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India’s fastest supercomputer ‘Pratyush’ established at Pune’s IITM

Didn't he say no Indian media said this? We showed them the source then he spin it to 2020 not 2017. As if that really makes any difference. US isn't capable of making 1 exaflop right now, i think they are lucky if the Yankees can achieve this in 2020. But India? Heck Hindus don't go for 1 exaflop they go for 132.8 by 2020. So the super computer is made from India components? :lol:
I'm afraid once they have this 132.8 exaflop computer whole India will go blackout once the power button is pressed sending super modern India back to stone age era. :rofl:
There is a big difference between using some or all US components and buying Cray XC40 supercomputer off the shelf. Only customization being how many cabinets of Cray XC40 compute nodes required and connected through Cray made Aries networking interconnects.

In the past, the Chinese did build, yes build, their supercomputers with some or all US components but increasingly now using 100% indigenous parts. Cray XC40 is off the shelf supercomputer.

PRATYUSH is running on 3315 Intel Xeon Broadwell E5-2695 v4 2.1GHz 18C CPU on its login and compute nodes. It has 2 CPUs per node with a total of 36 cores per node. Each compute node contains 128GB DDR4 .

The system has 16 accelerator nodes powered with Intel KNL 7210 processors , 96 GB DDR4 per node with a total Peak Performance of 42.56 TFLOPS.

XC40 compute nodes are connected using Cray Aries Network On Chip. The four nodes in a blade communicates through the Aries Chip.

Sixteen blade in a chassis are connected through the Aries chip onto a backplane. Each Cabinet consists of three chassis and two cabinets forms a group. All six chassis in a group are connected in all-to-all manner using electrical cables with data transfer rate of 14Gbps. All four groups of the Cray system are connected using optical cables with a data transfer of 12.5 Gbps.

The system runs Cray Linux Environment(CLE) which is Cray’s customised version of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.2

CLE consists of two components: CLE and Compute Node Linux (CNL). The service nodes, external login nodes, and post-processing nodes of Cray XC40 run a full-featured version of Linux.

Btw I am not claiming anything for China, just stating the facts.
If you read my past post, its rare I ever claimed anything for China, only for Singapore.
I do look out for Indian braggarts though, which don't include you.
Article did not claim its made in India, only insinuated by Indian fanboys, but did give misleading power of 6.8 petaflops for 2 machines, instead of just 4.0 petaflops for the more powerful m/c.
The XC40 can easily exceed these values by adding more compute nodes, i.e more $$.

Save your BS for me. You are using vital components made in the US.

All those tall claims those trolls come by with.

And we didn't claim we developed all these by ourselves. Title reads India’s fastest supercomputer ‘Pratyush’.

I don't see why so many hues and cries from Chinese here?

Yes, the number 1 fastest supercomputer in the world uses Chinese domestic ShenWei microprocessors.

But you knew that, right? And those Chinese smartphones which are utterly dominating the Indian smartphone market, take a look inside and see where their Kirin microprocessors came from?
I assume that's Chinese claim, to have developed their own microprocessor faster than intel's. No information on architectures right? Please tell me there is info on the instruction set.

And Kirin microprocessors are ARM's. :rolleyes:
Hindus have no shame, they brag, they lie what else is new? Didn't he say no Indian media said this? We showed them the source then he spin it to 2020 not 2017. As if that really makes any difference. US isn't capable of making 1 exaflop right now, i think they are lucky if the Yankees can achieve this in 2020. But India? Heck Hindus don't go for 1 exaflop they go for 132.8 by 2020. So the super computer is made from India components? :lol:
I'm afraid once they have this 132.8 exaflop computer whole India will go blackout once the power button is pressed sending super modern India back to stone age era. :rofl:
R u kidding me?
Supa computa 2017 has already made by Supa Powa 2012.
Congrats to all the predictions!
I assume that's Chinese claim, to have developed their own microprocessor faster than intel's. No information on architectures right? Please tell me there is info on the instruction set.

I don't expect an Indian to ever believe that an East Asian (at the bottom/outside of the caste system) could ever surpass their white Aryans sitting at the top of the caste system.

You believe what you want. The bottom line is the fastest supercomputer in the world (over three times faster than the Tianhe-2 in second place) is made out of Chinese ShenWei microprocessors.

Keep being surprised.
I don't expect an Indian to ever believe that an East Asian (at the bottom/outside of the caste system) could ever surpass their white Aryans sitting at the top of the caste system.

You believe what you want. The bottom line is the fastest supercomputer in the world (over three times faster than the Tianhe-2 in second place) is made out of Chinese ShenWei microprocessors.

