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India's government hints at national ban on cow slaughter

India is the largest democracy country?
religious freedom? Why do non-Hindus are forced to comply with the provisions of Hinduism?
Even in Malaysia, non-Muslims are also allowed the sale of pork,
India citizens even eat food rights should be limited, this was democracy
Hindu extremism?

Word "extremism" is only used when in the name of Islam.
Not sure what you are trying to say here but I did point out that the courts have upheld the right of the states to pass an anti-cow slaughter law.


That if Parliament passes a Law banning cow slaughter in India, SC will uphold the validity of that law.


The most valuable addition to this thread.
You've missed how things have changed. There is no talk anymore. Ghar Wapsi was a very carefully planned effort to push through Anti- COnversion law, and this is the beginning of National Anti-Cow Slaughter law. Maharashtra has already paved the way, they will try to push it All India. Once one or two hindutva laws are passed the rest will be easier.

Where's the anti-conversion law? The point there is very clear - if conversion by others is legal, automatically so is conversion by Hindus, which is what ghar-wapsi is. The Maharashtra law is not a new one, passed some 20 years ago, received President's assent just recently.
That if Parliament passes a Law banning cow slaughter in India, SC will uphold the validity of that law.

Will go to the supreme Court. A bit of trouble with this:

"Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate," the Minister said.

Btw, that was said in parliament & is a matter of record.
Where's the anti-conversion law? The point there is very clear - if conversion by others is legal, automatically so is conversion by Hindus, which is what ghar-wapsi is. The Maharashtra law is not a new one, passed some 20 years ago, received President's assent just recently.

Of course not. The point is to have a BLANKET BAN on conversions. Both the head of the RSS and the Home MInister have hinted at that. You think RSS is debating having 'only legal' conversions? Hell why would people like me even have a problem with that? He wants BLANKET BAN. Maharashtra may have passed the law 20 years ago but the reason why it's pushed forward in prominence is for support to be built around it.
Of course not. The point is to have a BLANKET BAN on conversions. Both the head of the RSS and the Home MInister have hinted at that. You think RSS is debating having 'only legal' conversions? Hell why would people like me even have a problem with that? He wants BLANKET BAN. Maharashtra may have passed the law 20 years ago but the reason why it's pushed forward in prominence is for support to be built around it.

Blanket ban on conversions is not possible, will be struck down by the Supreme Court as being violative of fundamental rights. What can happen is regulation of conversion & proselytizing.
Yes of course. Corruption is not a monopoly of the Secular parties. But booting them out and bring in the fountainhead hydra of all things shady? Stretching it a bit...

Numerically BJP had a head start. Estimated 5000 crores spent on elections BEFORE they came to power. Now that they have added Tobacco money, Adani money etc. I think the tally will outweigh the Congress by a long shot.
Will go to the supreme Court. A bit of trouble with this:

"Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate," the Minister said.

"Preservation, protection and improvement of stock and prevention of animal diseases, veterinary training and practice" comes under State List.


Prohibition of cow slaughter is a Directive Principles of State Policy contained in Article 48 of the Constitution.

Parliament has the power to modify the State List and Union list. As I said earlier, it is done all the time.
Blanket ban on conversions is not possible, will be struck down by the Supreme Court as being violative of fundamental rights. What can happen is regulation of conversion & proselytizing.

Again, I did not say that the SC won't strike it down, but that they will make a determined effort. Besides if you have a lot of power, I means lots and lots of power, then you can do things that in effect are equal to this legislation. It remains to be seen how many more states modi will try to storm to get that kind of power.
"Preservation, protection and improvement of stock and prevention of animal diseases, veterinary training and practice" comes under State List.


Prohibition of cow slaughter is a Directive Principles of State Policy contained in Article 48 of the Constitution.

Parliament has the power to modify the State List and Union list. As I said earlier, it is done all the time.

Yeah, I quoted Article 48 earlier but the problems & complications inherent here is why I don't think anyone is going to even attempt to seriously make any effort at the central government level. They have a better chance with a uniform civil code than with this. This government is struggling with even routine bills, certainly won't be eager to do this.
You've missed how things have changed. There is no talk anymore. Ghar Wapsi was a very carefully planned effort to push through Anti- COnversion law, and this is the beginning of National Anti-Cow Slaughter law. Maharashtra has already paved the way, they will try to push it All India. Once one or two hindutva laws are passed the rest will be easier.

Hence it becomes all the more important to thwart them in all upcoming state elections at any cost. If they happen to secure majority in RS also country will be run by their writ alone which is disastrous
Numerically BJP had a head start. Estimated 5000 crores spent on elections BEFORE they came to power. Now that they have added Tobacco money, Adani money etc. I think the tally will outweigh the Congress by a long shot.
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