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India's Economic Recovery In Sight : Moody's

China reported double-digit for over three decades. There is a big difference between reporting growth and actual growth.

If you ponder you will know why there is so much gap in case of china when you move from "headline news" to "ground reality".

China produces 50% of the world coal.. but with population less than 20% of the world.

China produced more steel in the last two decades than USA produced since 1776.

Since nobody is willing to buy all that coal "raw", it has to be burnt entirely in east china (east of the great wall), and chinese enjoy the fumes.

Take out the mineral output of china, and GDP ratio between India and china won't even be 2.5 -- apart from mineral digging part, bulk of the economic activity is a parity.

If you break a bridge on a river every year, and built it a fresh .. or you just buid a bridge that lasts 50 years .. you derive the same utility. But GDP looks great if you follow the former approach ... while the second approach will give you a zero GDP for the next 49 years.

And coal won't last for ever ... neither will CPC's fancy "news" ... because when coal ends, the food supply also ends. No more food imports.

India don't want chinese growth model, except Mody. We want steady and sustainable economic growth unlike China. Indian growth will catch pace with time and then It would be sustainable too. We don't want metro or uneven growth pattern in our different regions. Our policy makers are concentrating on inclusive growth throughout India. We will start every future round of ecnomic liberlization only after the benefits of prior liberlized economic policies reached to the lowest level of Indian socity and this model starts showing results in terms of poverty reduction. USA along with other developed economies and large MNCs exerted to much pressure to press Indian govt for fast liberlization like China. Even a global media compaign was launched terming Indian policies self sucidal and an enviorenment was created that India lagged China in economic development due to these policies. Similar compains were launched in India too through different media channels & outlets and these compaigns hurt Manmohan govt and congress party politically. But Indian govt did not break in front of this enormous pressure for larger interest of our nation.

The size and pace of depeletion of Chinese natural resources and damage caused to Chinese enviorenment is nearlly un-repairable or It has a unbearable cost even for China. It is going to cause enormous problems for China in near future. Any country having size and natural resources like China can pursue a ultra fast growth like China. But problem is, when need arises to absorbe the growth evenly with similar pace, which is not possible for a developing country of China's size. In this case, the most benefits generated with fast pace would only be absorved by country's elite, some specific geographical areas and tier 1 and tier 2 cities at max. India also start following the similar model during BJP govt's time only to get corrected when congress formed the govt under MMS and trio of Indian top notch economista i.e. MMS, Chidambram and Montek succeeded in setting the Indian economy at steady and sustainable deveopment path.
Let us look at the top 5 economic powers in the world

United States Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks English
China Non-Democracy but one dominant ethnic group that speaks Chinese
Japan Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks Japanese
Germany Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks German
France Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks French

While India is a democracy and no dominant ethnic group, and the country has more than a dozen major languages.

The common theme of economic success seems to be having a dominant ethnic group that can impose it's will on the whole country.

There are several more examples which have one dominant ethnic group and they are still LDCs.

Economic success is not about domination of one ethnic group. It is about creating an enabling environment that promotes growth.

That is the common factor here, not one dominant ethnic group.

China had one ethnic group at the time of Mao and at the time of Deng.

Think of what changed...
Quite the contrary. If the middle class had its way it would elect the BJP everytime. Many middle class people do not even bother to vote because they know their vote does not make a big difference. The ultra poor often vote on planks of caste, religion, gifts, promises of basic necessities etc.