Keep being surprised.
Yawn... TT rhetorics again. Though your guys claim to be all anti-west, they are nothing but wanna be's. Now you are going places with Aryans and shit, then caste system. makes me wonder you forgot your tabs. Caste system for me? Come on TT's can't be this braindead to believe there are only Hindu's and all Hindu's have caste in India.

I believe what's available to be read and be learned. Not something that is one heck of a secret.
makes me wonder you forgot your tabs.

Personal attacks again? :lol:

You guys can't understand how East Asians at the bottom/outside of your caste system could possibly surpass Aryans in the West.

Even the Westerners themselves aren't making this much of a fuss, because they know Indians will do it for them.
Personal attacks again? :lol:
Did that hit you hard? I mean, wtf are you talking about caste system and aryan? Looking at the thread title, it's natural to assume you are not giving a sane reply and something is wrong with TT.

You guys can't understand how East Asians at the bottom/outside of your caste system could possibly surpass Aryans in the West.
haha. :lol:

Even the Westerners themselves aren't making this much of a fuss, because they know Indians will do it for them.

You are in a thread relating to India, and your compatriots are moaning how India 'didn't actually build it' which we never claimed. And you are complaining why we talk about China here. That's Chinese TT for you. :D
Did that hit you hard? I mean, wtf are you talking about caste system and aryan? Looking at the thread title, it's natural to assume you are not giving a sane reply and something is wrong with TT.

haha. :lol:

You are in a thread relating to India, and your compatriots are moaning how India 'didn't actually build it' which we never claimed. And you are complaining why we talk about China here. That's Chinese TT for you. :D

Because that's what I see all the time here, Indians can never accept that Chinese can do anything better than white people.

It has everything to do with India's caste system. See how they treat Northeast Indians due to their race and their low position at the bottom/outside of the caste system.

Then look at how skin whitening cream sells more in India than Coca Cola.

Just face the facts, as hard as they are to accept. The fastest supercomputer in the world (more than three times faster than the Tianhe-2) was built using Chinese ShenWei microprocessors.
Hindus have no shame, they brag, they lie what else is new? Didn't he say no Indian media said this? We showed them the source then he spin it to 2020 not 2017. As if that really makes any difference. US isn't capable of making 1 exaflop right now, i think they are lucky if the Yankees can achieve this in 2020. But India? Heck Hindus don't go for 1 exaflop they go for 132.8 by 2020. So the super computer is made from India components? :lol:
I'm afraid once they have this 132.8 exaflop computer whole India will go blackout once the power button is pressed sending super modern India back to stone age era. :rofl:
^^ :lol:That's think thank material right there. @Chinese-Dragon that deserves a positive rating from you. :enjoy:
@SOUTHie here is the post that I responded to in this thread:

Are you claiming the top supercomputers in China are made in China?

One thread they boast about their own supercomputers (intel cpu, and US made graphics cards). In other thread they mock Indian supercomputers for using the US made components. :lol:

You claim that China's top supercomputers are using Intel CPUs.

But you were proven wrong, in fact the number 1 supercomputer in the world uses ShenWei CPUs.

Now what?

Was it wrong for the Chinese members to point out that India's new supercomputer is actually a Cray-XC40?
Because that's what I see all the time here, Indians can never accept that Chinese can do anything better than white people.

Lol! Says you? You are assuming things about us. We are not interested in what you can or cannot do. Does it make you feel good if we praise Chinese?

It has everything to do with India's caste system. See how they treat Northeast Indians due to their race and their low position at the bottom/outside of the caste system.
See, don't talk about things you don't understand. Cast system and North East are two different things. Are you telling that there is no suppression of ethnic minorities in China? And Chinese are any less racist? Just look around you man.
Then look at how skin whitening cream sells more in India than Coca Cola.

Just face the facts, as hard as they are to accept. The fastest supercomputer in the world (more than three times faster than the Tianhe-2) was built using Chinese ShenWei microprocessors.
Well, let's call the Russians who come for white monkey jobs in China. Talking about obsession. :enjoy:

What was that Chiese rapper calling the white dogs, sexpats etc... I forgot the exact terms.

You don't need to repeat it like a parrot. I 'totally' believe you:enjoy:. You developed supercomputer. Although the processor archi is not available, it's one heck of a processor. Oh thankfully has a RISC instruction set, just googled the name. At least that's available.

A compliment from the slumdog himself? I'm flattered
It's not a complain sunshine. It's a compliment.
You might as well say its the fastest supercomputer of the world for counting shitholes.
Of course it will be the only one in the world doing that.
Indians don't understand why people get turned off when they resort to antics to brag about their achievement where there is nothing to be proud of.
For example why try to mislead by saying its 6.8 petaflops when its only 4 petaflops.
The XC40 can easily do 14 petaflops by adding more compute notes and accelerators.

