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India's Economic Recovery In Sight : Moody's

Do you know Japan achieved 10% + growth in 1960s to mid 1970s ,even Korea did that in late 1970s , to 1980s , It is possible to achieve double digit growth even in Democracy , Its much harder if you have a coalition to pass reforms , but IF BJP comes in Majority , Then we are talking :)

Japan was never a real democracy. Japan has practically been ruled by the LDP ever after WWII. SKorea became a democracy after the 1980s, before that it was a military dictatorship.
What are you talking about? I don't know that India has more GDP than any country in this list.

Indians like to use GDP by PPP to claim itself as the world's 3rd largest economy. These guys know no shame.


If the majority of Indians think like you do, I fear India has no hope !

India itself is not a natural country. its more of a geographical expression. And this fake country will come to an end sooner than later and revert back to the kingdoms before British creation. So to get a real nationality of an Indian, you need to ask them which state they are from.
Indians like to use GDP by PPP to claim itself as the world's 3rd largest economy. These guys know no shame.

India itself is not a natural country. its more of a geographical expression. And this fake country will come to an end sooner than later and revert back to the kingdoms before British creation. So to get a real nationality of an Indian, you need to ask them which state they are from.

You are too tiny to know what India is ... don't stress yourself trying to comprehend what you are utterly incapable of.
You are too tiny to know what India is ... don't stress yourself trying to comprehend what you are utterly incapable of.

You need to accept that India was created by Britain and put together along the British rail lines. The government emulate the British and the language is the English. Even the most popular sport of cricket is the British sport.
You need to accept that India was created by Britain and put together along the British rail lines. The government emulate the British and the language is the English. Even the most popular sport of cricket is the British sport.

None of your pretenses can disprove the fact that you are too tiny to ever able to comprehend what India is ... your tries are waste of time.

How can one explain colours to someone who is blind by birth ?
None of your pretenses can disprove the fact that you are too tiny to ever able to comprehend what India is ... your tries are waste of time.

How can one explain colours to someone who is blind by birth ?

You can't disprove me when I talk about historical fact. So you attack me instead. Ad hominem attacks are another way of conceding my points as you lack facts to disprove my statements.
Indians like to use GDP by PPP to claim itself as the world's 3rd largest economy. These guys know no shame.

Little opium addict Q hairstyle, PPP is used by the world wide agencies like IMF and world bank as it measures the GDP more accurately when comparing countries with widely different cost of living.

India itself is not a natural country. its more of a geographical expression. And this fake country will come to an end sooner than later and revert back to the kingdoms before British creation. So to get a real nationality of an Indian, you need to ask them which state they are from.

You can't disprove me when I talk about historical fact. So you attack me instead. Ad hominem attacks are another way of conceding my points as you lack facts to disprove my statements.

You need to accept that India was created by Britain and put together along the British rail lines. The government emulate the British and the language is the English. Even the most popular sport of cricket is the British sport.

Like a primitive unthinking zombi, this buffoon keeps on repeating it as a parrot.

Just because the Mongols and Manchus who rules them also colonized other areas beyond the inner wall (even those areas were historically divided in multiple states), he feels China that occupied the same buffer lands belong to it.

But he/she/it has an unnatural obsession with India for some weird reasons and keeps on repeating the same pathetic vomit.

Listen you opium addict once and for all, this is a decision for Indians and they have decided.

Go back to the stinky hole you crawled out of and again wield your Q hairstyle while remaining high on opium.

Would you regard voters base their choices on planks of caste, religion, gifts, promises of basic necessities etc is a great foundation for the country. No wonder India is so screwed up. Its because the majority of people are not ready for democracy after 65 years of democracy.

And you regard the CCP scraping you in the womb itself as a great foundation for your country?

Just because you happened to be not first in the line!
You can't disprove me when I talk about historical fact. So you attack me instead. Ad hominem attacks are another way of conceding my points as you lack facts to disprove my statements.

You are evading answering my question:

How does one explain colours to someone who is blind by birth?

We don't want to tease you or hurt you because of your handicap ... but its better if you accept the reality of your congentinal defect.

You will never be able to comprehend what India is .... and your tries are a waste of time.
And China has been able to progress from that period

So that begs the question. What changed?

