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India's Economic Recovery In Sight : Moody's

The gap is widening on daily basis: we achieved a 7.8% growth for Q3 2013.

india needs an uprising to change it fate.

there shouldn't be a nation called india in the first place.

also how is life in your dirty backward loser nation called UK?

To Indians here who live off inheritance, jobs are not important. They just want to be able to brag.

The problem with India is that its a british created nation. Not a real nation. As a result, it has all the problems like an African nation, which also has its boundaries drawn by European powers instead of natural tribal boundaries.

Again, high on opium zombies with leaking stinky gallbladder, out to wipe out their centuries of humiliation.

All the while furiously wiping the glass screens with n-Hexane in a crowded sweatshop.

Not sure why this zombi fil.th has to obsess so much with us, rather than continue running after the four pests, banging their pots and pans! :crazy:

African tribes are ore advanced than that. They have killed less in famine than this regime that scrapes them out in the womb, rolls tanks over them, has the maximum internal security budget in the world to keep them under the thumb...

This bunch of ******** may have whatever pretensions, they are behind Tonga and Botswana even now, both in per capita income and in HDI.

Just bugger off...
Why would the ultra poor care about voting when they don't know if they are going to have food for the night. Its only the middle class literate mass that care about politics. The illiterate poor do not care about politics.

Quite the contrary. If the middle class had its way it would elect the BJP everytime. Many middle class people do not even bother to vote because they know their vote does not make a big difference. The ultra poor often vote on planks of caste, religion, gifts, promises of basic necessities etc.

Vajpayee pushed Economy from 5% to 8.2% with 24 party government. Namo has the capability to push it above 10%.

I hope you are right. I doubt it but if it happens, it will be great for us.
And yet, for a population of 1+ billion people, even a sustained double-digit growth rate for three continuous decades was not enough.

Not even close.

The only consolation is that we are doing quite well in terms of social indicators, such as life expectancy, maternal mortality ratio, etc.

you Need to get this in you head that with this Democratic Setup We cannot Achieve Growth Like China
Even with Modi i think 9-10% will be a lot & Democracy is The solid Foundation which has Kept this country together
If that collapses then the Country will itself collapse
Moody's is wrong so many times, who cares about Moody's anyways ?
A few months back , or just a month or so back they were really bearish about the whole country and Indian markets , I can't take the brokerages or Rating agencies seriously ,Tough their saying have some weight but not exactly too much , Either way , fitch and S&P matters more .
About economy , Inflation is still rising up MoM (month on month) , PMI's have been below 50 for 3-4 months straight running . A reading below 50 indicates contraction . So , both services and Manufacturing is actually contracting for the past few months .
Moreover , Even IIP is very very dismal , IIP= industrial production , it is either flat or negative growth .
And inflation is still stubborn . The only silver lining was a healthier CAD but that is a small part . All in all, there is nothing to indicate than recovery is coming till now , Some good reforms have been passed but some bad ones have also been passed , Eg The land acquisition bill and The food security bill . The only reason everyone is relaxed is because taper is delayed , and it will come back ,.
Instead of passing reforms , instead of clearing permits and starting infra projects , instead of getting investment cycle up , What is are government doing ? IT IS DIGGING FOR 1,000 TONNES OF GOLD that may be a complete hoax. Seriously , do something better . And why they are so focused on trying to find gold now ? Cause they are clearly out of cash , how will Sonia fund her Food security bill without cash ? The Fiscal stand at 5% + of GDP and clearly our government keeps taking loans to fund it ... and Moody's is saying things are recovering ... if yes, well, How ???

you Need to get this in you head that with this Democratic Setup We cannot Achieve Growth Like China
Even with Modi i think 9-10% will be a lot & Democracy is The solid Foundation which has Kept this country together
If that collapses then the Country will itself collapse

Do you know Japan achieved 10% + growth in 1960s to mid 1970s ,even Korea did that in late 1970s , to 1980s , It is possible to achieve double digit growth even in Democracy , Its much harder if you have a coalition to pass reforms , but IF BJP comes in Majority , Then we are talking :)
you Need to get this in you head that with this Democratic Setup We cannot Achieve Growth Like China
Even with Modi i think 9-10% will be a lot & Democracy is The solid Foundation which has Kept this country together
If that collapses then the Country will itself collapse

There is nothing wrong with Democracy.

There are plenty of Democracies in the world with powerful and efficient economies.

In fact, out of the top 5 largest economies, all are Democracies except China.

So we are the ones with a political disadvantage, not you.
There is nothing wrong with Democracy.

There are plenty of Democracies in the world with powerful and efficient economies.

In fact, out of the top 5 largest economies, all are Democracies except China.