7) Trinity - Cray XC40, Intel Xeon Phi 7250 68C 1.4GHz, Aries interconnect
. Rmax 14,137.3 petaflops

Are you going all Donald Trump on India?
Save your BS for me. You are using vital components made in the US.

All those tall claims those trolls come by with.

And we didn't claim we developed all these by ourselves. Title reads India’s fastest supercomputer ‘Pratyush’.

I don't see why so many hues and cries from Chinese here?

I assume that's Chinese claim, to have developed their own microprocessor faster than intel's. No information on architectures right? Please tell me there is info on the instruction set.

And Kirin microprocessors are ARM's. :rolleyes:

No chinese had ever claimed that. I have no idea why you have so much faith in chinese product, even more so than chinese themselves. Damn those trade surplus.

Find me a modern smartphone that isnt running ARM/X86. Or find me a indian equivalence :)
Save your BS for me. You are using vital components made in the US.
All those tall claims those trolls come by with.
And we didn't claim we developed all these by ourselves. Title reads
India’s fastest supercomputer ‘Pratyush’.

I don't see why so many hues and cries from Chinese here?

I assume that's Chinese claim, to have developed their own microprocessor faster than intel's. No information on architectures right? Please tell me there is info on the instruction set.

And Kirin microprocessors are ARM's. :rolleyes:
You are so ashamed by Indian performance and that has degraded your English comprehension.
With all the fervor of "Make in India", it is very obvious that the title strives to convey that it is made in India.
That India bought the Cray XC40 system is deliberately left out of articles from main stream media.
There is also the matter of the misleading 6.8 petaflops instead of 4 petaflops.
Of course Cray XC40 is modular and capacity can be easily increased.

You did not state what critical parts China still source from the US.
The ARM architecture is started by the British company Acorn Computers, and manufacturers can buy ARM licences and are free to incorporate ARM cores into their own chip designs.
So what's the beef with this Kirin is Arm's.
This allows the designer to achieve exotic design goals not otherwise possible with an unmodified netlist (high clock speed, very low power consumption, instruction set extensions, etc.).
Merchant foundries can be a special case; not only are they allowed to sell finished silicon containing ARM cores, they generally hold the right to re-manufacture ARM cores for other customers.

I replicate my previous post for your reference and highlight where you got it so wrong.
There is a big difference between using some or all US components and buying Cray XC40 supercomputer off the shelf. Only customization being how many cabinets of Cray XC40 compute nodes required and connected through Cray made Aries networking interconnects.

In the past, the Chinese did build, yes build, their supercomputers with some or all US components but increasingly now using 100% indigenous parts. Cray XC40 is off the shelf supercomputer.
There is common wisdom as to how much a product is local made to qualify as being indigenous, and the Chinese current world fastest supercomputer by a long shot certainly qualifies as wholly China made.
You are so ashamed by Indian performance and that has degraded your English comprehension.
With all the fervor of "Make in India", it is very obvious that the title strives to convey that it is made in India.
That India bought the Cray XC40 system is deliberately left out of articles from main stream media.
There is also the matter of the misleading 6.8 petaflops instead of 4 petaflops.
Of course Cray XC40 is modular and capacity can be easily increased.

You did not state what critical parts China still source from the US.
The ARM architecture is started by the British company Acorn Computers, and manufacturers can buy ARM licences and are free to incorporate ARM cores into their own chip designs.
So what's the beef with this Kirin is Arm's.
This allows the designer to achieve exotic design goals not otherwise possible with an unmodified netlist (high clock speed, very low power consumption, instruction set extensions, etc.).
Merchant foundries can be a special case; not only are they allowed to sell finished silicon containing ARM cores, they generally hold the right to re-manufacture ARM cores for other customers.

I replicate my previous post for your reference and highlight where you got it so wrong.

There is common wisdom as to how much a product is local made to qualify as being indigenous, and the Chinese current world fastest supercomputer by a long shot certainly qualifies as wholly China made.

Supa power buys affordable chinese phone, Chinese copied western design

Supa power buys affordable chinese phone, Chinese cant made SOCs

Supa power buys affordable chinese phone, Chinese cant come out with an architecture

Whats next? Chinese cant write its operating system?

On the other hand, when defending why Supa power cant seems to make telecommunication equipment/SOC.

Supa power would say "We buy what we want. We can afford it"." We dont pollute our environment".

Notice the pattern with him and his troll accounts? :)
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