Same goes for North Korea and South Korea, East and West Germany.

There are several examples that prove that it is the systems, institutions and an enabling environment that create the conditions for growth.

while India is still languishing in 3rd world status.

Depends on how one looks at it.

India has made tremendous progress over the last three decades. On a sustained basis and through the global cycles of bust and boom.

This chart (though a bit old but still relevant) should give you an idea that the difference with the most developed countries in the world is closing fast right since 1980.


So from a ratio of almost 100 times per capita income with USA, it is now down to 33. A three times increase on a relative basis.

Look at South Asia now, and think why both Sri Lanka and BD seem to be doing better than India. BD only slightly behind India now as it gained independence in 1971 as opposed to 1947 for India.

Well, no doubt that India has a long way to go and Sri lanka is doing better. They are a much smaller country.

BD has almost half of India's GDP per capita and is behind in HDI as well. We wish it well.

It is one example of how a dominant ethnic group doesn't necessarily mean success. It is an LDC in South Asia, behind almost every other country in a poor region of the world.

I am not criticising Indians for wanting to be together in a large state but there is an economic penalty to be paid for this.

Not necessarily as China's and India's examples prove. The world is moving in the other direction of economic blocs anyway.

In India, now it is state governments that are driving the growth. So federalism can provide the answers and is already doing that.

btw, can you name those examples and I am sure I can explain that away:D

Well, I gave you one example. We wish BD well but the issue is not explaining away but understanding the complexities involved rather than looking at it simplistically.

There is no getting away from the hard work of building fair institutions and an enabling environment.
Little opium addict Q hairstyle, PPP is used by the world wide agencies like IMF and world bank as it measures the GDP more accurately when comparing countries with widely different cost of living.

Like a primitive unthinking zombi, this buffoon keeps on repeating it as a parrot.

Just because the Mongols and Manchus who rules them also colonized other areas beyond the inner wall (even those areas were historically divided in multiple states), he feels China that occupied the same buffer lands belong to it.

But he/she/it has an unnatural obsession with India for some weird reasons and keeps on repeating the same pathetic vomit.

Listen you opium addict once and for all, this is a decision for Indians and they have decided.

Go back to the stinky hole you crawled out of and again wield your Q hairstyle while remaining high on opium.

And you regard the CCP scraping you in the womb itself as a great foundation for your country?

Just because you happened to be not first in the line!

if all you can do is make personal attacks against me because you are against China, than I feel sad for you. I'm not even from China and you have trouble digest that other people such as me want to share truth with you about your country. The fact is that India will forever be stuck in the current state unless something drastic changes such as India revert back to the political borders before British conquest.
Götterdämmerung;4884244 said:
Japan was never a real democracy. Japan has practically been ruled by the LDP ever after WWII. SKorea became a democracy after the 1980s, before that it was a military dictatorship.

You forgot to add ROC(become a democracy in early 1990's, Singapore(never), HK(never) to the list.

So that begs the question. What changed?

Same goes for North Korea and South Korea, East and West Germany.

There are several examples that prove that it is the systems, institutions and an enabling environment that create the conditions for growth.

You might want to look again, all the success stories of Asian countries(Japan, South Korea, Singapore, ROC, HK) all happened under authoritirian type of government, and most of those stories ended when they became democracies.
I'm not even from China ...

Good for you .. if this is true.

But have been able to absorb american values ?

And I see, you show no desire for self-introspection .. the way you are evading the fact that you always have have a difficulty comprehending what India is ... It's not that India or the world changes just that you have a problem .. it only stops your learning until you accept that you may be restricted in certain abilities due to sheer luck or a divine hand.

As I said before, acceptance of the limitations of your abilities will help you enjoy what God did give you ... people can be happy and live fully, even those who are blind by birth.

Being blind by birth isn't a crime ... but being hackneyed that all the world is Black just because you are blind, is utter stupidity .. and also a crime against yourself.

May Jesus bless you .. amen !
You forgot to add ROC(become a democracy in early 1990's, Singapore(never), HK(never) to the list.

You might want to look again, all the success stories of Asian countries(Japan, South Korea, Singapore, ROC, HK) all happened under authoritirian type of government, and most of those stories ended when they became democracies.

No thanks, we'll live with our bumbling efforts to make democracy work.
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