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India's edge over China:Soft Power

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Money and advertisements are a part of soft power
No it is not.

Soft power is about embedding a positive impression of yourself to others through culture and other attributes, so that others side with you. There is nothing positive about the word "China" that would cause others to see things from the Chinese perspective and agree with Chinese stance.
At the end of the day, hard power (economic + military power) has a higher priority.

Geopolitics is decided by cold hard facts, not culture. Witness the alliance between the USA and Saudi Arabia for instance. Or the poor relations between countries which have similar cultures, such as in East Asia, and in South Asia.

I would love to have more soft power, but at the end of the day, hard power is far more important.

Although, there are limitations of soft power. Soft power is more sustainable in the long than Hard power. If US has made an impact across the world, the credit has to go to its media, Hollywood and its culture than to its military

And if you are suggesting that India doesn't have credible hard power or not making efforts to enhance it, then you are mistaken
Depends on how you approach the topic, because people can only be told lies to such an extent, that when the facts are obvious, you cannot deny them. China's political and diplomatic power on the international stage in undeniable, so it doesn't matter how the world thinks of China, because China is strong.

Lies can be told and truths can be suppressed only when you have a govt controlled media , the iron curtain over China's media outlets further dent the soft-power image, as to what exactly is the real picture coming out of that country.

When the govt censors and controls even tragic accidents like the recent high-speed train crash, questions are raised and doubts are created regarding the perception of a country and its functioning.

China train crash censorship scorned on Internet | Reuters
As i know,Jakie chan and bruce lee are hollywood star
Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are considered to be HK movie stars.

HK did have a wonderful movie industry that was destroyed during Chinese takeover of 1997. Mainland produced movies are craps serving political propaganda that no one outside of China would watch, like the "Founding of the Communist Party".

and what is the name of chinese film industry?)
Chinese film industry's name is Chinese film industry. It is a minor industry so it has no name outside of it.
No it is not.

Soft power is about embedding a positive impression of yourself to others through culture and other attributes, so that others side with you. There is nothing positive about the word "China" that would cause others to see things from the Chinese perspective and agree with Chinese stance.

Well then, you had better tell the world to stop investing their money in China. :lol:
Lies can be told and truths can be suppressed only when you have a govt controlled media , the iron curtain over China's media outlets further dent the soft-power image, as to what exactly is the real picture coming out of that country.

When the govt censors and controls even tragic accidents like the recent high-speed train crash, questions are raised and doubts are created regarding the perception of a country and its functioning.

China train crash censorship scorned on Internet | Reuters

What kind of nonsense are you talking about. We are talking about how the westerners perceive China. It's how the western media portrays China in the western countries, not how China uses their media to portray themselves. By the way it would be illogical for any country to portray themselves in a bad light.
Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are considered to be HK movie stars.

HK did have a wonderful movie industry that was destroyed during Chinese takeover of 1997. Mainland produced movies are craps serving political propaganda that no one outside of China would watch, like the "Founding of the Communist Party".

Chinese film industry's name is Chinese film industry. It is a minor industry so it has no name outside of it.

"Jian Dang Wei Ye" was full of Hong Kong actors, like John Woo, Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau.

I do agree it was complete propaganda of course. It's not exactly a secret. :lol:
What kind of nonsense are you talking about. We are talking about how the westerners perceive China. It's how the western media portrays China in the western countries, not how China uses their media to portray themselves. By the way it would be illogical for any country to portray themselves in a bad light.

The link I quoted is from Reuters only , which is widely viewed and accepted by an Western audience.

Showing the world that a train accident has happened will show it in a bad light ?

Don't we have accidents in all developed countries : US , Germany , Japan ... doesn't media report on them and criticize the responsible people ? The iron curtain in China is to repress any opposition / criticism of any untoward incident whatsoever.
and huge protest in baluchistan and by the way they(in J&K) protesting for different reason not for saparating

HAHAHAHAHAH hahahahah.. thts all ive got to say abt ur post.

Another thing im frm baluchistan... Ooops.
At the end of the day, hard power (economic + military power) has a higher priority.

Geopolitics is decided by cold hard facts, not culture. Witness the alliance between the USA and Saudi Arabia for instance. Or the poor relations between countries which have similar cultures, such as in East Asia, and in South Asia.

I would love to have more soft power, but at the end of the day, hard power is far more important.

Soft power is not about cultural similarity but getting your point of view across to the masses. It greases the wheels and provides political cover for politicians and lobbyists in other countries -- especially democracies -- to do your bidding. No amount of hard power can substitute for this.

As an example, every single American TV show has an obligatory reference to Jewish culture. And America has an unshakeable commitment to Israel's defence. These two items are not unrelated.
And the western media would portray China in a positive light if they were getting a positive impression of China. But no, China is a junk filled land with toxic air where everything contains lead paint and people dine on fake rice cooked by sewage-recovered cooking oil and drink melamine-tainted lead.

And the biggest victim of this poor impression of China is Chinese themselves, since no western consumer would take Chinese brand seriously. A $10 pair of Chinese shoes? Fine because you can throw it away if it fell apart a week later. But a $20,000 Chinese brand car? Hell no.

Wake up buddy, it is the West who is fueling our economic expansion. By investing in our industries, and consuming our products.

If they wanted to stop our economic expansion, they could have easily done it 10-20 years ago. But their money kept flowing, and even today, the US and the EU are our #1 and #2 largest consumers. :azn:
And the western media would portray China in a positive light if they were getting a positive impression of China. But no, China is a junk filled land with toxic air where everything contains lead paint and people dine on fake rice cooked by sewage-recovered cooking oil and drink melamine-tainted milk.

And the biggest victim of this poor impression of China is Chinese themselves, since no western consumer would take Chinese brand seriously. A $10 pair of Chinese shoes? Fine because you can throw it away if it fell apart a week later. But a $20,000 Chinese brand car? Hell no.

What trash are you talking about? The Sony Vaio intel core i7 I'm using right now, was assembled in China. And believe me it is excellent quality. It also has a blu-ray disc drive.

Does Korea or India manufacture such quality? And Please don't bring up Samsung or LG, thats Second class stuff.

Most of your post is a Anti-China rant. Are you an Indian pretending to be a South Korean, or are you actually South Korean?
As per my experience, india has more soft power than china. Countires like malaysia adores bollywood. same situation in the mideast. Furthermore, indian food is similar to many other cultures. Not to mention things like yoga, bhangra etc.
"Jian Dang Wei Ye" was full of Hong Kong actors, like John Woo, Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau.
And it was still crap.

The difference between Japanese and Chinese is that Japanese could craft movies that would persuade the rest of the world that its actions were purely defensive and even justified during the WW2, like the the Men of Yamato. Chinese can't even get foreigners to watch "The Founding of The Communist Party".
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