So we are the ones with a political disadvantage, not you.

I hope you Are true
I am not very Optimistic about this countrys economy,Hope when & if Modi comes to power he can change this
& also Make China & India Friendly.
India has done decently well over more than 25 years now.

Of course, China has done even better and all credit to them.

There is a small blip now but nothing that can't be dealt with. In fact, the worst may already be over and even that worst is far better than many other emerging economies.

There is no reason for any gloom. There are in fact lots of opportunities for this generation that the previous generations didn't have.

The last 2 decades have changed India for the better. The next two will be even better.

The world is a better place today because a lot of extremely poor people have come out of gut wrenching extreme poverty. Of course, we see some of them here acting obnoxious but that doesn't matter.

The more people everywhere have better opportunities in life, the better it is for the world.

And it is extremely important for India to keep growing fast to achieve this goal.
Moody's, just like S&P, is a prostitute, a political tool. India should have lost its investment grade becoming junk many years ago.

Any of Moody's rating change is usually initiated by suggestions of lower ranking analysts based on economic fundamantals in internal meetings, no problems there. However, the final decision will be made by central rating committee higher up before going public - these are senior ranked SVPs and directors who are closely linked to Wall Street brokerages, banks, FED, and eventually US politicians. Moody's European and Asia HQs will report all its suggestions to its US HQ for decisions.

Moody's and other US-based rating agencies are NOT indepedent as they advertise to be, but political tools for the US to goven the world economy. Depending on int'l geopolitical needs at a time and requirements of major US brokarges & banks(their portfolio long/short holdings & expectations), Moody's prostitutes itself to their desire in exchange for a fee.

All US rating agencies make their living by receiving fees from financial institutions & firms, so essentially clients pay up services and prostitutes perform acts. India's banks & politicians must have lobbied with lofty private fees & geopolitical gifts to Moody's and Washington respectively.
There was never a rescission. This kind of temporary slow down are just small correction nothing else.
So now opium addicts are going to be the new economic experts. ;)

Well there have been stranger things!
It works in this way:

Do you think Indian Shining is, or no, should be was, boosted by India? THink again.

IT's patially true: 2 of the major "civilian" propaganda machines of India Shining were Fortune and Time magazine - both heavily sponsored by Indian funds. For many years most Indian Shining stories in global mainstream media were sourced and reprinited from from these 2 origins.

However the much bigger Economical Propagaters of India Shining were/are Wall Street & City brokerages and mutual funds (e.g. Morgan Stanley, GS, ML, Citi group, HSBC, and thier lackies and prostitutes such as big 4 consulting firms , rating agencies and Bloomberg.) By doing so they have earned fat fees from US and European retail clients buying into all sort of india-specific investment vehicles, bullcrap or not they didn't/don't know (for 81 IQers) and for those who know they didn't/don't care.

When India's economy was stripped to the last round of rupees, for this season, the naked emporer is there for all to see. So the crappy storyline could not and can not be sustained anymore by Fortune-Time-MorganStanley-Goldman-Citi-Pricewaterhouse-Moody's-S&P-bloomberg & Co., wall street money went out, rupee collapse...

...then wall street bought at the bottom to compensate their clients earnings, and now we see this propaganda machine back to action to boost India's image wanting the price to go up again because they are long now... the circus of "India Shining" restarts.
And the opium filled zombi continues running after the four pests.

After all hundreds of millions running after a bird, banging the pots and pans is the best example of a high IQ society. ;)

Never mind that finally it may not have produced the results the high IQ zombies were led to believe!
There is nothing wrong with Democracy.

There are plenty of Democracies in the world with powerful and efficient economies.

In fact, out of the top 5 largest economies, all are Democracies except China.

So we are the ones with a political disadvantage, not you.

Let us look at the top 5 economic powers in the world

United States Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks English
China Non-Democracy but one dominant ethnic group that speaks Chinese
Japan Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks Japanese
Germany Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks German
France Democracy and one dominant ethnic group that speaks French

While India is a democracy and no dominant ethnic group, and the country has more than a dozen major languages.

The common theme of economic success seems to be having a dominant ethnic group that can impose it's will on the whole country.
Do you know Japan achieved 10% + growth in 1960s to mid 1970s ,even Korea did that in late 1970s , to 1980s , It is possible to achieve double digit growth even in Democracy , Its much harder if you have a coalition to pass reforms , but IF BJP comes in Majority , Then we are talking :)

There are a couple of big differences between Japan/Korea and India:

1. They are states with a single dominant ethnic group, unlike India where the government always needs to balance between the different ethnicities.

2. The US WANTED the two countries to develop into advanced economies for their own geopolitical reasons.
US would never want India to become industrialised as then India would be more powerful than US!
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