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India's Fake 'Love Jihad'

most of the muslim men i know have this getup , thanks to mullah brainwashing course they had in their madrasah

i am 100 % confident my gf wouldn't fall for this .

Modi also has the same getup.

By the way if Hindu girls are still in love with them then check yourself may be something is wrong with you and also your getup.
If that is true, I whole heartedly agree with you. I condemn any such misuse in the name of religion. At the same time I condemn any mass campaign against religion on the basis of these cases.
see that was not so difficult to understand,, :)
if u have a problem with the term ,thn its understandable.
but there is no denying the fact that ppl r using deceitful methods for conversion.
media giving it a fancy name which sells,certain political party profiting from it is just consequential
Inter-religious marriage is not common but not rare either.

A similar story here too - but there won't be any conversion. Best wishes to you and your fiance. :tup:
Thanks mate:-).Btw,here in Kolkata,it's pretty common.One of my cousins has married a muslim girl and after the marriage he converted her to the Dharmic faith through Suddhikaran at a local Arya Samaj branch.I have also got similar plans for my girlfriend;).Anyway my best wishes to you and your fiance too:cheers:
at this rate we dont even need zaid haameed and his fatwaaas .

gaazwa e hind will happen without a bullet being fired
:smitten: :devil::omghaha:

:azn: if you know what i mean
Modi also has the same getup.

By the way if Hindu girls are still in love with them then check yourself may be something is wrong with you and also your getup.
Actually the phenomenon is quite the reverse in big cities.For example,here in my city,many of my friends who are Dharmic by faith have Muslim girlfriends and they are quite happy together.In fact my own gf is a Muslim herself and she and her family has no problem with me being a Dharmic.My personal opinion is that the Dharmic boys of the cities are more sophisticated,rich and educated than their Muslim counterparts and hence most of the educated Muslim girls fall for them.
Modi also has the same getup.

You do know that Modi's marriage is not exactly something to boast about or make an example of, right?:lol:

@mujhaidind : Stop pretending that you don't understand the distinction between a willful conversion and a coerced one. Even Pakistanis have agreed that the practice that we are condemning is indeed condemnable. Marrying under false pretenses and coercing the spouse to convert are both crimes. Any willing marriage or conversion is not a crime. I cannot put this in simpler terms, and if you continue posting the posts you have been doing, I shall assume that you are either trolling or rather dim.
@janon There is nothing wrong bring your wife a true path which lead to paradise. Most of my Muslim friend who have Hindu/Christian grilfriends are going to convert them to Islam after marriage. Our constitution allows that and I don't care what bigots like you have to say.

I can understand frustration. Hindu-Muslim affairs are mostly Muslim boys and Hindu girls. They are just upset that Muslims girls don't entertain Hindu guys :D
By that logic I suppose muslim girls must be very frustrated, because hindu boys don't "entertain" them? These things work both ways, you know.

@janon There is nothing wrong bring your wife a true path which lead to paradise. Most of my Muslim friend who have Hindu/Christian grilfriends are going to convert them to Islam after marriage. Our constitution allows that and I don't care what bigots like you have to say.
Earlier I had a suspicion that you were a troll. Thank you for removing that suspicion. If you know what I mean.;)
Modi also has the same getup.

By the way if Hindu girls are still in love with them then check yourself may be something is wrong with you and also your getup.

somethings wrong with your eyes , modi dosen't wear a skull cap , consult a doctor .

don't worry about me , my looks are much better than the average looks of muslim guys in my college .
somethings wrong with your eyes , modi dosen't wear a skull cap , consult a doctor .

don't worry about me , my looks are much better than the average looks of muslim guys in my college .
She wants proof, so send her a pic.:enjoy:

I don't know of any Hindu boy Muslim girl relation except that of celebrities.
That's precisely what I meant. So as per your previous logic, muslim girls must be very frustrated, thee same way that you say hindu boys must be frustrated. Ah forget it, I cannot walk you through it like a baby. Enjoy your trolling. I'm sure you will have a longer shelf life than hindu trolls.
That's precisely what I meant. So as per your previous logic, muslim girls must be very frustrated, thee same way that you say hindu boys must be frustrated.
Why would be they frustrated? When they have more handsome and masculine Muslim boys.

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