Would you regard voters base their choices on planks of caste, religion, gifts, promises of basic necessities etc is a great foundation for the country. No wonder India is so screwed up. Its because the majority of people are not ready for democracy after 65 years of democracy.
India don't want chinese growth model, except Mody. We want steady and sustainable economic growth unlike China. Indian growth will catch pace with time and then It would be sustainable too. We don't want metro or uneven growth pattern in our different regions. Our policy makers are concentrating on inclusive growth throughout India. We will start every future round of ecnomic liberlization only after the benefits of prior liberlized economic policies reached to the lowest level of Indian socity and this model starts showing results in terms of poverty reduction. USA along with other developed economies and large MNCs exerted to much pressure to press Indian govt for fast liberlization like China. Even a global media compaign was launched terming Indian policies self sucidal and an enviorenment was created that India lagged China in economic development due to these policies. Similar compains were launched in India too through different media channels & outlets and these compaigns hurt Manmohan govt and congress party politically. But Indian govt did not break in front of this enormous pressure for larger interest of our nation.

The size and pace of depeletion of Chinese natural resources and damage caused to Chinese enviorenment is nearlly un-repairable or It has a unbearable cost even for China. It is going to cause enormous problems for China in near future. Any country having size and natural resources like China can pursue a ultra fast growth like China. But problem is, when need arises to absorbe the growth evenly with similar pace, which is not possible for a developing country of China's size. In this case, the most benefits generated with fast pace would only be absorved by country's elite, some specific geographical areas and tier 1 and tier 2 cities at max. India also start following the similar model during BJP govt's time only to get corrected when congress formed the govt under MMS and trio of Indian top notch economista i.e. MMS, Chidambram and Montek succeeded in setting the Indian economy at steady and sustainable deveopment path.

Your article can be title as "sour grape, 2013" An updated edition of Aesop's fable.
There are several more examples which have one dominant ethnic group and they are still LDCs.

Economic success is not about domination of one ethnic group. It is about creating an enabling environment that promotes growth.

That is the common factor here, not one dominant ethnic group.

China had one ethnic group at the time of Mao and at the time of Deng.

Think of what changed...

And China has been able to progress from that period while India is still languishing in 3rd world status.

Look at South Asia now, and think why both Sri Lanka and BD seem to be doing better than India. BD only slightly behind India now as it gained independence in 1971 as opposed to 1947 for India.

I am not criticising Indians for wanting to be together in a large state but there is an economic penalty to be paid for this.

btw, can you name those examples and I am sure I can explain that away:D
Let us look at the top 5 economic powers in the world

United States Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks English
China Non-Democracy but one dominant ethnic group that speaks Chinese
Japan Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks Japanese
Germany Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks German
France Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks French

While India is a democracy and no dominant ethnic group, and the country has more than a dozen major languages.

The common theme of economic success seems to be having a dominant ethnic group that can impose it's will on the whole country.

This point makes sense to me.
This point makes sense to me.

The only thing is that India already have more economic output that 3 of the economic "powers" he quoted.

And the 4th one in the 5 is basically digging its own land out.

Whoever got rich copying others ... and whoever got rich by selling it's own skin cheap ... PRC is a fine example of what not to do.
Your article can be title as "sour grape, 2013" An updated edition of Aesop's fable.

We are happy with our ‘sour grapes’ for the time being. We will wait till these grapes ripen & sweetened naturally, and then we will title them 'ripen grapes, 2025'. I congratulate you for your sweet grapes titled 'Ripen Grapes, 2013'. Problem with your sweetened grapes is that they did not ripe naturally and you used artificial means to ripe those by using strong salts. These salted grapes are toxic and will work as slow poison. So your health’s conditions is bound to get deteriorate with time.
And China has been able to progress from that period while India is still languishing in 3rd world status.

Look at South Asia now, and think why both Sri Lanka and BD seem to be doing better than India. BD only slightly behind India now as it gained independence in 1971 as opposed to 1947 for India.

