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India’s covert nuke plant to ‘assert regional leadership’

India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.

As it is Americans are after your nuclear weapons...detailed plans are there to capture and neutralize your weapons.

You can not get a nuclear deal to save your lives because of your past proliferation record.

Have managed to box yourself b/w a nuclear neighbor and another(that too not a very friendly neighbor) on the cusp of becoming one, by clandestine supply nuclear centrifuges to Iran.

Why would you want to drive the final nail in your proverbial coffin and force the world to disarm you.
Great, More Muslim nuclear powers - Do nuclearize your former Muslim masters ;)

@VCheng l Having Bangladesh host nukes along the same lines the NATO does would encircle India in a radioactive cage. We should also have a contingency to have similar agreements with other Muslim states like Maldives which are in a close proximity to India.

That is if India doesn't quit its little hegemon aspirations. We will not allow India especially the one ruled by fanatic hindutvas to project power at wil. Diversifying the nuclear axis will fix their delusions, just like what US did through E.European countries.

Sorry Sir,we already are in a stage that noone cant counter us.Former PM Manmohan Singh gave a signal to other nations that we are weak eve if we are.strong.So World must change that attitude.That is why we elect Narendra Modi as our PM.By inviting SAARC we already sent a signal to this world that we are still infuential in this world.
India cannot have regional 'hegemony' since its encircled by two nuclear armed enemies which are allied to each other.

India can build as many nukes as it wants, it no longer makes a difference. If they piss us off a bit too much, we'll arm Bangladesh with nukes.
Of course. Take pride in nuclear proliferation, what else can one expect from compatriots of AQ Khan?
I agree with your rather sensible approach. Recent negotiations between Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi govts have concluded. Their offers of ports to the Chinese also have a military dimension. What i stated above will become a sutble reality when Chinese SSBNs start patrolling from China to Pakistan while paying port calls in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Both countries will have a nuclear arc to protect them from Indian hegemony and bullies. An 'assertive' India at this stage is playing in the hands of SinoPak camp.

We need Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to break with India. Its naturally happening due to India already acting like a 'superpower' when it actually isn't one, nor will it ever be.
are you awake sir??? why don't you get into natural world... Once USA used your country for their war.... you guys still bleeding from that wounds ... they offered some biscuits along with hardware and soft loans .... In return used your blood.... now Russia stepped in to take on Afghan. .. first clean the mess in your country... We don't need lot countries to tear Pakistan. . stop ranting being admin.
I agree with your rather sensible approach. Recent negotiations between Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi govts have concluded. Their offers of ports to the Chinese also have a military dimension. What i stated above will become a sutble reality when Chinese SSBNs start patrolling from China to Pakistan while paying port calls in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Both countries will have a nuclear arc to protect them from Indian hegemony and bullies. An 'assertive' India at this stage is playing in the hands of SinoPak camp.

We need Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to break with India. Its naturally happening due to India already acting like a 'superpower' when it actually isn't one, nor will it ever be.
1st save ur a$$ from ur dady TTP then think about INDIA hegemoney by the way our main conserm is china .pakistan is nothing but their pet dog.:azn: we already broke pak in 71 :butcher:
Great, More Muslim nuclear powers - Do nuclearize your former Muslim masters ;)

@VCheng l Having Bangladesh host nukes along the same lines the NATO does would encircle India in a radioactive cage. We should also have a contingency to have similar agreements with other Muslim states like Maldives which are in a close proximity to India.

That is if India doesn't quit its little hegemon aspirations. We will not allow India especially the one ruled by fanatic hindutvas to project power at wil. Diversifying the nuclear axis will fix their delusions, just like what US did through E.European countries.

lol Maldives will sink due to Gobal warming , and most , Shia muslims will nuke sunni muslims ,..... oh bad your dreams cannot come true..........

