? For example, in 1988 China exported DF-3 to Saudi Arabia, India in the year of 80s to produce missiles?

So, India's cheap publicity has been a joke, only for indians.

China Carrier Killer : DF-21D The Fastest Missile in the World - YouTube

Aircraft Carrier Killer China DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile - YouTube

I have always admired the ability of India to publicly lie in the world! ;)Applause! Super mouth.
DF-21D is a middle range basllitic missile without cruise stage.So figure out how fast a MRBM can be.


China has built road and rail networks in Tibet, which provide ground mobility to 400,000 PLA soldiers in the two military regions opposite India. It has deployed upgraded ballistic missiles, added several new dual use airfields in Tibet and expanded its military assets transport capability. Advanced Chinese fighter aircraft stationed in TAR are capable of operating at high altitudes.

China’s operational strategy vis-à-vis India at the border are its missiles deployed to the Tibetan vicinity. China replaced its old liquid fueled, nuclear capable CSS-3 intermediate range ballistic missile with “more advanced CSS-5 MRBMs”. Intercontinental missiles such as the DF-31 and DF-31A have been deployed by China at Delingha, north of Tibet. China has also deployed the solid fuelled DF-21 in Delingha with a range of 2, 150 kms, which is within striking distance of Delhi (2, 000 kms from Delingha). The DF-21 can be launched from either a 13 or 15 metres diameter pad difficult to detect by satellites because of its mobility. Missiles can also escape detection since they are housed in underground tunnels. Such tunnels exist in Yatung, in the Chumbi valley, close to Sikkim.

August 22, 2016
Brahmos Missile , new regiment is to be deployed in Arunachal Pradesh.

BrahMos is a 290-km range supersonic land attack cruise missile.

Updated: Feb 16, 2017 00:52 IST

India will soon test an extended range BrahMos supersonic cruise missile whose reach has been increased from 290 km to 450 km, the country’s top military scientist said on Wednesday.

India is currently carrying out tests of the air-launched BrahMos missile from specially-modified Sukhoi-30 fighter jets. The missile’s land and naval variants – 500kg heavier than the air version – are already in service.

Two Su-30 jets have been modified by the Nasik division of the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited to carry the 2.5-tonne missile that flies at nearly three times the speed of sound. A Su-30 flew with an integrated BrahMos missile for the first time last June.

Air-launched BrahMos is expected to be ready for deployment later this year, and at least two Su-30 squadrons with 20 planes each are likely to be equipped with it.
Who in the world knows India's missiles?
Sorry, I did not understand your question. Do you mean 'Who in the world knows details of India's missiles?'. Can you clarify that? I will like to remind you that most such weapons of all the nations are not completely known, including China's.
Excuse me... When did the missile service in India?
As we all know, China exported DF series of missiles to Saudi in 1988 and 2006. So I want to know about the propaganda in India, except the Indians know - is there any other country in the world?

Who in the world knows India's missiles?

About India cheap publicity, as long as the Indians happy. It's like a weapon importer laughing at the world's top 3 arms exporters.

A few decades ago India had a missile? For example, in 1988 China exported DF-3 to Saudi Arabia, India in the year of 80s to produce missiles?

So, India's cheap publicity has been a joke, only for indians.

China Carrier Killer : DF-21D The Fastest Missile in the World - YouTube

Aircraft Carrier Killer China DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile - YouTube

I have always admired the ability of India to publicly lie in the world! ;)Applause! Super mouth.
Congrats for nuking a US navy flotilla,time is up boy,niw you wake up and go to school.

Sorry, I did not understand your question. Do you mean 'Who in the world knows details of India's missiles?'. Can you clarify that? I will like to remind you that most such weapons of all the nations are not completely known, including China's.
Can't you see the video he posted above,it's evading US missiles like kungfu master,in this case I will call it as Chinese equivalent of the character po,in kungfu panda movie.
Excuse me... When did the missile service in India?
As we all know, China exported DF series of missiles to Saudi in 1988 and 2006. So I want to know about the propaganda in India, except the Indians know - is there any other country in the world?

Who in the world knows India's missiles?

About India cheap publicity, as long as the Indians happy. It's like a weapon importer laughing at the world's top 3 arms exporters.

A few decades ago India had a missile? For example, in 1988 China exported DF-3 to Saudi Arabia, India in the year of 80s to produce missiles?

