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India's edge over China:Soft Power

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The only Indian/Chinese soft power I've come across is Food. And that's because I love Food! :D

If you want to talk real soft power, look at Japan and the US.

In terms of soft power, it is 1) USA, 2) Japan, and 3) Europe.

No one else is really worth mentioning.

And I find it hilarious that Indians are so sure that they are ahead of us in soft power.

Even despite our admittedly pathetic levels of soft power, at least people worldwide can name our movie stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Ask for an Indian movie star's name, and you draw a blank.
Non-Indians watch Indian movies and listen to Indian music outside of India.
Non-Chinese do not watch Chinese movies and listen to Chinese music outside of China.

Yet the favorability of India is much higher than China to foreigners.

You must have have heard of Tibetan, Uyghur, and Chinese Muslim resistance.

I'm starting to wonder if you are an actual Korean or an Indian pretending to be a Korean. Why do you need to have your user name to be "Korean?" :lol:


Pakistani Maulvis have told Muslims in China not to rebel against China, as it is against Muslim interests to do so.

Secondly, I don't care about how the "westerners" perceive China.

The reality is China is getting stronger. It has surpassed Japan already. The westerners will have to accept China as a formidable force in International politics.

As for India, India is only a regional power and it is in the middle of a civil war.
Non-Indians watch Indian movies and listen to Indian music outside of India.
Non-Chinese do not watch Chinese movies and listen to Chinese music outside of China.

Yet the favorability of India is much higher than China to foreigners.

You must have have heard of Tibetan, Uyghur, and Chinese Muslim resistance.

and about 180,000 protests last year .
I'm starting to wonder if you are an actual Korean or an Indian pretending to be a Korean. Why do you need to have your user name to be "Korean?" :lol:


Pakistani Maulvis have told Muslims in China not to rebel against China, as it is against Muslim interests to do so.

Secondly, I don't care about how the "westerners" perceive China.

The reality is China is getting stronger. It has surpassed Japan already. The westerners will have to accept China as a formidable force in International politics.

As for India, India is only a regional power and it is in the middle of a civil war.

you mean like the many bangladeshi and chinese in this PDF who actually are pakistani right!!!!

As for India, India is only a regional power and it is in the middle of a civil war.

Sensei zahil ahmed right??????
I'm starting to wonder if you are an actual Korean or an Indian pretending to be a Korean. Why do you need to have your user name to be "Korean?" :lol:


Pakistani Maulvis have told Muslims in China not to rebel against China, as it is against Muslim interests to do so.

Secondly, I don't care about how the "westerners" perceive China.

The reality is China is getting stronger. It has surpassed Japan already. The westerners will have to accept China as a formidable force in International politics.

As for India, India is only a regional power and it is in the middle of a civil war.

If you have cared to follow his history on the forum , you would know he is not Indian . But not much is expected fromyou when you say India is in a civil war .:rofl:
Pakistani Maulvis have told Muslims in China not to rebel against China, as it is against Muslim interests to do so.

This is hilarious , now Maulvis dictate to Muslims in other countries too , that too on a politicial issue ?

Better stop the training of Uighur terrorists on your own soil , then things would move in the right direction.

Secondly, I don't care about how the "westerners" perceive China.

The reality is China is getting stronger. It has surpassed Japan already. The westerners will have to accept China as a formidable force in International politics.

No , this thread isn't about political / diplomatic power , but soft power.

Perception of a country matters in projection of soft-power.
If you have cared to follow his history on the forum , you would know he is not Indian . But not much is expected fromyou when you say India is in a civil war .:rofl:

I am laughing at you! :lol: India not in a civil war? :lol:

India is losing against the Naxalites.

The Naxalites are ripping India apart.
In terms of soft power, it is 1) USA, 2) Japan, and 3) Europe.

No one else is really worth mentioning.

And I find it hilarious that Indians are so sure that they are ahead of us in soft power.

Even despite our admittedly pathetic levels of soft power, at least people worldwide can name our movie stars like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Ask for an Indian movie star's name, and you draw a blank.

As i know,Jakie chan and bruce lee are hollywood star not star of chinese movie(and what is the name of chinese film industry?)
The mass media is the key to controlling perceptions. Indians understand this full well. I am surprised the Chinese, so adept in other fields, have let the ball drop in the media field.

At the end of the day, hard power (economic + military power) has a higher priority.

Geopolitics is decided by cold hard facts, not culture. Witness the alliance between the USA and Saudi Arabia for instance. Or the poor relations between countries which have similar cultures, such as in East Asia, and in South Asia.

I would love to have more soft power, but at the end of the day, hard power is far more important.
I am laughing at you! :lol: India not in a civil war? :lol:

India is losing against the Naxalites.

The Naxalites are ripping India apart.

Red corridor,IOK,nagaland,mesoram,naxalistes,maoists etc belong to siberia.

Also abt songs.. indian songs? most of whom r sung by Pakistani n written by Pakistani people? rofl
Money and advertisements are a part of soft power, but soft power is not limited to it only.

Seriously, get your facts right.

In the first place, Money and advertisements are not at all part of soft power. Soft power is about the power to attract or lead, in contrast to hard power which is all about coercion and payments.

The Benefits of Soft Power - HBS Working Knowledge
lol abouch of delusional indians here arguing they have better soft power, i will admit if they say 7/11 power around world
This is hilarious , now Maulvis dictate to Muslims in other countries too , that too on a politicial issue ?

Better stop the training of Uighur terrorists on your own soil , then things would move in the right direction.

No , this thread isn't about political / diplomatic power , but soft power.

Perception of a country matters in projection of soft-power.

Depends on how you approach the topic, because people can only be told lies to such an extent, that when the facts are obvious, you cannot deny them. China's political and diplomatic power on the international stage is undeniable, so it doesn't matter what the world thinks of China, because China is strong.
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