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India's Fake 'Love Jihad'

Hindu girls prefer Muslim boys. While Muslim girls too prefer Muslim guys.

No wonder why :P Hindu males are upset!

Girls who marry Muslims themselves convert to the only true religion. There is no pressure or anything else.

Inshallah in a few years we majority of the relationships will be between Muslim boys and Hindu girls.
I totally agree with you on this. Let people choose who they want to fall in love. Lets not allow politicians to politicize it and invade our private lives.

I wonder how BJP would manage to curb the madness of its delusional nincompoops, which it once had given a free rein and in fact seeded and nourished to ascend to power. It seems reactionary politics is taking its destined course.
These RSS charals lust for muslim blood and as such would resort to any sort of bullock propaganda no matter how insane it sounds. Why does PDF allow these hindu militant propagandas though? This forum is way to lenient to all sorts of hoax and bigotry by Indians.

I wonder how BJP would manage to curb the madness of its delusional nincompoops, which it once had given a free rein and in fact seeded and nourished to ascend to power. It seems reactionary politics is taking its destined course.

BJP doesn't want to. Sterling up muslim hatred is part of their policy. Its a society that lives off hatred and BJP as a party is the manifestation of bigotry and hatred Indian masses have.
Love Jihad is a reality , and its being done on a global scale , the sooner the seculars realize it and take corrective measures better it would be .
Like how the Jews are secretly planning on dominating the world, or how black people are destroying everything, or how the Chinese only know how to copy things, or how the Indians can't be trusted because they're potential rapists, or how the Mexicans steal all the jobs, or how the Brits are all racists, or how the Russians all like to get drunk on vodka and partake in domestic violence.

Nice logic there.

I'm glad most people aren't stupid enough to fall for this bullshit, because the last time that happened, an entire people were targeted for extermination.

By the way, what corrective measures are you referring to? I can only think of one that fits your ignorant train of thought.
I wonder how BJP would manage to curb the madness of its delusional nincompoops, which it once had given a free rein and in fact seeded and nourished to ascend to power. It seems reactionary politics is taking its destined course.
First of all this is none of your business as it's the internal matter of India.Secondly if the BJP is doing this then they have a pretty good logic behind this,Love Jihad is a reality in India and has been going on for the last decade or so but Congress had managed to keep it under the wrap because of it's appeasement policy towards a particular section of the Indian population.Now with the NDA at the helm all these morons are going to face the music sooner or later:coffee:.

These RSS charals lust for muslim blood and as such would resort to any sort of bullock propaganda no matter how insane it sounds. Why does PDF allow these hindu militant propagandas though? This forum is way to lenient to all sorts of hoax and bigotry by Indians.

BJP doesn't want to. Sterling up muslim hatred is part of their policy. Its a society that lives off hatred and BJP as a party is the manifestation of bigotry and hatred Indian masses have.
So now a semi-literate,madrassa educated bangaldeshi jehadi will teach us about our own country!First go and save your tiny little country from being submerged under the Bay of Bengal and then perhaps we'll talk:lol:!!
These RSS charals lust for muslim blood and as such would resort to any sort of bullock propaganda no matter how insane it sounds. Why does PDF allow these hindu militant propagandas though? This forum is way to lenient to all sorts of hoax and bigotry by Indians.
That is 100% correct. We have only one religious fanatic on this forum i.e. Zarvi the great. On the other hand 99% Hindu members on this forum are Hindutva fanatics.
These RSS charals lust for muslim blood and as such would resort to any sort of bullock propaganda no matter how insane it sounds. Why does PDF allow these hindu militant propagandas though? This forum is way to lenient to all sorts of hoax and bigotry by Indians.

BJP doesn't want to. Sterling up muslim hatred is part of their policy. Its a society that lives off hatred and BJP as a party is the manifestation of bigotry and hatred Indian masses have.

I admire your golden lines for highlighting"Baniya" rhetoric.... No love jihad .....
That is 100% correct. We have only one religious fanatic on this forum i.e. Zarvi the great. On the other hand 99% Hindu members on this forum are Hindutva fanatics.
Seriously!!Mate as far as i know,99.9% Pakistani and Bangladeshi members in this forum as Islamic fundamentalists with a slight inclination towards terrorism and that's a fact..:coffee:
common mate you guys always overrate yourself on looks , i am sure a lot of muslim girls would have married hindu guys had they not had those scary skullcap dads .
Such marriages still happens

Veer, Zaara And Visa

Cross-Border Unions: How Indo-Pakistani Marriages Prosper | Pakistanis for Peace

In anycase, nobody got issues with such unions but the problem arises when someone fake himself as non-Muslim and approach the non-Muslim girl and get married in non-Muslim way, only to disclose his real identity post marriage and then forces the girl to convert to Islam. Many such cases are happening now a days which people have given the name Love-Jihad. In Pakistan, similar things happen but in different manner, there Muslims openly abducts Hindu girls force them to convert & then marry them. There is no going back of all such girls out of the fear of them and their families being killed by highly radicalized society they are living in once they opt to leave the religion that is forced upon them.
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Seriously!!Mate as far as i know,99.9% Pakistani and Bangladeshi members in this forum as Islamic fundamentalists with a slight inclination towards terrorism and that's a fact..:coffee:
It is because 99.9% Pakistani/Bangladeshis disagree with your delusions, lies, fact-twisting, fabrications etc, you call them fundamentalist. You don't even know the meaning of fundamentalist and using it in copy of your white masters, who once put up boards as "Indians and Dogs are not allowed". For you every Muslim is a fundamentalist unless he let go his religion and get converted to any other religion.You Hindutva fanatics will not settle on anything less than that. You think we are not aware of your slogan "a good Muslims is a dead Muslim"?
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It is because 99.9% Pakistani/Bangladeshis disagree with your delusions, lies, fact-twisting, fabrications etc, you call them fundamentalist. You don't even know the meaning of fundamentalist and using it in copy of your white masters, who once put up boards as "Indians and Dogs are not allowed". For you every Muslim is a fundamentalist unless he let go his religion and get converted to any other religion.You Hindutva fanatics will not settle on anything less than that.

If one need to learn how to insult himself, he should learn it from the folks like these. The boards which you are so proudly talking about were put up everywhere in Pakistan as well and it was meant for your ancestors as well. Don't think Britishers treated you like kings, and looks like they still hate you in Britain if you follow their news sources. Then one talk of being delusional..
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It is because 99.9% Pakistani/Bangladeshis disagree with your delusions, lies, fact-twisting, fabrications etc, you call them fundamentalist. You don't even know the meaning of fundamentalist and using it in copy of your white masters, who once put up boards as "Indians and Dogs are not allowed". For you every Muslim is a fundamentalist unless he let go his religion and get converted to any other religion.You Hindutva fanatics will not settle on anything less than that. You think we are not aware of your slogan "a good Muslims is a dead Muslim"?

Syed yaar kis k munh lagtay ho. Problem lies in low testosterone levels of some Hindustani sapoot scared of Love jihad ....bus samajh jao :lol:

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