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India's Hindu nationalists aim to 'convert' Muslims

How would you know what my family is all about ? We are devout Hindus who embrace tolerance and love of others irrespective of their race, religion or political affiliation. I believe those are the virtues espoused in Sanathan Dharma. Not false ego, pride and hatred which certain members of Sanathan Dharma are now embracing. Your remark should therefore be, will the real Hindus please stand up. I am doing so.

what you are saying is "feel good" remark. It would have been fair to say had we been living in an ideal world. The majority of people on planet earth are selfish.

I am sorry but I stopped believing in this "holier than thou" lifestyle some time ago. You keep your head up and that's you survive. You put your head down for a moment, your closest ones will be the first one to take a strike followed by outsiders.

The world is fucked up beyond repairs and i think even god is confused on how to fix it considering its been while since we humans have seen him.

Shuddhi is going in full throttle now. The good thing about our elite is this - they write, cry and sing a lot but do nothing else. While we don't write, cry, sing but do a lot. :D
Ganguli sahab kuch aur Bataiye detail main. I am totally cut of from RSS. I am very eager to know.

One thing rss needs to work on is improving its image. Do lot of community work and create more influence among mainstream media. (rss does have some bad apples among them too though). Congress and "Seculars" have done good amount of work to to help create this negative image of rss. Most common people are stupid...you tell them a lie couple of times and they will start believing it.
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Who in their right mind would want to worship statues and anything that crawls on the ground?


With your idiotic comment, you put yourself on the same level as the RSS fanatics.
You. Like your religion, are living in the past. I live in the present and psycho muslims are the ones destroying the world TODAY, not 500 years ago idiot.


Youre no different than any other human, regardless of your beliefs. On the contrary it is your stupid caveman mentality and religious snobbery that make you so pathetic.

Only weak people, muslims hide behind gods and religioon to commit their crimes. Your religion is a cave man religion. Treating women like slaves, beheading people who dont belive like you.

Bottom line, your sick twisted religion should be banned from all civilized countries.
Post reported
Are you a child to be tattling on others like a cry baby? Its my personal opinion. Learn to deal with it caveman. The world is a plurality of different races religions and creeds and we all individually have personal opinions and if you honestly expect the world to have a good opinion of muslims after 9-11 alqaeda osama bin laden al nusra isis is al bagdadi, the chemical attacks in ghouta the suicide bombers and death squads in iraq the beheading videos, the cannibals, the enslaving of thousands of women as jihadi sex slaves etc, ( all of this sanctioned by your own muslim muftis ) well then you are delusional and no amount of crying over others not having a favorable opinion of you wont help you. Do the rest of us a favor and man up. Muslims are currently going ape shit retarded all over the world. Reporting posts on pdf wont hide that fact from the world. Quite the contrary. It just illustrates the backwardness and intellectually inhibited nature of what you are.

" I dont like what that guy said on the internet mommy
Thats okay son. We can just censor his opinions and we will use the religion card as a pretext. Again. Like everything we do. We hide behind our religion.
Ok thanks mommy for making the bad man be quite."


You mean to say that Hindus must "modernize" and start beheading the non-Hindus?
Post reported
One thing rss needs to work on is improving its image. Do lot of community work and create more influence among mainstream media. (rss does have some bad apples among them too though). Congress and "Seculars" have done good amount of work to to help create this negative image of rss. Most common people are stupid...you tell them a lie couple of times and they will start believing it.

Reliance is taking over CNN, IBN. Likewise Modi should order big industrialist to take over one news channels and kick these pseudo secular out and than put Nationalist Journos in mainstream media. That will help a lot.
Are you a child to be tattling on others like a cry baby? Its my personal opinion. Learn to deal with it caveman. The world is a plurality of different races religions and creeds and we all individually have personal opinions and if you honestly expect the world to have a good opinion of muslims after 9-11 alqaeda osama bin laden al nusra isis is al bagdadi, the chemical attacks in ghouta the suicide bombers and death squads in iraq the beheading videos, the cannibals, the enslaving of thousands of women as jihadi sex slaves etc, ( all of this sanctioned by your own muslim muftis ) well then you are delusional and no amount of crying over others not having a favorable opinion of you wont help you. Do the rest of us a favor and man up. Muslims are currently going ape shit retarded all over the world. Reporting posts on pdf wont hide that fact from the world. Quite the contrary. It just illustrates the backwardness and intellectually inhibited nature of what you are.

" I dont like what that guy said on the internet mommy
Thats okay son. We can just censor his opinions and we will use the religion card as a pretext. Again. Like everything we do. We hide behind our religion.
Ok thanks mommy for making the bad man be quite."


Oh boo hoo

Are muslims concerned about your or world opinion

This is the same world thst stood by and allowed white Christian scum serbs slaughter murder and rape in Bosnia without doing a thing

The same world led by the USA that mass slaughtered and raped in Vietnam, that allows and supports white jews to occupy land in the middle east

that allowed the USA to lie and arm twist the IN into sanctioning the invadion of iraq

it was this invasion that has created the mess at the moment a generation of politicised muslim youth who grew up watching a invasion and occupation based on lies

welcome to the consequences of your crimes
@notgoodenough ,bravo for your statements .I agree with your opinion 100%.

says the yank who caused all the problems in the middle east
every where these paleface fassys go its just war war & pure war

Have you seen his posts on USA? They are very critical towards the current foreign policy of USA.
@notgoodenough ,bravo for your statements .I agree with your opinion 100%.

Have you seen his posts on USA? They are very critical towards the current foreign policy of USA.

No & nor do i need to read any posts from a hate filled individual . biggest terrorist the world has ever seen these yanks .every race they've murdered in there millions for there greed ,even wiping out there own indigenous population ,millions on millions dead all over the world by these pale face sun burnt yt's
No & nor do i need to read any posts from a hate filled individual . biggest terrorist the world has ever seen these yanks .every race they've murdered in there millions for there greed ,even wiping out there own indigenous population ,millions on millions dead all over the world by these pale face sun burnt yt's

USA murdered 100 million people . Islam murdered 270 million+.

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