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India’s fastest supercomputer ‘Pratyush’ established at Pune’s IITM

Read these articles again... It clearly says
There is no exaflop supercomputer in the world yet and the first one is expected to emerge around 2019-2020, which is exactly when India has planned to launch its own.

India’s proposed new supercomputer is set to work at 132 exaflops per second as against an 1 exaflops per second machine being built by Cray Incorporated, the iconic American computer company which has projected that its machine would be ready by 2020.
Yes... I read it... But wait till 2020...

2020 is too soon, make it 2030. India need to be better at boasting. Otherwise, it would be exposed like its former President a la Supa Powa 2012.

To highlight

“Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore are expected to develop a supercomputer with 132.8 exaflops by 2017. “

From 2013... India need to set longer goals, more difficult to expose.
Read these articles again... It clearly says
There is no exaflop supercomputer in the world yet and the first one is expected to emerge around 2019-2020, which is exactly when India has planned to launch its own.

India’s proposed new supercomputer is set to work at 132 exaflops per second as against an 1 exaflops per second machine being built by Cray Incorporated, the iconic American computer company which has projected that its machine would be ready by 2020.
wow, lying!

2020 is too soon, make it 2030. India need to be better at boasting. Otherwise, it would be exposed like its former President a la Supa Powa 2012.

To highlight

“Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore are expected to develop a supercomputer with 132.8 exaflops by 2017. “

From 2013... India need to set longer goals, more difficult to expose.
Yes, 132.8 exaflops by 2017!
What an achievement!
He is maybe a Kongress supporter.....

Any righteous RSSer will agree with the estimation, 132.8 exaflops by 2017.

Indians should stick with warp drive since vedic times. Those stuff are unprovable. With their debating skills, they can convince the world that Mr Spock studied at Nalanda university and learned warp drive from an Indian guru.
Read these articles again... It clearly says
There is no exaflop supercomputer in the world yet and the first one is expected to emerge around 2019-2020, which is exactly when India has planned to launch its own.

India’s proposed new supercomputer is set to work at 132 exaflops per second as against an 1 exaflops per second machine being built by Cray Incorporated, the iconic American computer company which has projected that its machine would be ready by 2020.

Do u have any shame? or any Indian RSS member is like this...

132.8 exaflops by 2017
Supa Powa by 2012
Manned space by 2010

Blatant lie after blatant lies exposed by their fellow Indian member, direct quoted from India media, but they still claim otherwise.

Finally an honest Indian, very rare these days.
Why do you lie...


"Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore are expected to develop a supercomputer with 132.8 exaflops by 2017."
Your source

Read it fully... Read between the lines...

NAGPUR: Indian scientists have always responded well to challenges and crises. One such challenge that lies ahead is the development of a 'super-supercomputer' along with USA and China who are already rushing for it. The Indian supercomputer man Vijay Bhatkar , who developed the Param supercomputer when USA denied technology to India, expressed confidence that India would be able to meet this challenge too by 2020. He believes India will become the world's largest economy by 2047 through developments in science and technology.

Bhatkar was speaking at the 56th foundation day programme of National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (Neeri). The idea of Exascale computer (computer with a capability of at least one exaflops -which is thousandfold increase over the first peta-scale computer developed in 2008. One exaflop has a computing ability of a quintillion, 1018, point operations per second.)

The idea of such a computer was first floated in 2009 at the supercomputing conference in 2009. Intel has announced it would develop the computer by 2018. USA has put aside a substantial sum for it while India too has committed $ 2 billion. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore are expected to develop a supercomputer with 132.8 exaflops by 2017.Even granting it is developed by 2020, Bhatkar called upon the environmental scientists and mathematical modelling experts to make extremely precise weather predictions and effects of ongoing climate change in future at regional and national level. Environment science, he said, would be at the centre of all sciences and hence Neeri had a big role to play in future.

Calling upon younger generation of scientists to focus their minds for innovations in all fields, Bhatkar cited examples of innovations like the supercomputer, Apple's gadgets that changed the lives of millions. He said innovations should be capable of being converted into commercial products. Scientists should also innovate for solving people's problems and this, he said, would be possible with the recently announced science technology and innovation policy of the country.

Earlier, in his foundation day address, Neeri director Satish Wate listed the achievements of the institute in past one year. Neeri, after 1992-93, has for the first time generated an earning of over Rs 23 crore from sponsored research projects, an indication of the faith of industry and the people in the institution, he informed. Neeri this year won the prestigious world level award for development of electrolytic deflouridation technology. The institution also started its journey towards upgradation of infrastructure in next five year plan with a financial support of Rs 60 crore, he added.

To mark the occasion, Neeri had put up an exhibition of 70 breakthrough technologies from different laboratories of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in fields of health and medicine, agriculture, water, leather etc for the public and it received good response. The institute also organized a model making competition for schools and college students.
The Indian supercomputer man Vijay Bhatkar , who developed the Param supercomputer when USA denied technology to India, expressed confidence that India would be able to meet this challenge too by 2020. He believes India will become the world's largest economy by 2047 through developments in science and technology.

Confidence with Indian characteristics, or SP2012 type of Confidence. Indian may not have the "super-supercomputer" yet, but they will never run out the supply of "confidence"! :lol:
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Delays are common in India...

It's not even about the delay, which we know is a norm in India, there is no way India can come up with this 132.8 exaflops supercomputer by 2020, and it doesn't matter how confident you are.

The real problem is why in the world so many of your countrymen would even believe the "super-supercomputer by 2017" story? Are you guys really this ignorant?
Delays are common in India...
It’s not about the delay, but igorant overestimation of primitive technology.

It's not even about the delay, which we know is a norm in India, there is no way India can come up with this 132.8 exaflops supercomputer by 2020, and it doesn't matter how confident you are.

The real problem is why in the world so many of your countrymen would even believe the "super-supercomputer by 2017" story? Are you guys really this ignorant?
Ignorance is in their gene
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