BTW , PAK cannot make missile and nuke by self how can you supply.....moreover india will have ABM system which make nukes exposed in host country itself....
lol...and u are the administrator of defence.pk. :confused:

so, this type of trolling is allowed for admins but not for members..
i can answer u in the same manner and can make u realize who were really the slave of those barbaric invaders..but then u will show ur magical powers...
bacuse of those magical power he surived
in real life scenario with that kind of attitude and biasness peole kick.... out ..
but still
magical power save the troble ..
still i remmber his letter from kashmir student saga .. epic failure ...
allah bless him
I am pretty sure Pakistan alone covers much of India by its nuclear deterrence already (as does China). Diversification is good, but in this case, probably not needed because of the potential for other complications.
India will deploy ABM system soon, will see when launched nukes will explode in host country on taking off......
for China , India has Russia and now US ;) you worry about PAK, source from china on missile and nuke is already dried up.
Unlike pakistan, We dont need anybody to defend us. This is not 60's or 70's India. We are fully capable to deal with all existing threats. :)
for eyes and brains...
US dismisses report on India covertly increasing nukes - The Hindu
In a report on Thursday the IHS Jane’s defence and security intelligence experts claimed that they have identified a possible new uranium hexafluoride plant at the Indian Rare Metals Plant (IRMP) near Mysore.
I guess this clears the doubt, time to close this thread and put an end to trolling by some heavy weights .

PS. you are such a buzzkill ... hence you are always in pursuit of happiness. :sick:
yaar...i rarely use any harsh word for anyone....but being a important management person of this site...he must have neutral view ...but its shocking its him doing the trolling like a newbie...
he seems emotional guy..
seems to good with other subject
when india comes.. he comes like gladiator..
we all are like that with degree variance
better be.. life is not fair..to all

I guess this clears the doubt, time to close this thread and put an end to trolling by some heavy weights .

PS. you are such a buzzkill ... hence you are always in pursuit of happiness. :sick:
Great, More Muslim nuclear powers - Do nuclearize your former Muslim masters ;)

@VCheng l Having Bangladesh host nukes along the same lines the NATO does would encircle India in a radioactive cage. We should also have a contingency to have similar agreements with other Muslim states like Maldives which are in a close proximity to India.

That is if India doesn't quit its little hegemon aspirations. We will not allow India especially the one ruled by fanatic hindutvas to project power at wil. Diversifying the nuclear axis will fix their delusions, just like what US did through E.European countries.

More Muslim nuclear power means more menace to Muslim countries.. The way things are going, the enemies of Muslim countries are Muslim countries itself.. Try giving nuclear weapons to them. Most of your posts are just look like rants of a teenage guy.. Diversifying nuclear axis, giving Bangladesh and Maldives nukes?? What world are you living in?? Maldives does not even own a potent fighter aircraft or a destroyer and you are going to give them nuke :haha: And if you are going to encircle India in a nuclear cage like what NATO did to USSR, just think about the economic consequences.. Also not to forget that what left of your image will also go into gutter.. Anyway you can dream all you want.. In reality nothing of this sort is going to happen..
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I agree with your rather sensible approach. Recent negotiations between Sri Lankan and Bangladeshi govts have concluded. Their offers of ports to the Chinese also have a military dimension. What i stated above will become a sutble reality when Chinese SSBNs start patrolling from China to Pakistan while paying port calls in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Both countries will have a nuclear arc to protect them from Indian hegemony and bullies. An 'assertive' India at this stage is playing in the hands of SinoPak camp.

We need Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to break with India. Its naturally happening due to India already acting like a 'superpower' when it actually isn't one, nor will it ever be.

China can play but they know how to avoid the wrath of India.They cant push us more and they know that will
quite dangerous for themselves.
Actually we Indians were also thought like that we have less influence in this region.But when SAARC warmly received our invitation letter during our PM ceremoney we changed our opnion.we can handle this region
Others can like it or not but noone in this world cant contain our growth and our power.We already emerged
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