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India's Economic Recovery In Sight : Moody's

Really ? India doesn't force people off of their land ?

India: Villagers Facing Mass Land Confiscation

India doesn't have people working under inhumane conditions ? In a latest report on global slavery its noted that India has 14 million people working in slavery and China only has 2,9 million people working in slavery. So India has nearly 5 times more people working in slavery than China.

India, China, Pakistan, Nigeria on slavery's list of shame - CNN.com

Its truly pathetic that despite all the claims of India being a democracy people know sooo little of what is happening in their own country.

We have some farmers facing the issue that is why it is a news but your government doing it officially with farmers so it is justifiable for you guys.

Yes we have people working under inhuman condition but not as a result of state policy which allows state to take away land of farmers at a throw away prices. Our judiciary have deliver some very hard Judgement and Government has formed tough laws in the matter. We have all the avenues open including go to court.

When some report says that 1 of 4 chinese have done rape and 1 of 10 has done a gang rape, You guys discard the reports saying that it is bogus report and Western conspiracy but when it comes to India same reports become highly credible for you guys.
We have some farmers facing the issue that is why it is a news but your government doing it officially with farmers so it is justifiable for you guys.

What do you know about the official policies in China? And to the farmer that has lost his land does it really matter rather its state sanctioned or not these people have lost their land with very little to no compensation.

Yes we have people working under inhuman condition but not as a result of state policy which allows state to take away land of farmers at a throw away prices. Our judiciary have deliver some very hard Judgement and Government has formed tough laws in the matter. We have all the avenues open including go to court.

Firstly the fact remains that India has nearly 5 times more people working in slavery than China. And what about the so called inhumane condition of Chinese workers ? Have you compared the conditions of the workers in China vs. those in India ? The last time i checked the average worker in China makes many times more than their Indian counterparts. And what good has the courts done for these people who lost their land or are working under inhumane conditions as these practises continues unabated.

When some report says that 1 of 4 chinese have done rape and 1 of 10 has done a gang rape, You guys discard the reports saying that it is bogus report and Western conspiracy but when it comes to India same reports become highly credible for you guys.

You believe that there are more than 150 million rapists in China ? :crazy: Rape is a problem in China like elsewhere but more than 150 million rapists ? Come on !
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