I am not criticising Indians for wanting to be together in a large state but there is an economic penalty to be paid for this.

btw, can you name those examples and I am sure I can explain that away:D

BDs are the most shameless & unthankful people on earth. Bangladesh's economic growth is directly linked to India and facilitated by India. If we have not supported you, you should have been still collecting 'Patsan' from ganges and making 'Boris & Taats'. We can send back BD economy to stoneages in no time and without firing a single bullet.
We are happy with our ‘sour grapes’ for the time being. We will wait till these grapes ripen & sweetened naturally, and then we will title them 'ripen grapes, 2025'. I congratulate you for your sweet grapes titled 'Ripen Grapes, 2013'. Problem with your sweetened grapes is that they did not ripe naturally and you used artificial means to ripe those by using strong salts. These salted grapes are toxic and will work as slow poison. So your health’s conditions is bound to get deteriorate with time.

ok good now stop being a retard read this

You Think the Air in Beijing Is Bad? Try New Delhi

NEW DELHI—Beijing’s air pollution has reached such toxic levels recently that the Chinese government is finally acknowledging the problem – and acting on it.

But in New Delhi on Thursday, air pollution levels far exceeded those in Beijing, only without any government acknowledgement or action. It is not the first time pollution in India’s capital has outpaced that in China.

The level of tiny particulates known as PM 2.5, which lodge deep in the lungs and can enter the bloodstream, was over 400 micrograms per cubic meter in various neighborhoods in and around Delhi Thursday, according to a real-time air quality monitor. That compared to Beijing’s most-recent air quality reading of 172 micrograms per cubic meter. (The “Air Quality online” link to the left of the Delhi website gives you real-time monitoring of Delhi’s pollution levels.)

BDs are the most shameless & unthankful people on earth. Bangladesh's economic growth is directly linked to India and facilitated by India. If we have not supported you, you should have been still collecting 'Patsan' from ganges and making 'Boris & Taats'. We can send back BD economy to stoneages in no time and without firing a single bullet.

What are you talking about? Send BD economy to stone-age? BD exports only 500 million dollars to India out of a total of 27 billion dollars. ALL imports from India can be substituted but it will come at a slightly higher cost.

I am making the point that multi-ethnic India does not seem to be doing as well as single-ethnic states like Sri Lanka and BD in South Asia. My reasoning is there can never be strong decision making as the government will have to cater for all the ethnicities when making decisions. How on earth is that disrespecting India!:cheesy:

If you want to contribute, name one successful multi-ethic state today.
Moody opens the Indian casino - let's roll the dice. Is it going to be 7? Is it going to be 11? Whatever is the outcome, the house always wins.
India don't want chinese growth model, except Mody. We want steady and sustainable economic growth unlike China. Indian growth will catch pace with time and then It would be sustainable too. We don't want metro or uneven growth pattern in our different regions. Our policy makers are concentrating on inclusive growth throughout India. We will start every future round of ecnomic liberlization only after the benefits of prior liberlized economic policies reached to the lowest level of Indian socity and this model starts showing results in terms of poverty reduction. USA along with other developed economies and large MNCs exerted to much pressure to press Indian govt for fast liberlization like China. Even a global media compaign was launched terming Indian policies self sucidal and an enviorenment was created that India lagged China in economic development due to these policies. Similar compains were launched in India too through different media channels & outlets and these compaigns hurt Manmohan govt and congress party politically. But Indian govt did not break in front of this enormous pressure for larger interest of our nation.

The size and pace of depeletion of Chinese natural resources and damage caused to Chinese enviorenment is nearlly un-repairable or It has a unbearable cost even for China. It is going to cause enormous problems for China in near future. Any country having size and natural resources like China can pursue a ultra fast growth like China. But problem is, when need arises to absorbe the growth evenly with similar pace, which is not possible for a developing country of China's size. In this case, the most benefits generated with fast pace would only be absorved by country's elite, some specific geographical areas and tier 1 and tier 2 cities at max. India also start following the similar model during BJP govt's time only to get corrected when congress formed the govt under MMS and trio of Indian top notch economista i.e. MMS, Chidambram and Montek succeeded in setting the Indian economy at steady and sustainable deveopment path.

If the majority of Indians think like you do, I fear India has no hope !
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