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India's government hints at national ban on cow slaughter

Correctly quoted. Why I said that any national law should be challenged in courts though I doubt that this talk is anything more than kite flying.

Infact this law is severly going to hurt our farmers who will have to look after a cow throughtout its entire life even after its productive years. Sadly I think the poor farmers cannot manage that and the cows will suffer starvation and sickness.

@black-hawk_101 @LittleFish I say we export to other countries. Farmers will profit and the animals will suffer the minimum.
If State means Indian State............Then why a special law is being planned now.............Let people of Kerala & NE decide what they have to eat.........May be a Referendum in those states on Cow Slaughter Ban.............

That's how the constitution is written. Both national government as well as state governments are covered by that term. It is a directive principle alone, not a law. That law will have to be framed by the law-makers & you pointed out, the states have a role to play.

Infact this law is severly going to hurt our farmers who will have to look after a cow throughtout its entire life even after its productive years. Sadly I think the poor farmers cannot manage that and the cows will suffer starvation and sickness.

@black-hawk_101 @LittleFish I say we export to other countries. Farmers will profit and the animals will suffer the minimum.

I have pointed out earlier when there was a discussion on the Maharashtra bill that this was akin to economic hara-kiri. The BJP government opposed dole being given freely to the rural areas (MNREGA etc) as economically stupid, now they want to put cows on dole? Who pays to the farmers the money lost as a result of this ban? Who takes care of these animals? Should that be the state's priority?

See at @Jobless Jack

This is why I said India is going bonkers

If there is a sane voice of dissent against these fascists then suddenly he become anti national, anti hindu, Bangladeshi/Pakistani

Your calling names is okay but the reverse isn't? :D
I have pointed out earlier when there was a discussion on the Maharashtra bill that this was akin to economic hara-kiri. The BJP government opposed dole being given freely to the rural areas (MNREGA etc) as economically stupid, now they want to put cows on dole? Who pays to the farmers the money lost as a result of this ban? Who takes care of these animals? Should that be the state's priority?

That is only temporary till the new economic realities sets in. Once Farmers factor in that the Bovines cannot be sold for a good price, he will adjust accordingly.
That is only temporary till the new economic realities sets in. Once Farmers factor in that the Bovines cannot be sold for a good price, he will adjust accordingly.

Factor it in where? Maybe he will see no logic in keeping the animals in the first place or adjust the price of the produce accordingly. After all, it has to be "factored in"...... In the meantime, there is a substantial burden being placed on either the farmers or the people if the government makes good a portion or whole of the loss.
Misleading title.
Beef is not banned and will not banned.Only cowslaughter banned.
That's how the constitution is written. Both national government as well as state governments are covered by that term. It is a directive principle alone, not a law. That law will have to be framed by the law-makers & you pointed out, the states have a role to play.
Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate,
Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate,

Err...where did I say differently?
Factor it in where? Maybe he will see no logic in keeping the animals in the first place or adjust the price of the produce accordingly. After all, it has to be "factored in"...... In the meantime, there is a substantial burden being placed on either the farmers or the people if the government makes good a portion or whole of the loss.

Factor in his budget, where else ? If he sees the logic in not keeping the animal, just as well. Let free market make its presence felt.

You just said there is Aid to the farmer to ease his burden. SO what is the problem ?

Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate,

I hope you understand that legislative power between the Union of India and states can also be changed by the parliament. IT happens all the time.

The states are required to follow the directive principles of the constitution as clarified by Supreme Court.
You can tell that easily because you and I know the real rulers of this Kerala state is IUML and Kerala Congress.

@Bang Galore already said about it.But directive principle is already in Constitution.NDA govt is just implementing it .
Under the distribution of legislative powers between the Union of India and States under Article 246 (3) of the Constitution, the preservation of cattle is matter on which the legislature of the states has exclusive powers to legislate,
You can tell that easily because you and I know the real rulers of this Kerala state is IUML and Kerala Congress.

@Bang Galore already said about it.But directive principle is already in Constitution.NDA govt is just implementing it .

So there could be a massive civil war in kerala? Kerala might wanna separate from the union?
You just said there is Aid to the farmer to ease his burden. SO what is the problem ?

Never said there is aid to the farmer, just that there might well have to be. Essentially tax payer money being spent for this idea which is why I talked about economic consequences.
Never said there is aid to the farmer, just that there might well have to be. Essentially tax payer money being spent for this idea which is why I talked about economic consequences.

There can be a temporary Aid to the farmer. Now the moment he can also sell in Goa, a neighbouring state.

Since tax payers have benefited from the Cows, its time for some payback. No society should thrive on slavery. Its time the society and tax payers face the consequence and take it like a man.
We know that.But that kind one sided policy is already paying off in Kerala through rise Hindu extreme right wing in this state.
So you mean to say Hindus in Kerala want a Ban.....................But what i feel is that more than 70% Hindus in Kerala Consume Beef & Cow.................
You can tell that easily because you and I know the real rulers of this Kerala state is IUML and Kerala Congress.
Keralites hold beef eating fest to protest ban
In Kerala, a Beef-Eating Fest to Protest Against Beef Ban
CPM is a Party Hated by Both Christians & Muslims of Kerala....................... If Beef is consumed only by Christians & Muslims............How is that Beef is so costly in Central Travancore............The consumption of beef in Kerala has no religious overtones and it is considered as the most favored meat in the state
Since tax payers have benefited from the Cows, its time for some payback. No society should thrive on slavery. Its time the society and tax payers face the consequence and take it like a man.

Socialism gone to the cows.......:D
Err....what's with all this over the top hyperventilating?

From the founding fathers:

Prohibition of cow slaughter is a Directive Principles of State Policy contained in Article 48 of the Constitution. It reads, "The State shall endeavour to organise agriculture and animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and shall, in particular, take steps for preserving and improving the breeds, and prohibiting the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle."

The grounds for any ban exists, even if it is on non-religious grounds. All laws are anyways open to challenge in the appellate courts.

I think that was a different situation man. The directive principle was not based on releious ideas but the fact that India was a milk impoverished nation. Now we're the biggest milk producer in the world and this move is definitely not for protecting 'milch cattle' for milk. It is for a religious reason.

1. Beef is not getting banned.
2. A consensus will be needed to ban ONLY the cow slaughter - all states will have to agree and even then the law can be challenged in the court.
3. Many laws are implemented that many states don't agree with. Gujarat can say - we are communal, please don't apply the secular clause to us. But the Constitution is supreme.

Look at the Constitution of India and lament for being born in this country.

And this particular debate is the most important need for the country now? Maybe all the corruption and poverty and a zillion other things should get priority?
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