So, India's cheap publicity has been a joke, only for indians.

China Carrier Killer : DF-21D The Fastest Missile in the World - YouTube

Aircraft Carrier Killer China DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile - YouTube

I have always admired the ability of India to publicly lie in the world! ;)Applause! Super mouth.

CHina selling DF 21 to Saudi is a violation of international laws. Your selling of DF 21 to saudi is SSM and not ASBM. I hope you will understand the difference between the two brfore trolling here.

Excuse me... When did the missile service in India?
As we all know, China exported DF series of missiles to Saudi in 1988 and 2006. So I want to know about the propaganda in India, except the Indians know - is there any other country in the world?

Who in the world knows India's missiles?

About India cheap publicity, as long as the Indians happy. It's like a weapon importer laughing at the world's top 3 arms exporters.

A few decades ago India had a missile? For example, in 1988 China exported DF-3 to Saudi Arabia, India in the year of 80s to produce missiles?

So, India's cheap publicity has been a joke, only for indians.

China Carrier Killer : DF-21D The Fastest Missile in the World - YouTube

Aircraft Carrier Killer China DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile - YouTube

I have always admired the ability of India to publicly lie in the world! ;)Applause! Super mouth.

You are right we lie publically. We lied that AIII has 3500 KM range when the range is much higher. We lied that Agni V has a 5000 KM range whereas your scientist pointed out that actual range is 8000 to 9000 KM. We lied that Brahmos has a 290 KM range where the actual range is much higher.

There is a difference between your lies and our lies. We understate the capability of our weapons while you always overstate.
There is a difference between your lies and our lies. We understate the capability of our weapons while you always overstate.
Surya1, here you come.
So Indian are so kind of westerners that they lie and understate their weapon and insist buying foreigner's.

I would copy your statement to show other Indian and tell them the real intellect of their countryman.

you will be a superstar on PDF.
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Sorry, I did not understand your question. Do you mean 'Who in the world knows details of India's missiles?'. Can you clarify that? I will like to remind you that most such weapons of all the nations are not completely known, including China's.
NO. I'm just saying - who knows in the world that India can make missiles?

Even the names of the India missiles are unknown in the world.

CHina selling DF 21 to Saudi is a violation of international laws. Your selling of DF 21 to saudi is SSM and not ASBM. I hope you will understand the difference between the two brfore trolling here.

You are right we lie publically. We lied that AIII has 3500 KM range when the range is much higher. We lied that Agni V has a 5000 KM range whereas your scientist pointed out that actual range is 8000 to 9000 KM. We lied that Brahmos has a 290 KM range where the actual range is much higher.

There is a difference between your lies and our lies. We understate the capability of our weapons while you always overstate.
No, please make it clear that China's exports in 1988 to Saudi is DF-3. can not carry nuclear warheads, is not illegal. As for the 2006 the DF-21. is also a simplified version. Can't carry nuclear warheads. But because it violates the interests of US. So illegal".

You are right we lie publically. We lied that AIII has 3500 KM range when the range is much higher. We lied that Agni V has a 5000 KM range whereas your scientist pointed out that actual range is 8000 to 9000 KM. We lied that Brahmos has a 290 KM range where the actual range is much higher.

There is a difference between your lies and our lies. We understate the capability of our weapons while you always overstate.
Oh, great, India is very powerful. India weapons are undervalued.

I was shocked by... Indians have learned Chinese "Hide one's capacities and bide one's time" philosophy. Now ask The Pentagon to study it. And stop the speculation of the Chinese philosophy...

So, the industrial countries need to explain to the agricultural countries too much?
Damn I only see this comedy thread just now.:rofl:

Man, these Indians are stupid!

Let us start with what China will send to IOR if there was ever a need to intimidate India. Cannot see this scenario happening till at around 2030 at the earliest.

We will see at the very least 1 nuclear 100,000 tonne nuclear and 1 of the 80,000 tonne conventional carriers.These will be able to carry around 100 fighter aircraft. These carriers will be escorted by maybe 4 Type-55 cruisers and 4 Type-052 destroyers - even a few dozen ballistic missiles will be unlikely to get through the multi-layered SAM defences. We will also see around 3-4 Type-095 SSNs that will allow the Chinese to sink any Indian ships with virtual impunity.

Simply the Chinese CVBG will roam the IOR at will with a powerless India as a spectator.
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