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India's government hints at national ban on cow slaughter

Again, I did not say that the SC won't strike it down, but that they will make a determined effort. Besides if you have a lot of power, I means lots and lots of power, then you can do things that in effect are equal to this legislation. It remains to be seen how many more states modi will try to storm to get that kind of power.

I'm no supporter of proselytizing, happen to think those selling religion with grand promises must be made to show evidence of such claims or face legal consequences. I would be happy to see mindless proselytizing curbed, it does become a law & order issue. Cow slaughter bans, especially of this type which bans bulls & even buffaloes seem very poorly thought out to me but I find the hullabaloo about them to be over the top. This is hardly a fundamental right issue.
I'm no supporter of proselytizing, happen to think those selling religion with grand promises must be made to show evidence of such claims or face legal consequences. I would be happy to see mindless proselytizing curbed, it does become a law & order issue. Cow slaughter bans, especially of this type which bans bulls & even buffaloes seem very poorly thought out to me but I find the hullabaloo about them to be over the top. This is hardly a fundamental right issue.

I'm no supporter of proselytizing either but unlike the RSS don't support blanket conversion bans. I think the cow slaughter ban is done with only religion in mind.
Yeah, I quoted Article 48 earlier but the problems & complications inherent here is why I don't think anyone is going to even attempt to seriously make any effort at the central government level. They have a better chance with a uniform civil code than with this. This government is struggling with even routine bills, certainly won't be eager to do this.

There is no hurry, but the intent is there and its been articulated. The only problem is numbers in the Rajya Sabha and rest of the 'complication' is just cussedness from the minorities.

2016 is when NDA will have numbers in the Rajya Sabha. Till then its time to prepare ground.
Hence it becomes all the more important to thwart them in all upcoming state elections at any cost. If they happen to secure majority in RS also country will be run by their writ alone which is disastrous

I'm no supporter of proselytizing either but unlike the RSS don't support blanket conversion bans. I think the cow slaughter ban is done with only religion in mind.

The "intent" is irrelevant. What is wrong if its done with "religion in mind" ?
I was about to ask you the same...............But why selective about Beef or Cow.....why not Goat and Chicken.........My Father too turned to Vegetarian............ But Keralities have no choice (either LDF or UDF)

I have stopped he beef consumption .but it is not only due to religion the level of malpractices happening in this state for red meat .Treatment of poor animals and distribution of diseases and waste parts of animals .Reasons are several.

Of Course we dont have no other choice and some vested interests are cashing on it.
Hindu extremism is for better world. We need balance in religious extremism.



What many intelligent pakistanis do not understand here is that many hindus eat beef.

We are not crazy like muslims who literally run at the sight of pork!

BTW the pics made me hungry you idiot!
7 animal smugglers held in Raj; 8 cows, 35 buffaloes rescued | Zee News
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 - 02:28

Jaipur: Seven animal smugglers were arrested and eight cows and thirty-five buffaloes were rescued from Alwar and Bharatpur areas of the state in separate incidents, police said today.

Acting on a tip-off, the police intercepted a truck at Shahjahanpur toll plaza, officer Vikas Kumar said.

However, the truck did not stop and was chased by the police team which was successful in nabbing the three accused, Kumar said.

During checking, police found eight cows were being illegally transported and rescued them, he said, adding, the three are identified as Sadik alias Sonu (26), Naseem (19), and Sriganganagar (22).

In another incident, Rajkumar, Yonus, Rahees, and Shivir were arrested for smuggling twenty-three buffaloes in Bharatpur.

Ban the missionaries if you have the b*lls.

Picking on Muslims is easy. Try to do the same with Christians. And you will have US led Nato at your doorstep.
Ban the missionaries if you have the b*lls.

Picking on Muslims is easy. Try to do the same with Christians. And you will have US led Nato at your doorstep.

Government has blacklisted 69 NGO's which is for different issues.
Only 69? What about the rest 6999? Can you ban USAID? Can you ban foreign missionaries and church planters?

69 came under Government scanner thats why 69 .

USAID is for education, agriculture , energy etc which is done with Indian Government.
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